Crisis: ‘Homelessness Duty’ would cost councils £44m but SAVE £47m – Saudi newspapers: US themselves blew up twin towers on 9/11 to create war on terror
Friday 27th May 2016
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
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First hour: News review with leader of Bristol City Council Tory group Mark Weston. PCC elections – Mark was Tory candidate, £5000 fee to take part, why count took so long in Bristol, postal votes; Brexit – pros and cons, Boris for Tory leader?, single market and EU, Cameron lobbying for less regulations of banks, EU and regulations, banking system insolvent, QE and Bank of England, exports going down; Homelessness duty ‘would cost councils £44m’. interview with Crisis’ Head of Policy and Campaigns Maeve McGoldrick about report showing how you can solve street homeless problem with £44m and save £47m – More rough sleepers in Bristol than anywhere else in England, outside of London – reform of legislation, strategic prevention, pilot in Wales working, increase supply of housing including social housing MPs have been urged to grasp an ‘historic opportunity’ to make the most significant change to the law on homelessness in nearly 40 years. National homelessness charity Crisis is urging the MPs selected by today’s Private Members’ Bill ballot to champion a change in the law that will ensure homeless people in England can no longer be turned away to sleep rough by their council. The proposed Bill, put forward by an expert panel of council members, lawyers and housing experts, would see a reformed law introduced requiring all councils in England to take action to prevent people from becoming homeless in the first place. Crisis’ Homeless Prevention Bill (2016); PMQs Angela Eagle and George Osborne – EU referendum and Tory split – balancing books and getting rid of national debt, derivatives debt bigger than national debts, tax havens and taxing rich; PMQs Port Talbot steel works – tariffs on Chinese steel dumping, drop in demand; PMQs – high proportion of children brought up in care end up in prison.
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Second hour investigative reports – US special forces becoming more involved in Syria – seen to have a Kurdish insignia on uniforms: working with Islamic groups, what are battle lines in Syria?, bomb on bus by ISIS. Front page of Saudi newspapers – US blew up twin towers themselves on 9/11 to create ‘war on terror – Russians and Iranians know this. Former German Technology Minister and Defence Secretary Andreas von Bülow in 2002 discussing US culpability in 9/11 and Project for the New American Century: ‘In Search of Enemies’ book by John Stockwell about US constantly needing new enemies; different theories of 9/11 LIHOP (Let It Happen On Purpose) and MIHOP (Made It Happen On Purpose). Andreas von Bülow explains how Bilderberg works in German press: way of seeing who disagrees with Pentagon’s plans so you can subsequently get rid of them – remove them from power by fair means of foul – Bilderberg will be discussing Brexit and EU. Mike Sparks website – – discusses what ‘President Trump’ will mean for US sponsored wars in Ukraine and Syria and the Military Industrial Complex (MilIndCom) playing ‘whack-a-mole’ with the ISIS ‘hornets nest’ they created and making billions of ‘kerching’: Ghouta chemical attack; Sabrosky – Israel involved in 9/11 – 5 dancing Israelis. Obama first US President to visit Hiroshima since WW2 nuclear bombing. Micro-chipping children – totalitarian police state? Florida propaganda to get your children microchipped: Several anti-microchipping websites: Katherine Albrecht – – – Chippenham/Bath-based director Ken Loach wins 2016 Palme D’Or for film ‘I, Daniel Blake’ about the British benefits system in Job Centres and vicious Tory benefit cuts. Us Professor Michael Perelman discusses the early days of capitalism – primitive accumulation: Marx; depriving people of their rights; Adam Smith. Ya’alon quits Israel defence minister post, warning of ‘extremist’ rise under Netanyahu.
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