Friday Drivetime

BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world. After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris.

For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.

First hour: News review including Bristol City stadium plans in Ashton Vale and full discussion of the necessity or otherwise of financial austerity measures, or cuts, with LibDem councillor for Easton, John Kiely.
[audio: 201102111700]

Second hour: Transmitted on the day Egyptian despot Hosny Mubarak resigned, Friday Drivetime had a look at unreported aspects to the Egyptian revolution. Young woman Asmaa Mahfouz’s video sparked the uprising; Egypt’s former interior minister is being questioned for ordering bombings of Churches & Coptic Christians protected Muslims in Tahrir Square. Finally we had a close look at political vetting at the BBC.
[audio: 201102111800]

2 Comments on “Friday Drivetime

  1. Lovely Job mate .Just like you to practically tell the Liberal Mp that him and his mates have blown it ha ha all in the 1st question.
    I shall have to carry on and listen to more I thought I needed to share with you that your No F*kin about approach tickles me and makes my mornings Start with a smile



  2. Ps I have a mate who works on Rama radio in Egypt and am now trying to connect him up with our station.

    I know its been a bit rowdy of late out there but he’s DEF the man on the ground and will have an interesting view.

    I best go grease some cogs



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