4th July 2014: Independence From America Day
Friday 27th June 2014
BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling
At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
Listen live http://icecast.commedia.org.uk:8000/commbrist.mp3
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3QgsNCZUmI&w=420&h=315]
First hour: news review with LibDem councillor for Kingsweston Tim Leaman: Local empowerment; economy – national debt £1.3 trillion, City of London more powerful than the politicians; interview on Keiser Report with Ian Fraser, author of ‘Shredded’, about Fred Goodwin and RBS – is Deloitte auditing failure Fraud? Jimmy Savile – Richard Ingrams sacked from The Oldie, Leeds police breakfast clubs, Miles Goslett very nearly couldn’t get the story out, Prince Charles & Margaret Thatcher Savile’s friends in high places, why didn’t MI5 vet him? Blackmailing; police infiltrating and spying on anti-fracking groups – Special Demonstration Squad; NATO Secretary General, Rasmussen, accuses Putin of helping UK anti-fracking groups, infiltrating them for political ends and is laughhed out of court; Met Police incompetence – murder case; Bristol University survey shows marked poverty in Britain – and we’re the 6th richest country in the world; PMQs Ed Miliband – Andy Coulson a criminal – Leveson Inquiry, News of the World, court case independent both with close links to Cameron and Murdoch families? PMQs Cameron giving Andy Coulson a second chance – Ed Miliband and Chris Bryant “the prime minister’s only sorry because he got caught” – media and power; payday loan company Wonga saying sorry – fraud; PMQs dementia patient assaulted but no prosecution – CPS.
Second hour: Investigative reports: Lindis Percy, from the Campaign for Accountability at American Bases (CAAB), discusses American bases in Britain – RAF, NSA, NRA, CIA, Snowden, USAF Menwith Hill in North Yorkshire, USAF Croughton in Northamptonshire – no proper oversight from government. Britain as Orwell’s Airstrip One and Duncan Campbell’s Unsinkable Aircraft Carrier, Next Friday is 4th July, Independence from America day. Joanne Baker, from Child Victims of War, discusses the situation in Iraq and Isis – the attempt of Iraqi people to have a revolution depleted uranium, US and UK criminal conspiracy? Disaster capitalism, WHO report not published that links birth deformities and bombing. Hilary Saunders and Steve Timmins from Protect Our NHS explain their successful legal action which has forced Bristol’s Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to change its constitution to allow proper openness and public scrutiny. Both Bristol’s NHS Foundation Trusts are chaired by Merchant Venturer big businessmen, Merchant Venturers John Savage and Peter Rilett pushing privatisation from the top. Is there any future of for a privatised NHS and how can we make sure we pass this wonderful institution on to our children? The Mubarak regime is back in Egypt sentencing hundreds from the democratically elected government to death and jailing three AlJazeera journalists for seven years, president Morsi was deposed in a coup last year for taking on these crooked judges, US Secretary of State John Kerry signs a cheque this week for nearly $600m as some kind of sick reward for for Al Sisi’s authoritarian junta.
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