Geoff Gollop, Conservative Councillor for Westbury on Trym, joins Tony and Martin. Also Joe Banks, Journalist, joins Tony and Martin. – Local Councils don’t have enough money to pay for social care. UK economy plateaus. UK inflation. Bristol Budget – Council in deficit, but not bankrupt. Clean Air Zone. – Consultation over Council Tax Reduction Scheme for those on low wages. Bristol Council struggling to get Council Tax – Bristol Cable. Bristol highest rent outside London. – How the Council changed under the Mayoral system. NHS and social care funding. Bristol Energy £30m to £40m loss. Bristol Beacon £60m to £80m over spend – Bristol mayor warns councils could end up providing only social care and children’s services Bristol City Council is facing a £32 million funding black hole over the next few years – Conservative Cllr Geoff Gollop said: “This situation is far too serious for cheap point-scoring. We know that £5 million of CAZ income is being used to pay this year’s transport levy – Palestine Action Blockade of Elbit’s Bristol HQ Continues Overnight! Palestine Action’s blockade of the only access to Elbit’s weapons headquarters in Bristol – No fault evictions soar by 40% in a year. King’s Speech – anti Semitism. People removed from politics due to ‘anti Semitism’. Freedom of speech. Bristol media. The Bristolian – Heiko Khoo on Palestinian March on Armistice Day. Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park is found close to the site of Tyburn gallows, where public hangings took place between 1196 and 1783 – Gerald Kaufman, Labour, a few years ago – as a Jew how he sees the way Israel treats Palestinians. – King’s Speech – pro Ukraine and pro Israel. Heiko Khoo – dystopian AI, Speakers Corner, Karl Marx walks. – David Davis on King’s Speech – police don’t need search warrant – Senior Tories criticise plans to let police search properties without a warrant Conservative former cabinet minister Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg warned – The Hannibal Directive: What Really Happened on October 7? – Gaza bombardment. BBC PM – Israeli? – how Israel was supposedly caught by surprise. Jewish witnesses to October 7th Hamas attack – Within hours of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood commencing, King Charles viciously condemned Hamas, saying that he was “profoundly distressed” and “appalled” by the “horrors inflicted” by the group – Peter Oborne, Middle East Eye – Sunak wants to broaden definition of extremism. Israel-Palestine war: Sunak and his ministers are the true extremists Peter Oborne – Striking Gaza with nuclear bomb is on the table – Israel-Palestine war: Israeli minister says nuking Gaza ‘an option’ Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu has since been suspended – The Nuclear Armed Doomsday Cult Delivers A Very British Genocide in Gaza – – Al Jazeera – Netanyahu’s plans for future of Gaza. Gaza gasfield. Netanyahu says Israel will control Gaza for ‘indefinite period’ after Hamas attacks – True People of Palestine: Shawwa family in Gaza in 1980s. Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh, a Christian in Bethlehem, on what the situation is like out there. – Evan Davis interviews Eyal Hulata – aim to kill all Hamas? CNN – US gets Israel to pause hostilities for 4 hours a day “Hostages In Areas That Hamas Knows We’ll Bomb” – LEAKED US/Israeli MILITARY AUDIO – General Petraeus – advising Israel how to defeat Hamas – genuine? General Petraeus meeting with Zionists audio file disclosed – Mehr News Agency has obtained a highly confidential audio file from the meeting of David Petraeus, the retired general of the US Army, with the American and Zionist elites over the Gaza war – Jeremy Bowen in Gaza with Israeli army. Evan Davis, interviews Israeli NSC maniac Ayel Hulata – what went wrong? 50+ Journalists killed in Gaza. We walked into a wasteland’ – Michael Svard, Jewish Lawyer on Peston – crackdown on dissenting views in Israel. These are terrible, terrible days, actually quite a nightmare that we’re living through – Mark Locock, former head of UN Humanitarian Aid, on Peston – 60 UN aid workers killed in Gaza. Gutterres speech. – Our Land? The Genetic Flaws Of Zion – investigative journalist Johnny Vedmore, Unlimited Hangout – genetics of Palestinians and Jews the same In the second NEWSTHEORY – Middle East Eye – Israel increases attacks on Gaza hospitals. Scott Ritter – Zionist lobby. Al Jazeera – Hamas not hiding under hospitals report – – Jana Ben Nunn, True News – Zoharic doctrines followed by far right Jews in Israel. Christianity Vs. Evangelical Zioni – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
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Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
Geoff Gollop, Conservative Councillor for Westbury on Trym, joins Tony and Martin. Also Joe Banks, Journalist, joins Tony and Martin. Local Councils don’t have enough money to pay for social care. UK economy plateaus. UK inflation. Bristol Budget – Council in deficit, but not bankrupt. Clean Air Zone. Consultation over Council Tax Reduction Scheme for those on low wages. Bristol Council struggling to get Council Tax – Bristol Cable. Bristol highest rent outside London. How the Council changed under the Mayoral system. NHS and social care funding. Bristol Energy £30m to £40m loss. Bristol Beacon £60m to £80m over spend. Councillors couldn’t scrutiny. Bristol Arena. London Ulez over spend – Telegraph – Bristol mayor warns councils could end up providing only social care and children’s services Bristol City Council is facing a £32 million funding black hole over the next few years We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you’ve consented to and improve our understanding of you. This may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. More info The mayor of Bristol Marvin Rees has warned that councils could end up providing only social care and children’s services due to prolonged funding cuts. Since 2010 councils in England have received less money from the government while also facing rising demand for services. Bristol City Council faces a funding gap over the next five years of about £32 million, with a worst case of £81 million, according to the latest medium-term financial plan. This looks at how the council will struggle to balance its budget from this year until 2029. The council runs a wide range of services from bins to parks, libraries and housing for homeless people. The funding gap looks at how much money the council is expected to receive from council tax and government grants, compared to how much it needs to spend. Mr Rees said examples like Birmingham City Council, which recently effectively declared bankruptcy, showed that local authorities might eventually only be able to afford to provide social care and children’s services, during a full council meeting on Tuesday, October 31. He said: “We cannot come through 13 years of austerity without it having an impact on people’s lives. We’ve faced a perfect storm of increasing demand, the cost of living crisis and the global pandemic. At the same time we’ve had increasing costs of providing services to meet those demands. “It’s also been difficult to recruit a workforce, as a result of Brexit but also because of the housing crisis, with the unaffordability of life within Bristol. The scale of challenge facing local authorities financially is clearly illustrated by places like Wokingham and Birmingham. Local authorities could end up as places that simply provide adult social care and some children’s services, with no capacity to do anything else.” Green councillor Patrick McAllister added: “We still face a £20 million budget gap next year, rising to nearly £32 million by [2029]. Barring intervention from central government, the day will soon come where Bristol City Council is no longer able to meet its statutory service levels. “The primary cause of this is 13 cruel years of austerity from Westminster, starving public services of funding. This has been worsened by financial mismanagement at Bristol City Council. The human cost is obvious but dig a little deeper and the false economics of austerity are clear.” Tory councillors said they could not vote to approve the medium term financial plan, due to lingering questions about exactly how much money is raised from the Clean Air Zone. This year £5 million of income from drivers will go towards subsidising bus routes. Conservative Cllr Geoff Gollop said: “This situation is far too serious for cheap point-scoring. We know that £5 million of CAZ income is being used to pay this year’s transport levy. But we have no indication of how much income it will raise this year, let alone the next financial year. It seems inappropriate to have an MTFP that doesn’t quantify this income.”
Palestine Action Blockade of Elbit’s Bristol HQ Continues Overnight! Palestine Action’s blockade of the only access to Elbit’s weapons headquarters in Bristol is continuing overnight. We’re calling on all media to cover the ongoing action at the premises. The address is: Elbit Systems, 30 Hempton Lane, Bristol, BS32 4AR Dozens are supporting activists who’ve attached themselves to each other and blocked the private road in Aztec West which leads to the premises, disrupting the site’s operation by preventing access. Elbit Systems supplies 85% of Israel’s drone fleet, and 85% of its land-based military equipment, and are vital in the state terror inflicted on Palestine. These actions happen at a time when Israel is mounting a campaign of genocide and ethnic cleansing, bombarding Gaza and killing over 8,306 people, 40% of whom are children. Last week, the Israeli Air Force announced its first use of Elbit’s ‘Iron Sting‘ mortar bomb on Gaza, a weapon which can penetrate double reinforced concrete from a range of 12 kilometers. Medical teams in Gaza have reported seeing unusually severe burns on the bodies of Palestinians who have been killed or wounded by Israeli strikes, and have related these injuries to new weapons used by the Israeli military. Elbit Systems operates across the UK. The Bristol location, which is leased from Sedgemore District Council, is Elbit’s main operational facility. This action therefore hits at the heart of Elbit’s strategic centre, to cause obstruction to business as usual. Previously, activists from Palestine Action smashed into the side and occupied the inside in May 2022, to mark 74 years since the Nakba (The Catastrophe) began. If you would like any further information on Palestine action, please Palestine Action is a direct-action network of groups and individuals formed with the mandate of taking action against the sites of Elbit Systems and other companies complicit in Israeli apartheid, calling for all such sites to be shut down.
No fault evictions soar by 40% in a year. King’s Speech – anti Semitism. People removed from politics due to ‘anti Semitism’. Freedom of speech. Bristol media. Heiko Khoo on Palestinian March on Armistice Day. Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park is found close to the site of Tyburn gallows, where public hangings took place between 1196 and 1783. Legend has it the origins of Speakers’ Corner lie in the tradition of granting last words to those condemned to die. 80 years after the last hanging took place at Tyburn, demonstrators agitated for the right to meet freely in the park. In 1866 police, 12,000 special constables, and military reinforcements attacked a banned meeting of the Reform League, who demanded the vote for men. Finding the park locked, demonstrators tore up hundreds of yards of railings to gain access, and three days of rioting followed. The next year, when a crowd of 150,000 defied another government ban, police and troops did not dare intervene. Spencer Walpole, the Home Secretary, resigned the next day. Finally, the 1872 Parks Regulation Act established the right to meet and speak freely in Hyde Park. By the 1930s “soapbox” orators were to be found in marketplaces, street corners and parks across the country. Of the estimated 100 speaking places established in London between 1855 and 1939, Speakers’ Corner is the last to survive, perhaps because its location in Hyde Park is so central and has always been a focal point for protest.

Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8) | Aanirfan | Manna for the Revelation Generation: CONSPIRACY CLASSICS, longer interviews/lectures
Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Accelerationism Round-Up, With End Times Prophecy Reports
The Hannibal Directive: What Really Happened on October 7? – Gaza bombardment. BBC PM – Israeli? – how Israel was supposedly caught by surprise. Jewish witnesses to October 7th Hamas attack – told to follow a script, but didn’t agree to. Did the senior IDF officers Let It Happen On Purpose (LIHOP)? The Hannibal Directive on Mint Press News We were told Hamas killed 1400 Israelis on October 7, that they carried out rapes and torture of civilians en masse and, of course, that they beheaded babies. These claims are being used to justify Israel’s bombardment of Gaza – the world’s largest open-air prison. Israel’s bombing of the strip, where over 50% of the population are children, has cost the lives of more than 5,000 people and left more than one million homeless. Recent events surrounding the Gaza conflict have prompted questions about the accuracy of reported actions attributed to Hamas and Israel’s military response. A closer examination reveals a complex and, at times, conflicting narrative. On October 7, initial reports suggested that Hamas had killed 1,400 Israelis, conducted mass rapes and torture, and even beheaded babies. These claims were cited as justification for Israel’s deadly bombardment of Gaza. However, skepticism has emerged about the accuracy of these claims, as details remain unclear. The mainstream corporate media has largely adopted the narrative of the Israeli government, placing the blame squarely on Hamas. Nonetheless, emerging evidence from within the Israeli military and media has challenged that narrative. One critical point of contention is the official list of Israeli casualties. Israel released a list of its dead on October 23, revealing that over 48% of those listed were soldiers or armed police on active duty, not civilians. Additionally, it has become evident that members of armed settler militias were also among the casualties. Survivor testimonies, such as that of Yasmin Porat, suggest that Hamas captured civilians as bargaining chips to end the illegal siege on Gaza and secure the release of some of the 5,300 Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli prisons, many of whom are women and children. Porat noted that Hamas treated her and others humanely, with an expressed intention to transport them to Gaza. “They were very humane towards us,” she said in an interview on Israeli state radio. She also added that one Hamas fighter told her, ‘We’re not going to kill you. We want to take you to Gaza.’ Once released, Porat also claimed that the Israeli government gave her a specific script of talking points that she refused to go along with. The situation escalated when Israeli police and military arrived and initiated heavy gunfire and even tank shell attacks. Several Israeli testimonies now claim that they were fired upon by Israeli military and police rather than Hamas. This approach appears consistent with the “Hannibal Directive,” an Israeli military policy dating back to 1986 that prioritizes preventing the capture of Israelis by enemy forces, even at the cost of their lives. This directive implies that Israelis might be killed rather than allowed to fall into the hands of Hamas. The Hannibal Directive was certainly used on October 7, when Hamas overran an Israeli military base at the Erez Crossing. Brigadier General Avi Rosenfeld, the commander of the base, called in an airstrike on his own position, even as he and countless others were stationed there and still fighting Hamas. This was reported by Amos Harel in the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz. During the events of October 7, Hamas fighters managed to escape their Gaza prison using paragliders to reach Israeli military bases. They did kill and take Israelis captive. However, questions linger as video footage reveals Israeli police standing beside a truck and firing at approaching Palestinian fighters, raising doubts about the initial assumption that Hamas was attacking civilians at a festival.
Within hours of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood commencing, King Charles viciously condemned Hamas, saying that he was “profoundly distressed” and “appalled” by the “horrors inflicted” by the group and its “barbaric acts of terrorism.” Hamas is not recognized as a terrorist entity by the majority of countries, and even the BBC – King Charles supports Israel. The Mask Has Fallen: King Charles Supports Israel ‘Problem Palestinians’’ One of the most extraordinary – yet unremarked upon – developments since Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza began has been the British monarchy’s brazen jettisoning of any pretence of “political neutrality.” Queen Elizabeth II, publicly at least, rigidly refrained from commenting on current affairs or giving the vaguest appearance of taking a particular “side” on any issue throughout her 70-year reign. However, her recently coronated heir has comprehensively consigned that convention to ashes. Within hours of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood commencing, King Charles viciously condemned Hamas, saying that he was “profoundly distressed” and “appalled” by the “horrors inflicted” by the group and its “barbaric acts of terrorism.” Hamas is not recognized as a terrorist entity by the majority of countries, and even the BBC – which has relentlessly manufactured consent for genocide in Gaza since the violence erupted – rejects the use of that loaded, politicized designation. During his lengthy spell as Prince of Wales, Charles was an inveterate meddler in the British government’s domestic and foreign policy in ways that were often far from discrete. Yet, he has remained largely silent since quietly becoming King in September 2022, then being formally crowned in May this year. His public statements are, therefore, highly significant and, what’s more, seemingly represent just the tip of a much larger intervention. The Daily Telegraph has reported that behind the scenes, King Charles is “pushing for peace in the Middle East” using “soft power.” If so, these efforts have so far failed miserably. Israel’s murderous rampage in Gaza has only ratcheted in brutality since it commenced, the death toll rising by hundreds daily as civilian infrastructure is flattened by an inexorable aerial onslaught. Meanwhile, the threat of a full-blown ground invasion ever looms. As such, it is only reasonable to ask whether Charles’ vision of “peace” in Gaza is, in fact, Palestine completely purged of Palestinians and if he has in any way encouraged the occupation government of Benjamin Netanyahu in its new attempt to recreate the Nakba. As we shall see, the King fully supports Zionism and the ideology’s genocidal objectives, and Britain’s military, intelligence agencies, and government dependably act upon his orders and according to his wishes. Queen Elizabeth II never visited Israel. It was widely speculated that she was advised against doing so by the Foreign Office for fear of Arab boycotts of British goods and oil embargoes, which had crippled the country’s economy in late 1973. Yet, it has been suggested in some quarters that she privately harbored sympathy for the Palestinians and abhorred Zionist violence toward Arabs. Come January 2020, with her health rapidly declining, Charles took on her official foreign visit responsibilities as de facto British head of state, and among his first ports of call was Israel. It wasn’t the first time he’d traveled to the country. Previously, he privately attended the funerals of former Israeli leaders Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres. His presence on both occasions was a closely guarded secret. While on the trip, Charles declared it was his “dearest wish that the future will bring freedom, justice and equality to all Palestinians.” Yet, the details of his prior visits suggest this statement was not sincere. In 2016, while attending the funeral of Peres, he also visited the graves of his grandmother, Princess Alice, and her aunt, Grand Duchess Elisabeth, in a small Christian cemetery on Jerusalem’s Mount of Olives, near the world’s largest Jewish cemetery. Both were Christian Zionists, and their desire to be buried on the Mount reflects its significance to the movement. Despite lying in a part of the city claimed by Arabs as East Jerusalem, which is recognized by several countries as Palestine’s capital, it is considered to be among the holiest Jewish sites in the world and cited by Zionists as key proof that the territory comprising Israel as described in the Bible is the exclusive homeland of Jews. The Jerusalem Post approvingly dubbed Charles’ Christian Zionist sympathies and familial connection to the Mount “a problem for Palestinians,” arguing the King has a clear conception of “who the city and the country belong to” as a result. Meanwhile, the Times of Israel has hailed him as “a friend” to Jewry “with special and historic ties to Israel.”……
Peter Oborne, Middle East Eye – Sunak wants to broaden definition of extremism. Israel-Palestine war: Sunak and his ministers are the true extremists Peter Oborne The Sunak government intends to broaden the definition of extremism to include law-abiding organisation like the Muslim Council of Britain and Mend This weekend, we learnt that, in the wake of Israel’s war on Gaza, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s government intends to broaden the definition of extremism to include anyone who “undermines” British institutions and values. The government is contemplating a new “cohesion and counter-extremism plan” which will “frame a new, unified response to extremism”. The document, which is being prepared by Michael Gove’s Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, defines extremism as “the promotion or advancement of any ideology which aims to overturn or undermine the UK’s system of parliamentary democracy, its institutions and values”. The Muslim Council of Britain, Muslim Engagement and Development (Mend) and Palestine Action are among the organisations targeted on the basis that they would be “captured” by the new definition of extremism. There is a terrible irony here. By this definition, the Sunak government itself should be designated. It is the most extremist government in modern British history. No government has ever waged war on British institutions with the sinister determination of the Tories. There is no British institution and no British value which the consecutive Tory governments have not undermined and attacked. These institutions include the National Health Service, the rule of law, the monarchy, the BBC and the civil service.
Striking Gaza with nuclear bomb is on the table – Israel-Palestine war: Israeli minister says nuking Gaza ‘an option’ Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu has since been suspended indefinitely from government meetings Israel’s Jerusalem Affairs and Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu said on Sunday that dropping a nuclear weapon on the Gaza Strip is “an option”, according to Haaretz. The minister made the comments in a radio interview during which he maintained that “there are no non-combatants in Gaza”, adding that providing humanitarian aid to the Strip would constitute “a failure”. Eliyahu was then asked if, since there are no non-combatants in his view, a nuclear attack on the Gaza Strip is an option. “That’s one way,” he responded. When asked about the fate of Palestinians, he said: “They can go to Ireland or deserts, the monsters in Gaza should find a solution by themselves.” He also said the Gaza Strip has no right to exist, adding that anyone waving a Palestinian or Hamas flag “shouldn’t continue living on the face of the earth”. The remarks were heavily criticised online, with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu later saying they were “detached from reality”. Opposition leader Yair Lapid also lambasted the minister for his comments, stating it was “a horrifying and insane remark by an irresponsible minister”. “He offended the families of the captives, offended Israeli society and harmed our international standing,” he added. After making the comments, the minister took to social media platform X, formerly Twitter, to say that his comments were “metaphorical”. He added: “However, a strong and disproportionate response to terrorism is definitely required, which will clarify to the Nazis and their supporters that terrorism is not worthwhile.” The minister was later suspended from government meetings indefinitely, Israeli media reported, citing a statement by the prime minister’s office. Firing is ‘meaningless’, ministers say However, Israeli government ministers reportedly said that Netanyahu’s suspension of Eliyahu is “meaningless”, Israeli media reported.
Al Jazeera – Netanyahu’s plans for future of Gaza. Gaza gasfield. Netanyahu says Israel will control Gaza for ‘indefinite period’ after Hamas attacks Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel will control security in Gaza for the foreseeable future after the enclave was cleared of Hamas terrorist fighters. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel will have “overall security responsibility” for the Gaza Strip for an “indefinite period” after Hamas is toppled there. The comments come amid questions over the future of Gaza after Israel Defnece Forces soldiers wage pitched battles with Hamas in the strip. Speaking to ABC, Netanyahu said: “I think Israel for an indefinite period will have the overall security responsibility because we’ve seen what happens when we don’t have it. “When we don’t have that security responsibility, what we have is the eruption of Hamas terror on a scale that we couldn’t imagine.” Israeli officials have said they don’t want to occupy Gaza after the war but it’s unclear how Tel Aviv could exert control over the enclave without doing so. Israel has responded to Hamas’s October 7 terror attack with thousands of airstrikes. (Image: GETTY) Joe Biden’s Administration has rejected the idea and has warned that Israel needed to come up with a plan for Gaza’s governance once the war is over. The Palestinian Authority, Palestine’s internationally recognised government, would only take over governing Gaza if a “political solution” is found to the Israel-Palestine conflict, according to PA President Mahmoud Abbas. He met with Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Sunday during a whirlwind tour by America’s top diplomat with stops in Israel, the West Bank, Bagdad and Ankara. The Palestinian news agency Wafa quoted Abbas as saying: “We will fully assume our responsibilities within the framework of a comprehensive political solution that includes all of the [occupied] West Bank, including East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip.”
True People of Palestine: Shawwa family in Gaza in 1980s. Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh, a Christian in Bethlehem, on what the situation is like out there. To write a book of this nature is really not a project that is done in isolation. As a Palestinian American I was first and foremost influenced by my upbringing under Israeli occupation, in my undergraduate studies at Jordan University, among Palestinian refugees in Jordan, and in my 24 years in the United States. I am grateful to those people who have touched my life, whether their intent towards me or others was positive or negative. Thus, I am grateful to the Israeli soldier who threw a tear gas bomb into my class, as I am grateful to the Israeli university employee who kindly apologized to me, a young and naive Palestinian student, for her country’s actions. I am also grateful to the journalists and editors we tried to educate with varying degrees of success. These experiences, good and bad, helped shape my life. I feel privileged to have been alive at this moment in world history and I appreciate the opportunity to learn and grow from interactions with so many people of so many varied persuasions, ethnicity, and religions. I am thus grateful to all those whose paths have crossed mine. More specifically, in the last three years, as the idea for this book crystallized and evolved, I received significant help and encouragement from many people – to name a few key ones: Roman Bystrianyk, Justine McCabe, Salman Abu Sitta, David Kirsh, Bob Hartman, John Hartman, Jess Ghannam, Stanley Heller, and members of the Palestine Right to Return Coalition and the Middle East Crisis Committee. I am also grateful to Pluto Press and in particular Julie Stoll and Roger van Zwanenberg for their efforts. My wife, Jessie, and son, Dany, have given me significant positive influence, work, and encouragement. To those and many others, I am deeply grateful. I take responsibility for any mistakes, whether of omission or commission. Finally, I am grateful to you the reader for reading this book with an open mind. I would consider it a success if it makes some readers want to find out more, and would consider it an even greater success if the book prompts some to work harder for peace in the troubled land of Canaan.
Evan Davis interviews Eyal Hulata – aim to kill all Hamas? CNN – US gets Israel to pause hostilities for 4 hours a day “Hostages In Areas That Hamas Knows We’ll Bomb”: Israel’s Ex Top Adviser Israel’s former National Security Advisor Eyal Hulata also said that Israel has got immense support from India. Mr Hulata said the aim of the Israeli government is to remove Hamas from leadership in Gaza. Hamas’ attack on Israel is the worst attack on Jews since the holocaust and the Palestinian group is deliberately keeping hostages in places where it knows Israel would carry out bombings, the country’s former national security adviser has said. The comment by Eyal Hulata was in response to a statement by Hamas that nine more Israeli hostages have been killed in Gaza in Israeli airstrikes In an exclusive interview with NDTV, Mr Hulata also said that Israel has got immense support from India, which means a lot to them because India is a very important country in the world and “a rising power globally”. “Last Saturday, Hamas carried out the worst terror attacks in the history of Israel. In fact, the amount of casualties, the amount of people slaughtered in their homes, in their beds, this does not resemble anything that Israel has experienced or Jewish people have experienced maybe since the holocaust. Hamas is a terrorist organisation and they have conducted this and done this deliberately,” Mr Hulata said. The former NSA asserted that the aim of the Israeli government is not to retaliate but to remove Hamas from leadership in Gaza so that these things cannot happen again. ‘Human Shields’ Pointing to a Hamas statement that nine more hostages have been killed in Israeli airstrikes, Mr Hulata said that the group had snatched about 150 people, most of them civilians, including babies, the elderly, and people in wheelchairs. “They brought them back to Gaza to put them as human shields where we attack. The Israeli Army does not attack civilians. We give advance warning before we attack so that people know where it’s going to be. When nine Israeli hostages are killed by Hamas, what does that mean? It means Hamas put them where they know that we are attacking, deliberately, so that they can put this message out and try to demoralise the people in Israel. This is sickening and heartbreaking,” he said.
LEAKED US/Israeli MILITARY AUDIO – General Petraeus – advising Israel how to defeat Hamas – genuine? General Petraeus meeting with Zionists audio file disclosed – Mehr News Agency has obtained a highly confidential audio file from the meeting of David Petraeus, the retired general of the US Army, with the American and Zionist elites over the Gaza war. Mehr News Agency has obtained a highly confidential audio file about the Gaza war. In this confidential file, David Petraeus, the retired general of the US Army, presents his suggestions for the victory of the Israeli regime in the war against Gaza in a closed and confidential meeting with the American and Israeli political-military elites. Aviv Kohavi, Former Chief of the General Staff of the Israeli regime, is also present in this secret meeting. Born on November 7, 1952, David Howell Petraeus is a retired United States Army general and public official. He served as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency from September 6, 2011, until November 2012, when he was forced to resign. In 2001 and 2002, he was one of NATO’s senior commanders in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in 2007, he was in charge of the military forces of the United States and its allies in Iraq. The high-ranking American general was also in charge of commanding the US Army in West Asia, East Africa, and Central Asia before heading the CIA. Born on 23 April 1964, Aviv Kohavi was the 22nd chief of general staff of the Israeli regime’s military forces until 23 January 2023. Kohavi started his military activities as a paratrooper in the Paratroopers Brigade and soon gained administrative and military positions in the Zionist regime until finally he was chosen as the commander of this unit. He also served as the commander of the so-called Gaza Division in the Zionist military, commander of the Northern Command, and the regime’s military intelligence director. The Zionist military official played a major role in the suppression of the first and second Intifada, the Zionist regime’s aggression against Lebanon in 1982 and 2006, as well as the regime’s aggression against the Gaza Strip in 2008, 2011, and 2014. An overview of the confidential audio file In this meeting, General Petraeus proposed the failed US strategies in Iraq and Afghanistan as a solution for the people of Gaza. By occupying Afghanistan in 2001, the US promised a better life to the Afghan people but after 20 years, it fled from Afghanistan in total disgrace. “Terror”, “poverty” and “displacement” are the sinister legacy of 20 years of the US occupation of Afghanistan.
Jeremy Bowen in Gaza with Israeli army. Evan Davis, interviews Israeli NSC maniac Ayel Hulata – what went wrong? 50+ Journalists killed in Gaza. We walked into a wasteland’ – BBC’s Jeremy Bowen in Gaza with Israeli forces The BBC’s international editor Jeremy Bowen has travelled with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) into Gaza. While the BBC had editorial control of the report, the section with the IDF has been viewed by them. The IDF showed the BBC what they said was a Hamas weapons factory, below a home in which children lived. Channel 4’s Secunder Kermani also went into Gaza with IDF, and explained: ?Coming here with them is the only way for foreign journalists to get a first hand glimpse of this deadly conflict.” His report focused on the Gaza civilians trying to move to the south of the territory, as on Israel’s instructions.He showed how two Palestinian men were detained for “acting suspiciously”, and filmed how Israeli soldiers called out in Hebrew to the stream of evacuees just in case any Israeli hostages were among the crowds. Kermani then went to the areas of Gaza which have already been “reduced to rubble in an Israeli strike”, and explained “this is the hell they are running from” in the north.
Michael Svard, Jewish Lawyer on Peston – crackdown on dissenting views in Israel. These are terrible, terrible days, actually quite a nightmare that we’re living through, and my heart goes out to the previous interviewees from Gaza. We have experienced a shock. I have to mediate to you the sentiment in the Israeli public, in the Israeli society. The attack on Saturday was a savage attack, targeting civilians, going from one house to another in civilian neighborhoods and killing, murdering women, children and elderly and innocent people, and also, in the scene of the party, killing hundreds of people. And the blood boils. And the blood boils. It’s not just that the blood boils, but also one feels a puncture in the heart, a hole in the stomach. And now the question is: What do you do with that, with this, confronting this inhuman attack? Do you fill the punctured heart and the hole in your belly with cement, with concrete, or do you fill it with the warmth of compassion? And I’m afraid to say that many Israelis are extremely filled with rage and desire for revenge. And I, as a human rights lawyer — and in the last three decades I have been working tirelessly, dedicating my professional career to protect the rights of everyone, and especially Palestinian communities who are under occupation, under a regime of apartheid and under the very cruel blockade in Gaza — the only way that I know is to put a cry to adhere to the norms of international law. And I have to say I want to shout, but I understand that at this time there is very little space for a voice like that. And when I hear the leaders of the state of Israel and the generals, and their rhetoric suggests that things that in the past they denied that the Israeli army is doing in the cycle of attacks on Gaza is now almost probably an official policy — targeting en masse inhabited areas, starving people as a method of warfare. I mean, this is — if what Hamas has done was a blatant war crime — and, I mean, the legal term is “war crime,” but, in fact, it’s a crime against humanity, not in the legal sense, but in the moral sense. It was an attack on everything that is human. To take hostage women with their children, elderly men and women on wheelchairs, this is just incomprehensible. But now my government is waging an attack that seems to be using war crimes to retaliate on war crimes. And this is definitely not what should be done now.
Mark Locock, former head of UN Humanitarian Aid, on Peston – 60 UN aid workers killed in Gaza. Gutterres speech.
Our Land? The Genetic Flaws Of Zion – investigative journalist Johnny Vedmore, Unlimited Hangout – genetics of Palestinians and Jews the same In the second NEWSTHEORY, Johnny Vedmore delves deep into the reoccurring questions: Who are the Palestinian people?; Where are they originally from? Were they a distinct group before 1948?; and Is this their land? – Documentary on genetics of Palestinians and Jews – pulled Who is indigenous to Jerusalem? Another way to view the Israel-Palestine conflict — one that is more difficult to politicise — is to look at genetics. According to a 2020 study by a team of researchers at Harvard University and Tel Aviv University, most of the Palestinian-Arab and Jewish populations of the region share a common ancestry that stretches back to the ancient Canaanites, who occupied the territory around 4,000 years ago. Palestinians share about 80% of their ancestry with ancient Bronze Age communities of the Levant, while Iranian Jews share 90% and Ashkenazi Jews have roughly 60-70% of common ancestors. The findings match earlier studies that show immense genetic overlap between Arabs and Jews in the country, which suggest much of the Palestinian population is descended from ancient Jews and other ethnic groups native to Israel. In that sense, archeological warfare is meaningless: the artefacts represent a shared heritage for all of Israel-Palestine’s residents, not a dividing line to justify expulsions by Israeli settlers or terror attacks by Hamas. The divisions today, around religion and ethnicity, form a chasm that is exploited by extremists. The coloniser-indigenous arguments are little more than rhetorical devices designed to dehumanise and displace the other. A more productive narrative would recognise the common bonds that unite every Arab and Jew as members of the same community with inalienable rights.
Middle East Eye – Israel increases attacks on Gaza hospitals. Scott Ritter – Zionist lobby. Al Jazeera – Hamas not hiding under hospitals report – Israel-Palestine war: Patients face ‘inevitable death’ as Israeli troops besiege Gaza hospitals for third day On war’s 37th day, hospitals run out of fuel, civilians continue to flee the fighting, while Israel’s security minister hints at occupation of enclave Thousands of people remain trapped at Gaza’s largest hospital, al-Shifa, on Sunday as Israeli forces continue to besiege and bombard the facility for the third day in a row, while a nearby hospital announced it was out of service due to the lack of fuel. As of Sunday evening, 22 hospitals and 49 medical centres have completely stopped working in Gaza, due to Israeli bombing and the severance of all fuel and electricity in the Strip since 9 October, a Palestinian government spokesperson said in a press conference from Gaza’s Deir al Balah. “Israeli forces have targeted the intensive care unit in the al-Shifa hospital, they have also destroyed the maternity ward and the operating room,” he said, while updating the number of Palestinians killed since the beginning of hostilities on 7 October to 11,180 people. He added that Israeli bombings have also ignited a fire in one of the wards of the hospital, while an oxygen tank was destroyed. “Some doctors have been targeted and wounded while moving around inside the hospital. One person was wounded in the back of the neck.” Gaza’s government media office also stated that Israeli forces have fully destroyed seven mosques and three churches, while 153 mosques have been partially destroyed in bombings.
Jana Ben Nunn, True News – Zoharic doctrines followed by far right Jews in Israel. Christianity Vs. Evangelical Zionism: Steve and Jana Ben-Nun Today on TruNews, Rick Wiles interviews Steve and Jana Ben-Nun, the Hosts of Israeli News Live. They discuss the true Gospel of the Kingdom, the truth about Zionism and its role behind the transgender movement, and how it has become an STD, a spiritually transmitted doctrine, infecting the Body of Christ with a spiritual syphilis, and belief in a false, androgynous, Kabbalah, Gematria, AI-powered messiah. Rick Wiles, Steve, and Jana Ben-Nun. Airdate 02/12/20.
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#2 – Gerald Kaufman MP Jewish Shadow Foreign Secretary Holocaust survivor family on Israeli Nazis 15Jan09 – 00:05:00
#3 – The Last Palestinian Aristocrat 1980s in Gaza Laila Shawwa’s sister – 00:10:00
#4 – Heiko Khoo Far Right at London Cenotaph Palestine Demo 2023 Armistice Day – 00:20:00
#5 – Johnny Vedmore Burroughs Welcome NHS Digital and the Genetics of Gaza – 00:30:00
#6 – Michael Sfard Israeli Human Rights Lawyer on Gaza – Mick Lynch – Robert Peston 08Nov23 – 00:10:00
#7 – Mark Lowcock 350 times more aid workers killed in Gaza former head of UN humanitarian aid – 00:05:00
#8 – Dr Ahmed Mokhallalati Al Shifa Hospital Documenting Israeli War Crimes Genocide in Gaza 04Nov23 – 00:25:00
#9 – Prof Mazim Qumsiyeh Orthodox Christian Bethlehem info at palestinenature dot org – 00:30:00
#10 – US General David Petraeus (Bilderberg) leaked audio tells Israeli leaders such as Aviv Kohavi that Hamas must be destroyed – 00:06:00
#11 – King Charles delivers 1st King’s Speech as monarch 2023 – 00:11:00
#12 – David Davis MP Kings Speech Police Bill and Jacob Rees-Mogg MP GB News – 00:04:00

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only by station manager Pat Hart, ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020. Bristol Community FM (BCfm) charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. Now on Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down and pro-Covid jab mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ himself, here.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
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