US bases and nuclear weapons mean Europe will be destroyed in the next war
Friday 1st July 2016
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
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First hour: News review: with chair of Bradley Stoke UKIP Ben Walker & former BCfm Polish show producer/presenters Michael & Magda Bond Bradley Stoke UKIP Chair Ben Walker – transferred from Tory to UKIP; Jack Lopresti; Tory leadership; no leave plan after Brexit. Michael and Magda Bond – Magda is Polish – after Brexit does she feel like Polish aren’t wanted here? – racism coming out after vote; how Brussels works – democratic? another referendum? Welsh vote; Brexit a vote against immigration and people feeling disenfranchised from political system; PR; Polish politics; clip of Michael Gove’s speech – he had to stand as Boris incapable – his poor decision making in schools and prisons; Theresa May – Snooper’s Charter; EU should sort itself out or others will leave; Deutsche Bank shaky – banking crash – Brexit disastrous effect on other countries; Osborne says he now will not be able to balance books by 2020; immigration; wages not rising; decisions made to bring Poland into EU – geo-politics against Russia; child poverty rises by 200,000 on previous year – jobs not providing enough to live on; parents let down by Bristol Children’s Hospital, according to report – Southmead PFI is a financial disaster for taxpayers; Bristol’s Merchant Venturers – on boards of Public Services like health and water, a parasite class; clip of shadow chancellor John McDonnell speech – not on main stream media – Jeremy Corbyn will stay on as Labour leader – what are coup plotters trying to do, have they thought it through? Angela Eagle For Leader website domain was registered two days before she ‘resigned’ ; Nafeez Ahmed & Steve Topple at ‘The Canary’ show a Blairite PR firm Portland Communications and the Fabian Society are really behind the Labour coup.
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Second hour: investigative reports: Future Shock – False Flag and former Swiss-German Investment Banker turned ‘All Smoke and Mirrors’ blogger Manfred Petritsch: Cyber attack on a NATO country could trigger NATO ‘self-defence’ response says unelected Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg – NATO in Poland – ‘Operation Anaconda’ – war game on Russian border – also ‘Flashing Sabre’ on another border. German FM, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, warns against ‘sabre-rattling’ towards Russia – sanctions on Russia, EU more independent from US after Brexit. Politics First editor Marcus Papadopolous on Independence from America Day – US bases in Europe – destabilisation processes of NATO. The warning signs of a false flag operation – Death of Alvin Toffler at 87, author of Future Shock – clip from 1972 ‘Future Shock’ film by Orson Welles: technology should have freed up time but now working harder; Huffington Post article: Capitalism Is Dead. Now What Do We Do? re-distribution of wealth. Interview with Manfred Petreisch, ex-investment banker and author of blog All Smoke and Mirrors in German: we are ruled by a criminal elite; Bilderberg coverage has progressed over years; CIA creator of European movement; Nazis and Bilderberg – Nazi Germany’s IG Farben cartel – US cartel corporations friendly with the Nazis; oil and banking monopolist David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger at Bilderberg; Bilderberg a bridge between Europe and US, against Russia – union between Russia and Germany seen as disaster; what do they do in Bilderberg meetings? Tell latest instructions, policy, information to world leaders. Cyber attacks against NATO will be equivalent to military attack; Bilderberger tells political science student Klaus Kopf: “You naive blue-eyed asshole, do you really think the President of US is voted in? Investment banking; 9/11 – there were explosions in the Twin Towers’ basement before any plane hit them; WWII history – Hitler financed by Wall St, Pearl Harbour was not a ‘surprise’; US world domination; historical drive to have war with Russia – Europe will be destroyed because US have their bases and nuclear weapons stationed there, 70,000 US troops in Germany alone; his experience in investment banking – Swiss banking, shaky banking system, Super-Mario Draghi at the European Central Bank (ECB) pumping €80bn Euros a month into market, derivatives.
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