Vote Fraud UK: Did Cameron cheat his way into No 10? – 17,000 victims of terrorism in Iran

Friday 25th September 2015

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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Apologies – sporadic problems with the BCfm website ‘listen again’ facility since before Christmas 2014. BCfm audio files usually available 12 hours after TX. Any probs mp3s should be on alternative links below by about 9 pm on tx date.

First hour: News review: with former LibDem leader Steve Comer Bristol Council affairs up until Mayoral system; Steve’s view of local politics after being a councillor for many years; indefinitely suspended Bristol Police chief Nick Gargan determined to keep his job and has the ‘strength to fight back’ – article in Bristol Post – Tom Windsor, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, to give view – mild misconduct not enough for sacking offence – allegations of white collar crime against former Chief Constable Colin Port, disastrous SouthWest One, IBM police privatisation, project managed by Colin Port’s wife, Sue Barnes. Local Enterprise Partnership, Business West, Merchant Venturers – clip of James Garrett on HTV West Eye View about Merchant Venturers – democracy or oligarchy? First Past the Post vs Proportional Representation, voting system rigged? redrawing electoral boundaries, council tax; clip of interview with Simon Hinds, former civil service PR and journalist at The Voice, who has been analysing anomalies in polls vs. results in marginal constituencies postal voting system of the recent general election, including 200,000 ballot papers stolen – Eric Pickles, vote fixing Mayor of Tower Hamlets Mr. Lutfur Rahman ousted, press coverage of Corbyn – his blog: changes to electoral law, Bush regime voting fraud, reforming voting system, The Jenkins Report; Army mutiny under Corbyn – psychological warfare against Wilson government in 1970s; Intelligence may not be shared with Corbyn; Britain’s MI6 may have started the armed uprising in Syria but “No refugees in Britain”, NATO terror network implicated in Bangkok blasts, appears to have been running Uyghur terrorists through Asia, into Turkey and onward to fight NATO’s proxy war in Syria. Clip of Crispin Blunt MP discussing Tory response to the refugee crisis; Tim Farron at this week’s Lib Dem Conference; David Cameron’s bestial necrophilia while a student at Oxford #PigGate
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Second hour: investigative reports: Mike Birkin, from South West Friends of the Earth:  fracking – drinking water contaminated;  Solar – government slashing feed in tariffs; tidal power – tidal lagoons; Hinckley Nuclear Power – Osborne in China, behind schedule, bomb factory Plutonium 239, Tarapur plant; VW fiasco of fixing emissions data and car security key flaws deliberately suppressed – air pollution worst for health after smoking, rail expensive, drones. interviews with International Relations professor at Peshawar University, Pakistan, Dr. Syed Hussain Shaheed and Mansoureh Karami, wife of Iranian nuclear scientist. Interview with Syed Shaheed, discussing Raymond Davis in Pakistan:  acting head of CIA in Pakistan and working for private military contractor Xe Blackwater – Western intelligence services track record of manipulating Jihadi terrorism; 17,000 Iranian Victims of Terrorism conference – interview with one of the victims – Mansooreh Karami – whose husband, a nuclear scientist, was killed by a terrorist bomb – probably set by CIA, MOSSAD, or Pakistan ISI.  Crispin Blunt MP, interviewed by Stephen Sackur on BBC HardTalk, discusses how intelligence may not be shown to Corbyn and also the Sunday Times’ Army mutiny story.
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