Bullingdon Club boys Rhodes and DeBeers carved up Africa’s wealth, now back in power with Boris, Dave and George

Friday 29th January 2016

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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Apologies – BCfm audio files usually available 2 hours after TX. Any probs mp3s should be on alternative links below by about 9 pm on TX date.

First hour: News review: with Green Councillor Carla Denyer – Bristol City Council Service Director for Housing Nick Hooper to ‘confiscate unoccupied tents’ demands homeless sleep in doorways. Housing; social housing; Greens vision for the city; housing market; growth and GDP; economic crash; council tax to increase – rates, a regressive tax; Gary Neville to close ‘Hotel for the Homeless’ after spending £150,000 – property ladder; empty buildings to be used as housing for homeless – St. Mungos and their rough sleeping task force, increase in rough sleepers in city, Nick Hooper’s statement about evicting homeless in tents in parks; rising rents and low income (£1300 less a year), lead to soaring housing benefit bill of £25bn – productivity down, property bubble bursting; GE Healthcare – US healthcare giant makes fortune from NHS but pays hardly a penny in tax – nationalising pharmaceuticals; PMQs Corbyn – Google and their £300m tax deal with government – future deals may be private; plans for an Anti Margaret Thatcher Museum by Darren Cullen – antidote to the planned Thatcher Centre – things Thatcher did wrong – privatisation, deregulation of banks, creation of Al Queda; PMQs Margaret Ferrier – Osborne has missed his deficit reduction plan by a long shot – management of macro-economy; Iain Duncan Smith gives a blank cheque to Lawyers fighting bedroom tax cases – after two landmark cases won in court – right to buy of your social housing; PMQs Charlotte Leslie – prisons centres of radicalisation.
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Second hour: investigative reports: Breaking the Bullingdon Club Omertà: Secret Lives of the Men Who Run Britain: Vandalism, blood, and hookers. A Daily Beast investigation exposes the best-kept secrets of Britain’s most powerful men; the hidden archive; the club’s latest outbreak of destruction; new heavyweight members named and Prime Minister David Cameron’s hushed-up past. Bullingdon Club exposed by Nick Mutch – Nick Mutch, journalist, discusses the Bullingdon Club, who Cameron, Osborne and Boris were all part of:  just wealthy join club; ‘Omerta, Omerta’ – is the Mafia code of silence; list of influential people who have been members – almost all Tories and 75% went to Eton; encouraged to damage property – break the law – smash things up – so they have dirt on each other and will be afraid to tell tales lest their own deeds be revealed; Skull and Bones society at Yale University in the US; they are let off by the law and don’t suffer the consequences. Nick also writes at www.Byline.com – Ten years after the Bristol schools privatisation plan was hatched, BBC Points west reporter Martin Jones paints rosy picture of Bristol’s privatised secondary schools – Christine Townsend, former teacher and candidate for Mayor, discusses how the good news story of Bristol schools improving, is probably not as good as it seems:  Academy Schools; inequality in entrance for kids – some not taking enough ‘free school meal’ kids; clip of piece by Martin West on Points West, about how education has improved in Bristol in last 10 years; Reporter Martin West and BBC fail to mention creepy SW Schools Commissioner Sir David Carter was recently CEO of Academies’ ‘Cabot Learning Federation’ PFIs of new school buildings; The Bristolian allege Peter Price, Director of Cabot Learning Federation, condones detention of children in an empty room on their own with nothing to do all day for minor breaches of school rules. Draconian disciplinary systems in schools and permanent exclusion of badly behaved kids increasing; schools are being run like a business with children sitting on conveyor belts. Retired Russian General Leonid Ivashov says ‘there is no such thing as international terrorism’. General Ivashof, former Chief of Staff of Russian Armed Forces, says international terrorism does not exist – Al Qaeda funded by the West, Saudi Arabia No.1 supporter of Jihadis, Roland Dumas. Interview with Rose Crossland from Bristol CND Stop Trident, Stop The Bombing at Trinity Centre next Tuesday at 7pm about stopping Trident – is it possible to get rid of nuclear weapons? Privatisation of military. The Litvinenko murder: Scaramella – The Italian Connection… was it Mario Scaramello, part of Mafia and CIA agent, who really poisoned LitvinenkoDocumentary about 1999 Moscow Ryazan bombings based on Alexander Litvinenko book ‘Blowing Up Russia’ banned by Vladimir Putin
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