Mayor George Ferguson cutting disabled care … Libor trader Tom Hayes, fall guy for the banksters

Friday 7th August 2015

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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First hour: News review: with Bristol mayor George Ferguson and Bristol musician mum Rita Lynch. How is Bristol budget spent; devolution; access to central government; housing; austerity – national debt and central government cuts; ‘If Mayors Ruled the World’ conference; cancellation of unpayable debt; Rita Lynch discusses reduction of The Bush respite care Centre for disabled children that her disabled son Jimmy attends – Mayor says he’s trying to spread the money further; ex-Avon and Somerset police chiefs say Nick Gargan must go – but who are they to talk? Don’t investigate thefts, assaults or hit-and-runs, police told; 69 year old Taunton mum died after being left in her own urine and faeces for eight days by private firm ‘Way Ahead Care’ – private profit from ‘caring’, do we value care enough; residents parking – pros and cons; referendum to decide whether we still want a mayor or not – Lord’s bill for a no-mayor referendum – is Bristol better off with a mayor? the £90m Bristol Arena – boost for local economy, parking; the £200M Metrobus plan – it apparently worked in Nantes; Local Enterprise Partnership – private company; allegations that secretive LEP is unaccountable and spend public money on their own businesses. Weston’s Winter Gardens sold to Weston College for £1 while Weston college get £15m grant of public money to refurbish it. Tories – Michael Howard fraud claims and Ted Heath child abuse accusations; new Tory government counter-extremist strategy.
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Second hour: Investigative reports – financial journalist Ian Fraser on this week’s guilty verdict for Libor trader – whistleblower Tom Hayes. Interview with Ian Fraser, author of FT ‘book of the decade’ ‘Shredded: Inside RBS – the Bank that Broke Britain’: trader (not banker) Tom Hayes is jailed for 14 years for Libor fixing, but what about his UBS bosses that encouraged him to do it by handing him their “Instruction Manual on Fixing Libor” entitled the “Guide to Publishing Libor Rates”? Who wrote and published that manual on how to rig Libor? Chief Executive of German Stock Exchange Carsten Kengeter was in on UBS Libor fixing meetings; Libor fixing? How does it affect us? What is theLibor rate? and how does fixing them effect us? Efinancecareers article by Sarah Butcher that names Tom Hayes’s colleagues also involved in Libor fixing, crossfit athlete Mirhat Alykulov, Tom Hayes’ former assistant from UBS in Tokyo is having a nice time now enjoying executive fight nights – shouldn’t they be jailed too? Goldman Sachs Offered Tom Hayes $3 Million Bonus to Quit UBS – Money laundering means fines that don’t even match the criminal profits made; UK has a glass ceiling for justice, banksters part of a criminal elite who make donations to Tory party who then appear to protect them from prosecution; Iceland has largely dealt with its crooked bankers by jailing them; RBS and some other banks not declaring profits and not paying any corporation tax; public sector banking? Tom Hayes’ father Nick Hayes letter in The Guardian: Tom Hayes sentence: my son’s integrity and self-respect are intact – Interview with Will Stone, from Avon & Bristol Law Centre – he discusses changes to legal aid: civil law, much employment law no longer eligible legal aid; discrimination getting worse; lawyers and solicitors complaining about cuts; new Criminals Court Charge; landlords and immigration checks. Clip of American journalist, Leah McGrath-Goodman, who was held at Heathrow and deported back to States – she was trying to look into child abuse accusations against Ted Heath. Leah McGrath Goodman, an American journalist expelled from Britain for investigating abuse allegations against Edward Heath, speaks to LBC. (link to this show’s January 2013 Michael Shrimpton  interview about Ted Heath allegedly abusing boys who were subsequently murdered)  Litvenenko trial – his book ‘Blowing Up Russia’. SAS in Syria dress as ISIS fighters in undercover war on Jihadis.
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1 Comment on “Mayor George Ferguson cutting disabled care … Libor trader Tom Hayes, fall guy for the banksters

  1. I heard more cow dung from Mayor Ferguson in one hour than I saw staying at a farm for a day a few years back. George’s treatment of the woman whose autistic child will in near future not to be able to use the overnight facility was a mixture of cowardly shilly shally and outright belligerance. the mayor is just like these corporations and politicians who have pushed austerity on us in the US. He believes and acts on spreading thin vital services which makes them less helpful with poorer quality to those in need. The private sector is based on profit at the expense of quality and service for more profits. George says there isn’t enough money. Thats nonsense. Most of the wealth is held by those who don’t pay their fair share to society. Its all about Wealth redistribution. Of course some people are going to make more than others. but the gap is so wide now those at the bottom are being pushed back to 19th century London, or late 19th and early 20th century New York. And more and more people are at the bottom, and the middle class is being pulled along with them. And the scarey thing about these neoliberals is that they sleep at the drop of a hat and like themselves when they shave in looking at the loo mirror in the morning. They are psycho-sociopaths which means they have no or very little conscience

    The US government is not missing ISIL targets by accident. They are deliberately dropping bombs in sand pits. And the Kurds are really suffering as they have for hundreds of years.

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