Brussels Attacks part of plan to create a police state? EU Referendum to be fixed? Questions for Electoral Commission

Friday 1st April 2016

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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First hour: News review: with Green Councillor for Ashley ward Gus Hoyt. Job shares in council; Gus doesn’t want to share with us business of the fire authority he’s on because it ‘may be confidential’; Gus approves of Malcolm X Centre changes and removal of St. Paul’s Carnival trustees;  ‘paupers’ funerals could return as families struggle to pay – state help capped at £700;  11 ways Iain Duncan Smith made life harder for the most vulnerable in Britain;  PMQs Corbyn – £4.4bn black hole in budget – Hinkley;  Steel crisis could cost Britain 40,000 jobs if no buyer can be found for Tata – collapse in demand, British industries and privatisation;  PMQs Stephen Kinnock – Tata steel meeting;  3 Bristol Mayoral manifestos published – RPZs – Bristol congestion problems, public transport;  Mayor must tackle Bristol’s ‘institutional racism’ says churches pre-election manifesto – wealth divide;  Bristol Arena transport concerns;  PMQs Britain bottom (no. 23) in literacy and numeracy out of OECD countries – teacher morale;  academic says Australia invaded not settled.
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Second hour: investigative reports: thorough look at emerging contradictions in the Belgian officials and mainstream media account of last week’s Brussels Attacks – the origins of and agenda behind the European Union. Brussels terror attacks:  NATO track record of false flag attacks such as the Brabant Massacres – Strategy of Tension; NATO and Octoberfest bomb in 1980 documentary; Erdogan sent terrorists out of Turkey;  Amaq News Agency and Rita Katz’s SITE used to disseminate ‘ISIS attack claim’; ICTS – Israeli security company at airport; bombs in Turkey – Turkish MIT working with NATO;  Tom Donker on BBC 5 Live – soldier behind scenes dealing with dead and injured; The shortcomings of Belgium’s Brussels terror investigations: Belgium is facing criticism for errors in its investigations before, during and after the attacks in Brussels. These include tips from the US and Turkey, and missed signals on a bomber’s parole violations. Jihadi ‘Gladio’ training camp in the Ardennes discovered in 2012; Ex US DIA chief general Michael Flynn said creation of ISIS a ‘wilful decision’ of the White House; why was Easter Sunday’s neo-Nazi fascist march not stopped by the Brussels police from slamming into Brussels attacks peace vigil? Ergenekon trials in Turkey; Nazi Reinhard Gehlen & International Brigades of the SS integrated into NATO at its conception; threat of nuclear terrorism. BRUSSELS TERRORDROME: Masterminds, Fake CCTV Footage, EU Funded Terror Drills & Prior KnowledgeDave Barnby, author of ‘The EU is a Corporatist Racket’, discusses the EU and the up-coming referendum:  9/11 and demolition job of the buildings Beyond Misinformation – AE911Truth dossier is available as a PDF download; fraud at last British elections; David Cameron and his credibility gap on EU; corporate entities that really run this world – e.g. Rothschilds; Axa chief executive, Henri de Castries, quits after 16 years, to chair HSBC – he’s also chair of Bilderberg – what is Bilderberg Group?; Dave’s previous Arnhem battle mystery unravelled programme ‘A Bridge Not Far’; fraud in 1975 referendum to stay in Common Market;  Dave’s letter to electoral commission; The EU is the brainchild of Bilderberg and the big US corporations e.g. IBM and Exxon/ESSO. Trump says will not take use of nuclear weapons ‘off the table’ in any situation, including Europe or Middle East. European Court rubber-stamps police murder of Jean Charles de Menezes.
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