Turkish dictator Erdogan crushing free press – origins in NATO’s Middle East war crimes

Friday 11th March 2016

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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First hour: News review: with Conservative candidate for mayor Charles Lucas: Tony Hall issues BBC independence warning – privatising of Channel 4, licence fee, journalism; ECB have done more QE – stock markets; EU referendum – clip from Gary Gibbon C4 report where Mark Carney says leaving the EU could be a risk to domestic financial stability Jacob Rees-Mogg MP and Andrew Tyrie MP quizzing him; PMQs Richard Bergen – will PM resign if vote to leave EU? Thornbury and Yate MP Luke Hall accused over Tory ‘battle bus’ election expenses Channel 4 News journalist Michael Crick running national stories of 24 marginal constituencies that appear to have committed electoral fraud last May’s general election – fraud, health care lobbying, mayoral system, Bristol Council; housing – affordable housing, need massive home building in Bristol, where get money from? Council social housing; PMQs Karen Smith – Bristol South and apprenticeships; PMQs Roberta Blackman Wood – cuts to work related benefits have made mothers £13bn worse offLabour didn’t overspend before the international banking crisis.
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Second hour: investigative reports: Rik Mayall’s final UK Feature Film: writer/producer Diane Jessie Miller on One By One (2015). Libya: Obama says Britain hasn’t done enough after regime change in Libya; Operation Southern Mistral 2011 war game; jihadis and weapons from Libya to Syria – Abdul Hakim bel Haj working for Western intelligence services; ISIS now thriving in Libya; oil, pipelines and geo-politics; deliberate chaos.  Interview with Diane Jesse Miller who made film ‘One by One’ – based around 9/11 and the last UK film starring Rik Mayall , which curiously wasn’t mentioned in mainstream media – DVD £10 plus p&p from www.onebyonethemovie.co.uk  or One By One The Movie Facebook page– or www.dianejessiemiller.co.uk   Angela Merkel and EU to give Turkey €6bn Euros to help deal with refugee crisis and take back refugees from Greece? Interview with Sevge Akarsesme, English Executive Editor of Today’s Zaman newspaper in Turkey, that was stormed last Friday evening by President Erdogan: digital archive Google cache – this paper broke the story that Erdogan buying oil from ISIS and also NATO involvement in Ghouta chemical attack; government suppressing businesses and journalists; Islam and democracy; independent monitoring of elections stopped; Erdogan part of NATO. Independent newspaper in London forced to close in a mor subtle ‘British’ way, by big business pulling long-term advertising –  Olof Palme, former PM of Sweden, was possibly killed by NATO  – documentaryDunblane killings – involvement of Free Masons, The Speculative Society, and paedophiles protected by the police –Interview with Graham Farmelo who wrote book ‘Churchill’s Bomb’where did £200m (£7bn today) for bomb come from? Churchill urged a strike on Moscow.
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