Politics Show with Tony Gosling

BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris

For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.

First hour: news review with Labour Councillor for Southmead Jenny Smith; suicide of disabled former Kingswood nurse Jacqueline Harris after ATOS & DWP cut off her disability benefits. Review of the weeks news with Jenny Smith, Labour councillor for Southmead.  George Ferguson, Mayor for Bristol, £90m of cuts, vested interests and Bristol City Coulcil buying KPMG’s Bristol headquarters near Temple Meads; how people are chosen to be Labour Party councillors by a three person panel examination; Jacqueline Harris from Kingswood, Bristol, commits suicide after failing ATOS appeal; though David Cameron says disabled people are exempt from the Bedroom tax we hear they are not; 1 in 10 elderly people, roughly 500,000 a year, ending up in A&E due to breakdown in NHS health care systems such as NHS Direct, GPs and Walk In Centres under Coalition government – Labour’s Rachel Reeves threatens to cut all under 25’s off from housing benefit and all jobseekers benefits if Labour win the next election; vested interests of Tory MPs and private healthcare companies; will disabled people at least be exempt from the bedroom tax? ‘Help to buy’, ‘Help to sell’ or ‘Help to vote Tory’ scheme? It’s another sub prime mortgage fiasco – everyone and everything being driven into debt, national and personal indebtedness rising right across the western world; real wages are down on average £1,600 per person, bank bonuses up by 83%; Nationalised bank RBS report showing they are bankrupting then asset stripping small and medium companies, as Ian Fraser and Max Keiser say “Financial Terrorists”.
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Second hour: EXCLUSIVE: Death of former MI6 agent John Ainsworth-Davis, author, under the pen name Christopher Creighton, of the book ‘Op JB’ about the secret 1945 British rescue of Hitler’s deputy Martin Bormann at the end of WWII. Interview with Laurence de Mello, journalist from Buenos Aires in Argentina. She discusses ‘JAD’ – John Ainsworth-Davis – aka. Christopher Creighton, author, who died this week aged 89. He wrote ‘OP JB’, a book claiming the top Nazi, Martin Bormann, survived the Second World War, and was helped over to South America by western secret services, in exchange for letting them know where the Nazi loot was. Forensic explanation of the hard evidence for the survival of Bormann and his life in South America in the late 1940s and 1950s building a financial 4th Reich. Its not a ”conspiracy theory” that Martin Bormann survived post 1945 but there is documentary evidence that the remains found in Berlin of Martin Bormann in 1972 bore the following scientific conclusions; 1) The teeth as confirmed by Forensic dental Surgeon Prof Sognnaes (involved in the 1972 forensic investigation of the remains) had dentistry that was early 1950’s (dead men do not go to the dentist); 2) The position of the teeth proved they were of a much older man than 45. (Bormann was Born in 1900); 3) The skeletal composition showed ”ageing” of a man in his 60’s it is claimed he died when he was 44; 4) The skull was encased in a red clay exotic to Europe but local to the very place Laurence De Mello’s and others’ investigations place Bormann at the time of his death: Paraguay. Round up of international news stories with Martin Summers:  US and Japanese B52 bombers fly into new Chinese airspace protection zone over the disputed islands in the South China Sea – where there is oil;  Thailand army headquarters occupied; Ukraine decides, will we side with the EU or Russia?  Scottish independence;  Iran nuclear treaty. Egyptian suppression  Interview from new internet TV station ‘The People’s Voice’ with Natalie Rowe, whose book ‘Chief Whip – Memoirs of a Dominatrix‘ has recently come out.  She supplied George Osborne and others in the Bullingdon Club and top echelons of society with cocaine and prostitutes. George Osborne in denial about his 1990s cocaine habit but Natalie Rowe has George on tape asking her to lie for him. Former DARPA chief Regina Duggan explains the so called ‘Beast Tech’ moving towards the 666 style microchipping of the population with ‘Authentication pills’.

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Link to previous Friday Drivetime shows page http://www.bcfmradio.com/category/shows/drivetime/friday-drivetime

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