Glenn Greenwald on Snowden and NATO’s chaos army ISIS eyes Syria

Friday 20th June 2014

BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world 
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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First hour: news review & Glenn Greenwald on RTE about a year of Edward Snowden revelations: Potential new leader of the European Union: Cameron may fail to stop Jean-Claude Juncker getting EU president job throwing his weight around and making Britain unpopular – but is the EU democratic? Avon & Somerset Police Chief Constable, Nick Gargan, and allegations of gross misconduct but it turns out one of the allegations has not been made by the person involved, hearsay? Gargan was also part of Lady Diana inquiry in Paris but was suspended from that, Daily Mail appear to be dragging up 20 year old events in an attempt to smear Gargan. Why and what does he know about the death of Princess Diana? Benefit assessment firm ATOS has been found to lie in getting the DWP contract by Public Accounts Committee, about ability to fulfil contracts – delayed assessments and payments; Work Programme found worse at getting disabled people to work than previous system – Universal Credit catastrophe, ‘bailing out the rich and kicking the poor in the teeth‘; ‘Rabbit Hutch Britain’ – smallest properties in Europe, bedroom tax; Kelston (near Bath) A431 road closure – 10 mile detour but simple fix by local man stopped by Bath and NE Somerset council jobsworths, cuts; PMQs Charlotte Leslie – volunteering in Avonmouth, community pubs, air pollution and flies in Avonmouth, Bristol Port Authority, cash for questions (barrage); Iran hanging and jailing billionaire bankers for banking fraud; public sector borrowing rising – tax receipts weak, housing bubble, national debt £1.28 trillion, £200bn more than planned; more bankers dying – suicide?, JP Morgan; Whiteladies Road cinema to be opened again; UK spooks say monitoring of social media legal because companies based abroad; interview with Glenn Greenwald on surveillance state from RTE (Irish radio).

Second hour: Investigative reports: Iraq and ISIS – Syrian revolutionary soldiers, weapons from Saudi Arabia and Qatar paid for by west. Was Iranian nuclear threat fabricated by Israel and America? PMQs Iraq Chilcot Inquiry. Ukraine – two Russian journalists killed, Russian gas supply stopped, Foreign Minister sacked. with Daphne Havercroft from SWWHAG  Daphne Havercroft from SWWHAG discusses the NHS – Bristol babies scandal, whistle blowing, PMQs cancer treatment targets missed for first time, PMQs £2bn deficit in English NHS trusts, PMQs closing of about 100 GP surgeries, teething problems at Southmead Hospital and expensive quarter of a million pound clock. & Mike Birkin from South West Friends of the Earth (FOE). Mike Birkin from South West FOE – Bristol Green Week, solar panels, Fracking – regulation is flawed, ground water contamination.

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