British Legion sell out as arms firms BAe Systems, Lockheed, Thales sponsor Poppy Day

Friday 7th November 2014

BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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First hour: News review with Labour Councillor for Horfield Olly Mead. Bristol’s elite The Merchant Venturers 2014 Charter Day is on Monday 10th November from 11am at Bristol Cathedral where the new master Chris Curling will be installed. The Bristol Merchant Venturers – Charter Day 2014 on Monday 10th November 2014 at Bristol Cathedral. The Knights Templars in Bristol, Baldwin Street named after the first king of Jerusalem that founded the Templars. Clip from James Garrett’s 1995 HTV West Eye View documentary about the Merchant Venturers, tinly club of 80 members who make up the boards of most of the big businesses in the city to this day. From international merchant port trading to managing an enormous share portfolio. Do the merchants take more from the city in share dividends than they give back in charity. Multi-millionaire Tory cabinet, crony capitalism; Chief Executive of Airbus, Robin Southwell, quits – possibly because of £150m fraudulent debt from his company Corporate Jet Industries – Filton; 2,600 job losses at Rolls Royce – Jack Lopresti at PMQs; Fed stopped QE, now Japan has started QE; PMQs Ben Bradshaw – is costly reorganisation of the NHS a success? – emergency bailout of hospitals, Tory plan of privatisation by stealth; GCHQ new head, Robert Hannigan, says internet companies responsible for terrorism – Gladio and the CIA, NATO operating terror activities; Ed Miliband – criticism, PMQs about Europe – European referendum, immigration, Ed standing up to media baron Rupert Murdoch; LibDem Home Office drugs and crime minister Norman Baker quits saying Theresa May seems to think it’s a Tory government, not a coalition – decriminalisation of drugs helps organised crime, banks propped up by drug money; PMQs Michael Meacher – Thatcher’s government had bigger deficit than 11 years of Labour government up to 2008 international banking crisis in 2008 was a disaster, changed everything – cuts and still debt and deficit going up now; half of families in poverty are in work – living wage; Luxembourg and tax avoidance.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Ben Griffin ex SAS soldier from Veterans For Peace UK on Remembrance Sunday, and arms companies sponsoring Poppy Day events. Ben Griffin from Veterans for Peace – Poppy Day events taking money from arms companies such as British Aerospace, Thales and Lockheed Martin – west getting involved in Middle East making things worse with unforeseen circumstances such as ISIS  – some Libyan soldiers training in Britain accosting women and running riot. Ukraine – break down of peace in the east; TTIP and Ukraine – German and Russian  industry ventures sabotaged;  Middle Eastern and Russian oil, gas and pipelines and western interests; fracking. Mike Birkin from South West Friends of the Earth discusses TTIP:  ISDS clause – resolving disputes between company and states. Also Hinkley C nuclear power station has been approved – money could be used for alternative energies. Tomorrow’s FoE TTIP secret trade deal meeting in the Wills Memorial Building. Peruvian born US filmmaker Allan Francovich discusses the CIA being used by political factions within the US to spy on their opponents use of agents within the press to control how you think about a particular conflict. Clip of Allen Francovich who made films ‘The Maltese Double Cross’ about Lockerbie and ‘Operation Gladio’ about false flag terrorism, interviewed by video news magazine ‘Alternative Views’ – CIA intervening in politics and manipulating the news media.
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2 Comments on “British Legion sell out as arms firms BAe Systems, Lockheed, Thales sponsor Poppy Day

  1. We didn’t attack and occupy Iraq to find “wmd”(i guess the US nuclear weaponry which can blow up half the world or more, are just catapults in comparison to whatever Iraq “weapons of mass destruction are, btw what were they?), we went there to control the oil. We didn’t attack and occupy Afghanistan(Kabul only really)in retaliation for the kamikaze bombings on New York and the Pentagon(most of the perpetrators were Saudis, our good old female rights and decapitation loving buddies). We went there thinking we could build a gas pipeline but we did succeeded in resurrecting the growing opium poppy and a resulting in investment in international banks and financing the cia, nsa and mi6 by the trade in heroin. We didn’t go to Libya to support the revolt(lead by US backed Al Qaeda)against that horrible madman Qaddafi(who instituted public education, public medicine, work on water pipeline to the Sahara, and was working on a pan African currency), we went there to control Libyan oil. So supposedly a million killed was the price they had to pay so we could liberate their souls from their bodies. And those fortunate(?) ones who survived with being maimed for life…well there are a lot of nice perks on disability benefits right?. But what about all the chaos these failed wars have caused in the Maghreb and the wars in Syria/Iraq…well i mean that creates jobs in the weapons manufacturing industry. In addition the Israel bombing of Gaza every two years creates jobs for coffin carpenters, construction workers and so on….right?


  2. “We look forward to the time when the Power of Love will replace the Love of Power. Then will our world know the blessings of peace.” ( William Gladstone 1809-1898)

    “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”
    (Jimi Hendrix 1942 – 1970)

    usa(dismantle the US empire and restore the US republic as a peaceful, contributor member within the world’s family of nations)

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