Friday Drivetime
BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling
At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.
First hour: news review with Labour Councillor for Bedminster and Cabinet member for Transport Mark Bradshaw (who turns up late at 5.30pm). Labours’ new policies of capping benefits and means testing pensioners discussed. Osborne and Balls attending the secret Bilderberg meeting so are we just getting Bilderberg economic policy? NHS 111 out of hours service, it’s failings, revolving doors and cronyism of this private health care. ASDA supermarket gives surplus food stock to charities but is out of date food edible? Are we going back to Victorian Britain? Sales of private jets up by almost half in Britain – Martin Summers says the idea that ‘we’re all in this together’ is ridiculous PMQs – Ed Milliband asks Cameron about the A & E crisis blaming it on the closure of NHS Walk-In Centres across the country. Clip of Cressida Dick, who supervised the accidental murder of Jean Charles De Menezes, from the Met Police, discussing MI5 and the Woolwich murder at the Home Affairs Select committee chaired by Keith Vaz. Mark Bradshaw discusses residents parking in Bristol RPZ, what is the real timetable? Mark implies that all is up for grabs but cannot promise we will get any information if we go to the Council House, most info it seems is on the Council website. Accusations that ‘consultation’ meetings are not being properly advertised widely enough or enough in advance. Marina Morris looks at equality and happiness and we discuss the book ‘The Spirit Level’ again.
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Second hour: Tory Kenneth ‘Bilderberger’ Clarke and Tory Justice Secretary Chris Grayling’s attempt to change the terms of Legal Aid have brought Barristers out on the streets for the first time in British history. We ask chief barrister at Albion Chambers Michael Fitton QC if he will take the government to court over the proposals and why he and his colleagues feel so strongly. The NATO zone elite Bilderberg conference is taking place in Watford with sole arbiter of the code of Parliamentary standards Tory Prime Minister David Cameron diving in too how can we ever trust him to judge cases of MPs’ accountability again? We go back to Arnhem in 1944 to meet two men who were later to chair the Bilderberg meetings Captain Peter Carrington and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. Former Captain in the 82nd Airborne Division T. Moffatt Burriss takes up the story. We look at the escape of Hitler’s personal secretary Martin Bormann in 1945 and CBS news correspondant Paul Manning’s book Martin Bormann Nazi In Exile and ask did Bormann take the loot from WW2 and use it to set up a financial power network where swastikas came off and suits went on to members of the SS and other Nazi sympathisers? Manning’s book certainly has the evidence. Idris Francis discusses on the phone his ideas about the EU and the ‘Fourth Reich’ recounting a story his Uncle told him that a German officer under his guard turned to him, a Major at the time, and said ‘you have beaten us twice now but the third time we will win and you won’t know anything about it until it’s all over’.
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