Organised crime tactics to oust Chief Constable – Did Churchill use Nazi gold to finance Britain’s atomic bomb?

Friday 23rd October 2015

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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Apologies – sporadic problems with the BCfm website ‘listen again’ facility – with some shows failing to appear since before Christmas 2014. BCfm audio files usually available 12 hours after TX. Any probs mp3s should be on alternative links below by about 9 pm on tx date.


First hour: News review: with Labour councillor Jenny Smith: Jenny Smith on politics in Bristol; Southmead and council estates; Cameron’s ‘counter extremist strategy’ – is Cameron’s government extreme? clash in Bristol between fascists and anti-fascists after demo by fascists – fascists scanning pubs late in evening looking for anarchists; one anti-fascist gets a broken jaw; Bristol journalist covering Nick Gargan (ex Police Chief) story is threatened by ex Bristol police group led by Colin Port (former Chief Constable) Sue Mountstevens, PCC for Bristol, has same solicitor, John Smith, as Colin Port so was taking bad legal advice; John Smith, chief executive of the Office of the Police and Crime CommissionerColin Port worked on case of lawyer Rosemary Nelson’s murder in Northern Ireland – considered a cover up by some; first new bylaws for Bristol parks since Victorian times to be voted at full council on 12th Dec – could evict homeless in their tents from Bristol parks – Universal Credit benefit and other changes making people homeless Bristol has 300% increase in homeless in a year; PMQs Jeremy Corbyn – closure of more steel works, now almost entire industry; Cameron has no industrial strategy – collapse of British steel in past month;  PMQs Chinese dumping cheap steel on the market; PMQs Jacob Rees-Mogg – how dare House of Lords think about voting down withdrawal of tax credits – possible constitutional crisis; PMQs from Jo Stevens – tax credit cuts could force millions more to food banks; Is politics just theatre? What about Bilderberg and similar transatlantic policy ‘think-tanks’ which include politicians and press who never tell anyone what’s been going on inside, like a cult. Clip of veteran Labour MP and former cabinet minister Michael Meacher who questioned the war on terror and 9/11 who died unexpectedly and suddenly this week discussing the Bilderberg Group. Tony Gosling has uploaded Michael Meacher’s final twenty Tweets because his Twitter account has been mysteriously deleted.
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Second hour: investigative reports: Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, YouTube, AOL, Paltalk and Skype. Did Churchill use Nazi gold to finance Britain’s atomic bomb? Interview with Tayo Aluko about play ‘Call Mr. Robeson’, in Bristol in Redgrave Theatre: one man show about life of Paul Robeson, actor, singer and civil rights activist from around the 1950s onwards. Interview with Kevin Cahill – ‘Safe Harbour’ campaign has victory in European courts to stop US surveillance of Europeans – Kevin and Austrian privacy campaigner, Max Schrems, bring case: 9 key tech companies involved in spying – Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, You Tube, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, AOL, Paltalk, Skype; NSA paying some of these to collect data for them;“From the beginning, my investigations revealed a once-unimaginable scope of governmental surveillance, collusion, and concealment by the British and U.S. governments — practices that were always as much about domestic spying during times of peace as they were about keeping citizens safe from supposed foreign enemies, thus giving the British government the potential power to become, as our source that night had put it, a virtual “police state.” Duncan Campbell on Intercept – My Life Unmasking British Eavesdroppers – a life time work exposing GCHQ; geo-politics and ‘Safe Harbour’ ruling; ‘IBM and the Holocaust’ book by Edwin Black; how to stage a silent coup. Detective, Kenny McDonald, working on child abuse inquiry ‘Operation Midland’, to be replaced. Detective Chief Inspector Paul Settle at Select Committee says inquiry into Leon Brittan a ‘baseless witch hunt’ – he worked on Daniel Morgan murder and with John Yates. Haroon Aswat met two 7/7 bombers, Khan and Tanweer, in Pakistan – but this was kept quiet until Aswat was extradited to US. Interview with Laurence de Mello – EXCLUSIVE: Did Churchill use Nazi gold to build Britain’s atomic bomb?
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1 Comment on “Organised crime tactics to oust Chief Constable – Did Churchill use Nazi gold to finance Britain’s atomic bomb?

  1. preface: I am neither German Argentine nor German

    the fine writer, journalist, tv/film producer on the history of German immigration to Argentina, Brazil, etc makes it sound like all those of German descent came over when Peron help set up the rat lines for nazis near end and after ww2. The fact is most Argentines of German heritage immigrated to Argentina and Brazil in the 19th century. They were farmers, artisans, businessmen, etc. Germany was not a Nazi state in the 19th century and early. In fact Jews were treated best in Germany’s piece of the partition of Poland from 1790-1918. For the Nazis It wasn’t like they hid in the Andes or in Caves. It was because the Nazi Germans could blend in due to the large minority of German Argentines already there.


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