Friday Drivetime

Thursday 11th October: 7-9pm, BCfm John Peel Day 2012 music show – mp3 download

Fri 12th: BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris

For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.

First hour:news review with Conservative group leader & Stoke Bishop Councillor Peter Abrahams.   Mayoral and Police and Crime Commissioner elections. Austerity biting but national debt is increasing. Britain’s debt in 2010: £760bn; in 2012: £1tn; projection for 2015: £1.36tn. Housing benefit is rising, in 2010: £16bn billion to, in 2012, £21.6bn. Buy to let second home owners doing very well – their yield going up from 6.1% to 6.7% since election. Further discussions on debt including the billionaires cabinet and tax havens. Tory Conference: Boris Johnson’s’mop’ speech on cleaning items, old conservatives used to agree with Keynes’ economics. ATOS, Scotland is no longer not using them – lack of jobs, possible solution is the citizen’s income.  Tory conference: finale of Prime Minister David Cameron’s speech about his father Ian who was disabled but pioneered the use of tax havens such as the Cayman Islands and Panama to put savings beyond the reach of the taxman – aspiration nation. Energy and food prices are rising, financial determinism vs. regulation. House of Lords discuss the collapse of First Group West Coast Mainline train franchise and ask about independence of the people conducting enquiry into the fiasco. Council tax changes, Bristol City Council holding consultation including discussion on rates, nobody complained about the system when the council tax was brought in in the 1980s.
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Second hour: Tony and Martin discuss world events including Syria potentially leading to coinciding, the Middle East, EU getting this year’s Nobel Peace Prize formerly awarded to war criminal Henry Kissinger, Bali bombing ten years on. Former Nazi German company who now control BBC transmitters Siemens planting bombs inside heavy engineering equipment destined for Iran, NATO & Western sabotage campaign against Iran. Private firm May Gurney who deal with Bristol’s waste might go bust after they issue a profit warning today, will that mean our bins could go unemptied? General discussion about privatisation. Big Brother Watch – Steve Jolly from ‘No CCTV’ discusses surveillance under the Conservatives, new CCTV Commissioner Andrew Rennison, how regulation may sound better than it is, drone technology, private companies gathering data, secret US TrapWire system revealed by Stratfor & Wikileaks that links surveillance networks together, Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras and how to improve the situation of surveillance through campaign site John Scobie from Birmingham took part in last week’s BBC3 show ‘7/7: Conspiracy Road Trip’ but the programme broadcast last week was not the film he took part in. He discusses terms on which independent production company, Renegade TV, engaged him, what the show left out, how explosive facts about 7/7 and key testimony of survivors and victims families was left on the cutting room floor. Interview with Steve Sa’tan from BCfm & Rail Future discussing the Bus Rapid Transit Scheme (BRT2) for Bristol, what Bristol City COuncil should spend their £5m on and what a waste of money he believes it is. Other transport issues including the West coast mainline franchise and rail subsidy costing three times more since the privatisation of the railways.
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