Politics Show with Tony Gosling

BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris

For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.


First hour: News review and Edward Snowden scandal exclusive with Kevin Cahill: UK citizen sues Microsoft over Prism private data leak to NSA News review with Kevin Cahill, journalist and author of ‘Who owns the World’. Kevin discusses journalism, newspaper barons Richard Desmond, Lord Rothermere and Rupert Murdoch. Land ownership in Britain with 1% owning over 70% of the land and 65% have a stake in the land either through a mortgage or owning it outright so 35% are landless. Bristol’s Mayor is urged not to evict people because of the bedroom tax; unemployment is down but too many jobs are part-time, low paid or insecure – tax credits, Quantitative Easing, asset prices, and tax havens; DWPs’ cruel benefit sanctions; Romanian and Bulgarian migrants taking British jobs because of EU rules. Kevin discusses in depth how he is suing Microsoft, Google and Facebook for giving their UK customers’ private data to the US spy agency, the NSA. Former MI5 officer Annie Machon explains how GCHQ and the UK secret services lie to parliament and why their mass data trawls are so dangerous for our freedoms won over hundreds of years in the West
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Second hour: Mark Goodway from Bristol’s Matthew Tree Project Food Store charity discusses food banks and the recent massive increase in need for these – Matthew Tree now has 6 outlets in Bristol. This is put mainly down to changes in benefits, including benefit sanctions. Mark talks of the broken people he sees and the vicious circle of cutting benefits leading to stress and health problems, and then inability to work. PMQs: Nick Betts MP asks PM about Children who have no food in the house over the whole weekend. MPs yell ‘Scrooge’ as Nick Raynsford MP tells PM the Archbishops of Westminster and Canterbury criticise Coalition government’s neglect of the poor. Matthew Tree based on Biblical St. Matthew, helps people mentally as well as with food. The EU offered Britain about £22 million for food banks but the UK cabinet and Prime Minister David Cameron has turned it down. Continuing to receive EU agricultural subsidies of tens of millions of pounds for The Queen, one of the richest people in the world. Martin Summers and a round up of international stories: Ukraine moves eastwards but keeps EU ties; US AfriCom, which is based in Stuttgart, Germany, and Western sponsored ‘sectarian’ wars in Africa bringing colonial troops in America’s Conquest of Africa: The Penetration of AFRICOM on the Continent. Inmates at Guantanamo Bay being ‘bribed’ with luxuries and pornography to work for the CIA – known as ‘Penny Lane’ and ‘Strawberry Fields Forever’ programmes. Frome based Freya Lawton, from Peace Intention, discusses this new initiative harnessing what people really want, to help bring peace in the world.- Peace Intention website
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Yes, the Pentagon really does think it controls the whole world - http://www.defense.gov/home/features/2009/0109_unifiedcommand/
Yes, the Pentagon really does think it controls the whole world – http://www.defense.gov/home/features/2009/0109_unifiedcommand/

1 Comment on “Politics Show with Tony Gosling

  1. Happy Christmas to BCFM, Bristolians, Tony, Martin, Marina and all the “citizens of the world”

    peace, love for humanity, inclusion of democratic socialist parties(peaceful, by the ballot),hope for the powerful to turn a new leaf, and foremost alleviating misery and end the exploitation and killing of the innocents, disabled and poor of the world.

    “…beat the swords into plowshares…”– Isaiah 2:3-4



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