Friday Drivetime

BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris

For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.

First hour: Does Gary Hopkins aspire to be the first Avon & Somerset police commissioner? Residents’ parking, new Bristol City council website & Bristol Evening Post makeover; Euro crisis; independent South London trader Alessio Rastani says ‘The market is toast‘ & ‘Goldman Sachs rules the world‘; public sector pension strikes loom; Ken Loach on PPPs, PFIs & privatisation of homecare, BAE job losses at Filton, housing developers & next year’s closure of the airfield, housing market, Ed Milliband’s speech to Labour party conference, travellers sites & threatened deportation of Zimbabwean City of Sanctuary speaker Khetiwe Mashavave with Bristol City Council leader and LibDem Councillor for Clifton Barbara Janke.
[audio: 201109301700]

Second hour: LibCon Department of Justice government cuts to Legal Aid in Bristol with solicitor Will Stone & adviser Chrys Kelson from the Avon & Bristol Law Centre. Monday’s blockade of Hinkley nuclear power station near Bridgwater with Ornella Sabin; former ISI chief Mehmood Ahmed Durrani claims the US is at war with Pakistan. Claims and counter-claims about who is responsible for attacking NATO convoys & other terrorist attacks; Occupation of Wall Street; Alex Jones & Webster Tarpley on the parallel dangers of a false flag attack in the United States ten years after 9/11.
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