Friday Drivetime

Apologies again – due to problems at BCfm there has been interference on this week’s mp3. If you have a clean recording of the show please upload to radio4all or soundcloud and leave a link to it in the comments below – email Tony

BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling

RT Op-Edge: Syria Crisis: From ‘Free’ West to fascist fire-starters in 60 yrs: Where did we go so wrong? The seeds of the West’s succession of bloodbaths in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and possibly Syria were sown in the final days of World War II.

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris

For all the shows back to Easter 2009  visit the Friday Drivetime archive page

First hour: news review with Labour Councillor for Southmead Jenny Smith. saving Charlton Common, in between Filton and Southmead, Bristol;  the ‘Bedroom Tax’ is causing misery and forcing housing benefit up; child poverty is going up, and macro-economics related to this, sack present bank directors, new managers for Britain’s banks; Syria, Britain’s decision not to attack, and who was behind the chemical attack? The Somerset badger cull and the police shooting ranged being torched by anarchists or possibly agents-provocateurs?
[audio: 201308301700]


Second hour: Fracking in the Mendips; Round up of international news with Martin Summers. More in-depth discussion on Syria – will the US now attack or not? Israel selling the oil concessions on Syria’s Golan Heights and rights to (Rupert Murdoch and Jacob Rothschild’s) Genie Energy, which is on occupied Syrian land; this is illegal under international law; the Bahrain Independence Meeting as covered on Press TV but banned in Britain. Mike Birkin, from South West  Friends of the Earth, discusses Fracking in the Mendips, the problems with it, including radioactive waste, and extra tax breaks given to these companies by George Osborne in 19 secret meetings. Pippa King discusses civil liberties around fingerprinting, palmprinting, iris scans, biometrics and RFID tracking methods of schoolchildren. Pippa King on NATO 433Mhz RFID and Biometrics in schools without parents knowledge, by stealth.
[audio: 201308301800]

2 Comments on “Friday Drivetime

  1. Hello,

    I remember “back in the day” when we had only analog tv and radio, this static would not bother me. It was always the content that came first. We have all become spoiled, at least in the developed world, by digital technology. I am grateful for the program nonetheless. Think about those persons in for example Africa, who only have a cheap short wave radio. They have to put up with static, interference, channels slipping back n forth into being audible.

    I mean, would you rather see a technically perfect Fox News, or mainstream media in the USA or UK, or listen to alternative radio whose production is dodgy. The latter without a second thought. Would I rather listen to an old scratchy lp vinyl record for example of one of the great modern works by Sir Michael Tippet, or more conventional but great Ralph Vaughn Williams piece, et al, or some perfect video of Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber. The former of course.

    In all events, I hope you can solve the interference problem.

    best wishes to Tony, Martin, Marina and everyone at bcfm.


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