Jewish USMC officer Alan Sabrosky: Dual US/Israeli nationality neocons behind 9/11
Friday 13th March 2015
BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling
At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
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First hour: News review: Proposed closure of Wick Road library – and other libraries with LibDem candidate for Brislington East Jos Clark. ‘We Care and Repair’ charity – increase in demand recently; people cannot afford to maintain the homes they own, LibDems recycling, Green Capital; Mayor Ferguson’s closure of Bristol libraries; local press – internet, Bristol Post, Ujima radio’s move from Seed Centre in St Pauls’ to ‘The Station’ in Bristol city centre which is run by ‘Creative Youth Network’ and set up by city elite Merchant Venturer and out of the stations ethnic minority heartland. Move is being presented as wonderful by Ujima directors but some volunteers are very unhappy the station’s moving out of the community it was created to serve; Mayor Ferguson – top down mayoral system is not democratic; Metrobus – eviction of protesters from Stapleton allotments today – public transport, First Bus vs. Corporation Buses under municipal control; PMQs Ed Miliband – Cameron’s crooks in the heart of government: Lord Green and Andy Coulson bad choices for senior posts in government – Lord Green, Andy Coulson – taxpayers’ funding of political parties, hedge funds; PMQs Jacob Rees-Mogg MP raises issue of Magna Carta & the erosion of the right to trial by jury – Lady Diana & 7/7 London Bombing inquests; survey on the impact of elected Mayor on city; poorest areas have had the largest cuts to spending – what is tax for? Rates vs council tax, local Chewton Mendip based Lord Waldegrave and Victor Rothschild were behind the original 1980s poll tax proposals but although presented as a being stopped by protests poll tax really ended up little different from the Council tax we have today; people on benefits may be charged for appealing decisions – Universal Credit, sanctions, ATOS, bailing out the banks, coming crash; Hillsborough commander David Duckenfield was in same Freemasons lodge as officer he replaced.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Mike Birkin from Friends of the Earth on fracking, Hinkley, Stonehenge and the Stapleton Metrobus eviction. Mike Birkin from South West Friends of the Earth: wisdom or otherwise of Bristol’s Metrobus, transport, trams; fracking – oil prices low, affecting US fracking, bursting of the fracking bubble; Hinkley Nuclear Power Station – too expensive, not going ahead, New financial blow for Hinkley Point C project near Burnham-On-Sea: nuclear reactor manufacturers Areva may go bankrupt, but EDF play it down; A303 Stonehenge – Friday night and Sunday night rush hour for all the Londoners with second homes in the West country – big dual carriageway road tunnel planned underneath. The supposed ‘Russian threat’: Philip Hammond, Secretary of State for Defence, claiming this; Ukraine, Putin popular in Russia, demonisation of Russian president Vladimir Putin by West’s mainstream media, German economy dependant on Russian economy; Putin’s State of Nation address – Crimea transferred to Ukraine in 1954; EU commission chief, Jean-Claude Juncker, makes case for European army – Ukraine Maidan far right snipers, NATO false flags; Bilderberger MP and chair of the Defence Select Committee Rory Stewart on Russian threat; former Director General of MI6 Sir John Sawyers on Russian threat – Russia feeling exposed and on defensive; war criminal Henry Kissinger – NATO and cold war strategy “inevitable”; Encouraging a new cold war with Russia… Defence Secretary Philip Hammond, Bilderberg’s Tory MP & chair of the Defence Select Committee Rory Stewart, MI6’s Sir John Sawers & criminal elite’s Henry Kissinger. Putin signs deal to create new BRICS New Development Bank (NDB) to take over from the IMF. Interview with former USMC L-Col Alan Sabrosky on Press TV – Israeli military possibly part of 9/11 attacks: building 7; secondary explosions at base of WTC towers; white vans – explosives and people cheering – arrested – Israelis; then released Israelis! Israeli company ran WTC security. Means, motive and opportunity… Israel did 9/11: Jewish former US Marine Corps officer & head of the US Army War College Alan Sabrosky
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I wish Tony, Martin and the two hour show was on twice a week. Of course you all have other things to do. It is ashame the politics show could not get funding from some work program from parliament. btw, I wonder if it is possible to upload your show to youtube or some site similar like vimeo?
your american devotee–hope not the only one
dahszil dahszil
Which hours – first – second – or both?