Grilling Bristol’s Mayor, former Merchant Venturer George Ferguson

Friday 25th July 2014

BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world 
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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First hour: news review with Bristol mayor George Ferguson. How is George getting on as Bristol Mayor so far – community projects, still chatting with the Merchant Venturers, they are doing very well out of the financial crisis, Lockleaze community project opened today with Conservative MP Charlotte Leslie but its sponsored by government services privatisation tagging fraud company Serco, should companmies like this be allowed to sponsor community events? What about arms firms? KPMG appropriate to ‘volunteer’ their help at ‘City Hall’; Bush Residential Home closure; Post Office sell off – sold the public short by a billion pounds; British GDP up but GDP per person down – QE or money printing; Balance of Payments, wealth divide getting bigger, George’s personal wealth around one million pounds; George’s new Bristol Council Commissions – Fairness, Housing, Sport, and Education & Skills – equality, living wage for council workers; Nick Horne, Chief Executive of Knightstone Housing Association, discusses ‘Local Enterprise Partnership’, Bristol Property Board and the Bristol Homes Commission‘ which he chaired, how open and accountable is the new ‘Bristol Property Board’, not very. Homelessness, social housing; petition of no confidence in Mayor’s resident parking scheme; Bristol LibDem’s petition for a referendum to to overturn office of mayor and return to the party system; the poorest in Britain live on average nine years less than the richest; Birmingham Muslim Schools ‘Trojan horse report’, just more Muslim baiting?
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Phone hacking and the police – Royal Family appearing in court, News International – private intelligence operation? The Metropolitan police Special Demonstration Squad, MI5 and MI6, Northern Ireland, whistleblowers. Clean up of Sellafield to cost £70billion – Hinckley, Nuclear Waste, depleted uranium. ISIS leader trained by Israeli Mossad; BBC Russia delete crucial MH17 interviews including eyewitness testimony; Ukraine – Prime Minister resigns, Ukraine military planes seen shadowing MH17 plane, why two Malaysian Airlines down? Possible reasons. Snowden says ISIS were trained by Mossad in an attempt to get all Muslim extremists in the world in one place. ISIS claims IT killed three Jewish teenagers, Hamas, Al Qaeda and MI6. The USA is insolvent – the Petrodollar System, the new BRICS bank, economic crash. Former CIA officer Robert Steele discusses runaway security agencies and the waste of tax payer’s money – democracy?  former CIA officer Robert D. Steele explains how to fight the crooks and war criminals within his old intelligence employers; Clip from Mike Maloney’s ‘Hidden Secrets of Money’ series, part 5. Hitlernomics: how Adolf Hitler came to power on a the 1930s German economic crisis. Economics and Hitler’s rise to power.
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