Politics Show with Tony Gosling

Friday 21st Febuary 2014

BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world 
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

First hour: News review with Helen Holland, leader of the Bristol Labour group, and councillor for Whitchurch Park. The Bristol Budget and the £83 million they have to cut over three years; is the proposed £10m odd for the Bristol Arena justified? Homelessness, food banks, ATOS, benefit cuts, there are more jobs but are these jobs any good? Cost of living crisis; national tax receipts down by nearly half this January compared to last January – national debt now over 1.2 trillion and climbing fast – Osborne has borrowed more since 2010 than Labour did in their entire government; interview with new Catholic Archbishop Nichols from The Today Programme on Radio 4 – the immorality of how this government is dealing with people on benefits – some left with no money at all; interviews with Claire Harms and Richard Loader who attended a nationwide protest against ATOS at the DWP assessment centre at Brislington in Bristol; tax avoidance, the private banking system, the Positive Money conference; Tony Blair revealed as alleged unofficial advisor to Rebekah Brooks – Blair suggests a good cover up would be to copy the idea of the Hutton report, so was the enquiry into the death of Doctor David Kelly a cover up? And the Leveson enquiry? Also… whatever happened to the Chilcot enquiry into the Iraq war?

Second hour: Daphne Havercroft, from ‘South West Whistleblowers Health Action Group’ (SWWHAG). She discusses the enquiry into the Bristol Children’s Hospital baby scandal, suggested by ten worried families and NHS Medical Director Sir Bruce Keogh. She is critical of the Foundation Trust system and blames the elected board for not being concerned enough about patient care. David Shayler, former MI5 officer, discusses the play he is in, ‘Seven Seconds’, in Bristol this weekend. The play is about 9/11 and the seven seconds refers to the time it took Building 7 of the World Trade Centre which collapsed at free fall speed without being hit by a plane. 9/11, 7/7, The Security and Exchange Commission, Verint Systems who have the CCTV surveillance contract for the London Underground run by a big time crook and former officer in the Israeli Engineers. Reinvestigate 9/11 and false flag attacks such as Operation Gladio discussed. First of four discussions on journalist Paul Mason’s ‘Peoples’ History of the First World War’ based on a proposal for a programme that the BBC will probably never make: This week 1) The Causes: imperialism; national chauvanism; Balkan conflict; arms race; technology; monopolised economies; society in denial; Edwardian / bell epoque; social liberalism; labour movements; anarchism and socialism; outbreak of war; race to the sea; Tannenberg. Ukraine’s violent protests in a democracy that Martin Summers predicted would get very nasty in his book.

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