Missing Malaysian Airways MH370 – evidence of Information Warfare

Friday 28th March 2014

BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world 
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

First hour: news review with Conservative Councillor for Horfield @Claire4horfield Claire Hiscott. Lloyd’s fined $100bn in US for mis-selling, and Santander fined £12m in UK for £7bn of mis-selling – not really any deterrent; PMQs sensible for top earners, whose wages are going up and up, to pay more tax – further financial crash, quantitative easing; HSBC and soaring pay packets – CEO now on £8m a year! Money laundering and drug cartels; the bedroom tax has failed on every count – 2/3 people affected are disabled and cash savings by government proving minimal; poor families hit by welfare reforms running up £52 debt every week – cuts don’t make economy grow; clip of Nigel Farage and Nick Clegg debate on EU – immigration, half British laws from Brussels; 5700 ‘bad quality’ new homes on the old Filton airfield site, South Gloucestershire -transport infrastructure; Another secret Met corruption probe revealed the Met Police, operation Zloty, corruption and shredded documents – organised crime have infiltrated the Metropolitan  police.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBmiJFahQEM]

Second hour: Ukraine – the extreme right wing in Kiev – the killing of Oleksandr Muzychko aka Sashko Billy, leader of Pravi Sektor far right Ukraine party. Transantlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) – proposal corporations can sue governments if their decisions affect their business. Conspiracies surrounding this. Voxpop by Marina Morris about Ukraine. Marina Morris introduces her new website aimed at helping people navigate their way in the modern world www.mpersonality.com. The missing Malaysian Airways aeroplane MH370 – Former Home office security adviser Sally Leivesley asks was it the world’s first cyber hijack? Certainly lots of evidence of Information Warfare ‘news management’. Maldives and Rolls Royce stories drowned out by an avalanche of denials by people who cannot know whether what they said was untrue. Possible pressure on China over the UN Security Council vote and Malaysia who have not been doing what the IMF want. Links to Venezuela and Ukraine. NATO is ramping up tension all over the world. News management and military Information Operations over disappearance of Malaysian 777 flight MH370. Iqbal Tamini, Bristol based Palestinian journalist, discusses the middle east: Egypt – the Muslim Brotherhood – 500 supporters to be executed; Qatar’s isolation by other Gulf States and their TV station Al-Jazeera; terrible treatment of women in big US ally Saudi Arabia; Turkey PM Erdogan and a leaked phone call where a staged attack is discussed so he has an excuse to attack Syria. Clip from Dutch documentary ‘The Israel Lobby’ Evangelical Christian Zionist, Pastor John Hagee, supports Israel with 22,000 infiltrators of the US state – he wants a confrontation with Iran, however killing is not Christian! Paul Mason’s World War One: 3 of 4, The Revolutions.

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