Daniele Ganser on European False Flags: NATO and DGSE behind French terror?

Friday 6th Febuary 2015

BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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First hour: News review: with LibDem Councillor for Knowle Gary Hopkins – If private business can’t make Bristol Arena pay why is City Council involved? Bristol Arena – scrutiny by Bristol Council, problems with parking and transport, £90m project – should money be spent elsewhere; Rotherham under-age sex exploitation scandal – central government has taken over council, policeman to give evidence at trial died in car crash;  mayoral system; 3 parent babies voted in; hundreds of Swedish workers take high-tech RFID microchips in their hands – equivalent to the Biblical book of Revelation 13:16-17  (And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark…) which personal freedom;  homelessness more widespread than official figures show – housing benefit not enough, council housing, ‘Homes for Britain’ campaign, Sat17Mar rally in London – when will housing bubble bust? PMQs Ed Miliband – tax evasion, £47m donated to Tory Party from hedge funds, financial system broken, crash; PMQs Steve Rotherham MP – broken promises of PM – should people vote; Prince Charles and revelations in book ‘Charles: The Heart of a King’ – Jimmy Savile helped him with speech writing – “Sovereign grant” £36m of public money a year goes to the Royals80% of self-employed workers are living in poverty; Severn bridges paid for long ago but Severn Bridges toll is the most expensive in world.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Hollande & Merkel in Moscow today to negotiate end to the war in Ukraine – visit Putin for talks about Ukraine – NATO, Russian military on ground? Blackwater found working on other side. ISIS – western intelligence involved, going into Syria. Syriza vetoed sanctions on Russia and may veto TTIP. Russian elite warning of war – if Swift payment system stopped.  Litvenenko inquiry. Interview with Daniele Ganser by Julian Charles www.themindrenewed.com, about NATO stay behind armies in Europe: Daniele’s book ‘NATOs’ Secret Armies’; false flag bombings; Brabant massacre;  Gladio network;  Ergenekon network; Charlie Hebdo attack in January; France 1985 – atomic bomb testing in Pacific, attacks on De Gaulle. – author of NATO’s Secret Armies Daniele Ganser: Were NATO & French Secret Service DGSE behind Paris’ Charlie Hebdo terror attacks? Interview with Ludik Stavinoa, lecturer in Sociology, Bath: what is sociology?;  Leon Brittan was EU Competition Minister and was responsible for dismantling a socio-economic Keynsian system and pushing privatisation of publicly owned utilities;  less regulation of business; Ofwat report on Bristol Water;  European Commission;  European Round Table of Industrialists.  Clip of interview with John Morgan, author of ‘Princess Diana, The Shocking Truth About her Murder: The August 1995 assassination that refuses to go away’ as play about her death ‘Truth, Lies and Diana’ comes out in London. Chilcot Inquiry.
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