Leon Brittan exclusive: Home Affairs Select Committee must hear child porn evidence against former Tory Home Secretary
Friday 23rd January 2015
BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling
At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
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First hour: News review with Bradley Stoke UKIP councillor Ed Rose. The development for housing of Filton airfield; UKIP versus Conservatives in Filton and Bradley Stoke; Tory MP Jack Lopresti allegedly phones up Ed Rose at 8am one Sunday morning to tell him not to support the Save Filton Airfield march and if he does he’ll never get anywhere in the Conservative party; are UKIP racist? prisons; banks; Metrobus plans for Bristol – proper consultation? – Belinda Faulkes who is part of various campaign groups against the Metrobus – why does it go through 28 different green spaces? £100m project with spiralling costs; Chilcot Inquiry delayed – questioned asked again and again at Prime Minister’s Questions but we hear Sir Peter Tapsell who points out how much quicker inquiry into the Crimea War, Dardanelles was delivered. Campaign for publication and incompetence of Chilcot Inquiry – Blair conspiring with Bush – WMD – missing South African warheads – former MI6 officer Stefan Koch Astra Holdings chief; David Cameron’s trip to South Africa with Sir Kenneth Warren; Dr David Kelly; former Rhodesian SAS officers John Bredenkamp & Billy Rautenbach; PMQs Channel 4 ‘Low Pay Britain’ – clips from this – 111 service call centre based in Bradley Stoke – not much training, staff treated badly; a surge in evictions from properties leading to mass homelessness – mainly because Housing Benefit doesn’t cover rent any more; energy prices coming down just in time for the election; Britain has no money but we can find £100bn to renew Trident. Trident debate is a snapshot of the gulf between Westminster and the British public
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Elizabeth Woodward of Canadian 911 Consensus panel. Interview with Canadian Elizabeth Woodward from www.consensus911.org David Ray Griffin book ‘The New Pearl Harbour’ referring to 9/11; points on website that show anomalies in official story e.g. air force drills; WTC Building 7 collapse; Buzzy Krongard insider trading by former Executive Director of the CIA & Deutsche Bank, former LAPD officer Mike Ruppert researched his insider trading but the story was killed; omissions and distortions in official ‘9/11 Commission Report’; Financing of 9/11 investigation still secret; 911 consensus group has submitted a petition to Canadian parliament to review ‘9/11 Commission Report’. ISIS – backed by West, trained by NATO special forces, funded by Saudi Arabia; Libya supplying fighters to ISIS; gangster ruling class, criminal elite; NATO, Gladio and false flags; President of Turkey – Erdogan – and opinions on Charlie Hebdo attacks. Interview with Wiltshire based documentary producer and author on child abuse Tim Tate about former Tory Home Secretary Leon Brittan, who died this week, and his potential involvement in child abuse scandals: Maganlal Solanki, customs officer at Dover, found child pornography tapes on Leon Brittan in mid 1980s, mistook him for an MEP which suggests it may have been after 1989 when Brittan became a European Commissioner; when Home Secretary in 1984 Mr Brittan was handed a paedophile dossier by Geoffery Dickens MP and Brittan resigned in 1986, Brittan was also interviewed by police over 1967 rape allegations before he became an MP; Elm Guest House; Dolphin Square; problems with Theresa May’s inquiry; blackmail by intelligence services – Tim Tate on allegations of child pornography against former Tory Home Secretary Leon Brittan who died this week. Interview with Kurt Haskell, American Lawyer, who witnessed the ‘Underpants Bomber’ Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, being allowed onto an airliner by ‘an Indian looking man’ from Amsterdam Schiphol airport to Detroit without a passport – he has since looked into this and come to the conclusion this was a false flag terrorist event. Can no longer trust the media; Death of Saudi Arabian King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz – 1914 Treaty of Darin. Sunday’s Greek election and Syriza party.
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To Tony, Martin and Politics Show associates. feel free to use part or in whole, or mention is your or anyone’s own words on your show or to anyone anywhere.
This comment may have little to do with this weeks show, however I thought it may or may not be important to one of you. here is an excerpt of the obituary in the New York Times
Lord Wilberforce, 95, Keeper Of an Antislavery Tradition
Published: February 20, 2003
[note: i may be wrong but what i think the Late Lord Richard Orme Wilberforce (11 March 1907 – 15 February 2003) meant by bonded labour is debt bondage in the overwhelming dubious neo-liberal financial-economic system]
“….. Lord Wilberforce was a great-great-grandson of William Wilberforce (1759-1833), an English statesman associated with William Pitt the Younger, the great British prime minister. William Wilberforce was a religiously inspired antislavery politician who helped pave the way for the Abolition of Slavery Act of 1833.
Three years ago his descendant, Lord Wilberforce, warned Parliament of a modern kind of ”bonded labor.” This, he declared, had taken the place of slavery that William Wilberforce had denounced in the House of Commons as early as the 1780’s.
He said that whereas people may be freed from chattel servitude by breaking their chains, modern bonded labor enmeshes them in a whole skein of complex economic and political circumstances.
”You have to provide a system of good employment, schools for the children, and some system of land reform so that people can earn a living,” he told Parliament. ”Bonded labor certainly is servitude, and in many ways it is worse…..”
the complete obituary:
February 20, 2003
Lord Wilberforce, 95, Keeper Of an Antislavery Tradition
Richard Orme Wilberforce, a retired member of Britain’s highest court and keeper of his family’s antislavery tradition, died on Saturday at a hospital in London. He was 95.
He was a prominent judge in postwar Britain, known for handling both criminal and civil matters with a keen intellect, clarity and patient civility. Knighted in 1961, he was created a life peer and law lord three years later, when he became Lord Wilberforce, Baron of the City and County of Kingston-upon-Hull.
Lord Wilberforce was a great-great-grandson of William Wilberforce (1759-1833), an English statesman associated with William Pitt the Younger, the great British prime minister. William Wilberforce was a religiously inspired antislavery politician who helped pave the way for the Abolition of Slavery Act of 1833.
Three years ago his descendant, Lord Wilberforce, warned Parliament of a modern kind of ”bonded labor.” This, he declared, had taken the place of slavery that William Wilberforce had denounced in the House of Commons as early as the 1780’s.
He said that whereas people may be freed from chattel servitude by breaking their chains, modern bonded labor enmeshes them in a whole skein of complex economic and political circumstances.
”You have to provide a system of good employment, schools for the children, and some system of land reform so that people can earn a living,” he told Parliament. ”Bonded labor certainly is servitude, and in many ways it is worse.”
Richard Orme Wilberforce was raised in India, the son of a judge of the high court in Lahore under the Raj. He graduated from Oxford University and was called to the bar in 1932.
His career as a barrister was interrupted by six years in the army in World War II. He served in Norway, France and Germany, earning the rank of brigadier and decorations that included a United States Bronze Star. He ended the war in the army’s legal branch and was under secretary of the Control Office for Germany and Austria in 1945-46, helping to repeal Nazi-era legislation and set up a new legal framework.
He started his judicial career in 1961 as an appointed High Court, or Chancery, judge. He was promoted directly to the House of Lords as a lord appeal in ordinary. Historically the House of Lords served as Britain’s court of final resort but delegated that function to a committee of law lords, making it the country’s highest tribunal.
He contributed especially in the fields of international law, and administrative and commercial law. He was also remembered for issuing the judicial report ending the coal miners’ strike that crippled Britain in the winter of 1971-72.
After he retired from the law committee in 1982, Lord Wilberforce advocated human rights, legal reforms and a simpler legislative process. He also sought to inspire the judiciary to become more aware of social needs and imperatives when applying the law.
His survivors include his wife of 55 years, Yvette Marie Lenoan, daughter of a French judge; a daughter, Anne Catherine Burn; and a son, Samuel Herbert.
Photo: Lord Wilberforce in the 1960’s. (Camera Press)
Also: Hurrah for Syriza winning the elections in Greece! I hope this will be the kindling that sweeps the world back on the course of social democracy and finally puts to rest the Thatcher/Reagan reactionary “revolution”, of greedy big business controlling governments, pushing devious legal-illegal business/financial laws.