Political economist Richard Murphy: Osborne’s Big Lie, he knows he will never balance the books

Friday 18th March 2016

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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First hour: News review: with Windmill Hill Green councillor Deborah Joffe. Green energy – energy efficiency; PMQs Corbyn – planning permission for wind power and fracking – nuclear energy; public transport – Dr Richard Beeching, free public transport, First Bus, air quality, Metrobus; PMQs Tory energy policy a shambles – Hinkley Point Nuclear power station – expensive nuclear waste, diesel generators in Bristol; committees Deborah is on – People Scrutiny and Police and Crime Panel – Sue Mountstevens, the ‘old regime’ at Avon & Somerset police and Colin Port; threats of violence against local BBC journalist by retired police officers supporting former Chief Constable Colin Port against suspended Chief Constable Nick Gargan, PMQs Caroline Lucas – all schools to be made academies – parents to be removed as governors; will Bristol be forced to have a Metro Mayor which nobody wants and £1bn investment ‘bribe’ over 30 years – devolution or concentration of power? Cuts to disabled payment PIP – 290,000 people to lose £4,100 a year – while corporations are given handouts – Three Tories part of disabled charities sacked e.g. Zac Goldsmith, tax relief on pensions, deficit not going down, Osborne never achieving a surplus; Bristol Arena in Windmill Hill; Labour equal with Tories in latest ICM poll.
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BCfm audio file
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Second hour: investigative reports: with tax justice campaigner Richard Murphy. Interview with tax justice expert Richard Murphy, discussing this week’s Budget: Osborne’s failures – less money in and more benefits payments – no chance whatever of a surplus; poor quality press coverage of Budget – microeconomics not macroeconomics covered by London media, no mention of Mervyn King predicting another crash; 2008 banking crisis – banking problems still not addressed;  spending ‘People’s QE’ into the economy on infrastructure; effects of QE used to bail out banks; dealing with tax havens BBC Documentary 2016: Britains Trillion Pound Island – Inside Cayman – start with transparency;  money off the gold standard – all money is debt, inflation;  Positive Money – get away from debt based money? Mervyn King on Andrew Marr show – whose really running things? – Bank of England run by government; Budget – banks will not be prosecuted for foreign exchange fraud; suicide bomber banks: power of banks – knew government would bail them out in 2008;  German and UK stock markets could merge with German boss Carsten Kengeter, who ran the Libor fraud department for Swiss UBS bank, in charge; Adam Smith Institute says people on benefits are genetically different; Richard’s book ‘Joy of Tax’ and search him online to see his blog. Kevin Cahill discusses the latest on his court case against US internet giants for taking money from NSA to spy on British citizens – Safe Harbour and PRISM, Snooper’s Charter, NSA gives £20m a year to Microsoft.
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BCfm audio file
Radio4All audio file
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1 Comment on “Political economist Richard Murphy: Osborne’s Big Lie, he knows he will never balance the books

  1. Money is a means of exchange. Its easier than bartering — although barter works well for some transactions. its easier than trying to figure out how many bushes of beans, etc is equal to another farmers cow. And money is not debt. it is something you earned, a gift, its something that disabled and pensioners get because “taxes are the price we pay to be a civilized society”. Does anyone want to go back to the days of “bring out your dead” or collecting dead homeless from the streets ? i think not. I don’t even believe in an honest market trading market place based on supply and demand. i think that markets based on supply and demand are dead. i believe in rationing. the sooner we get rid of speculation and all these wicked financial instruments, the wealth gap will become smaller. the wealthy should pay asset taxes because they have a hell of a lot more money tied up in assets than they get as income. although there incomes should be taxed too. And here in the US we have more than enough wealth to have an NHS. privitizing public services just gives you less public services. the private sector is based on profit so they are going to cut back on personell, services, etc AND ITS ALL GIVEN TO THEM ON THE TAXPAYERS POUND OR DOLLAR. ITS EVIL. i know that is what is happening in the UK or more specifically England. In the US there is such a huge private public bureacracy that doctors spend more time on paper work than healing. and this free market of endless insurance plans is just damned evil here in the US….theres more to say and specifiy but i’ll end for now for your sake and mine for now

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