Chris Bollyn discusses Israeli terrorism: King David Hotel; Operation Black Sabbath and 9/11

Friday 14th August 2015

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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Apologies – we’ve had problems with the BCfm website ‘listen again’ facility since before Christmas 2014. BCfm audio files usually available 12 hours after tx. Any probs mp3s should be on alternative links below by about 9 pm on tx date.

First hour: News review: Deputy leader of Conservative group and chair of ‘People Scrutiny’ Lesley Alexander. Mayor Ferguson making decisions and scrutiny by councillors; move from Council House to new Temple St building; Chief Constable, Nick Gargan, set for eight final warnings – hate campaign against him by ex-police officers group NARPO, former Chief Constable Colin Port and allegations against him; another referendum for Bristol Mayor possible – Gloucestershire committee system, pros and cons of having a Mayor; Bristol Green Party says welfare reforms will hit low income families who need housing benefit for high private rents – 2008 financial crisis and austerity, Labour didn’t overspend (look it up), reform to banking system; Jeremy Corbyn and Labour leadership – split Labour party?, PR; Iain Duncan Smith reforms – evictions, food banks, changed way child poverty measured; migration – is 500,000 a year ok? Illegal immigration, Calais ferry workers DFDS industrial dispute; benefit cuts – just 2 children covered now, time for sterilisation after two children? Churches don’t agree; 30,000 Muslims to pledge allegiance to anti-terrorism Caliphate – Cameron’s anti-extremism strategy – clip from speech- ‘grievance justification’, extremist groups armed and trained by intelligence services, Roland Dumas, Operation Cyclone, thought crime, oil pipe lines and regime change, Syria, Libya, further clip from Cameron speech – ‘glamorising ISIS terrorism’.
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Second hour: investigative reports: with Bill: Interview with Bill Woodhouse, former boater and acquaintance of Edward Heath – he discusses his meetings with him and stories he heard about his life: Heaths’ gay relationships and rumours scandals and cover-ups at Balliol College of blackmailing; at outbreak of WWII Heath goes on camping trip through Poland and into Nazi Germany with his alleged boyfriend and lifelong confidant banker Madron Seligman; Heath then joined an Anti-Aircraft regiment in Liverpool – were the Germans aware of convoy movements? In later life Heath was paid £212k annually by the Chinese government as ‘a Public Relations retainer’; Britain entered the EEC in 1974 under Heath’s premiership but Bill Woodhouse says he was worried ‘people are calling me a traitor’ – Double Olympic gold medallist Rodney Pattison was snubbed by Ted Heath but DID get his 1969 MBE contrary to what Bill says. Loss of sovereignty in the EEC and subsequent EU. Interview with David Powell from South West Friends of the Earth: the Chinese economy and devaluation of currency – currency wars;  low price of oil – a potential bubble, climate change, ISIS; fracking – local government planning decisions over-ridden by central government – contaminated ground water, leveraged market; Hinckley – expensive;  Tory scrapped loads of green policies;  website. China explosions – sabotage? investigation into downed MH17 Malaysian airliner in Ukraine – normal procedure not followed, satellite imagery;  more training by British Army of Ukraine troops;  Poland and NATO bases. Chris Bollyn discusses Israeli terrorism:  King David Hotel; Operation Black Sabbath and 9/11.
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