BBC Wales snub first Jeremy Corbyn vs Owen Smith debate – Tom Hayes scapegoated for Libor fraud – blue blood criminal bank executives go free

Friday 5th August 2016

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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First hour: News review: with Tory councillor Steve Jones. Brexit – racist attacks in Bristol; black firefighter allegedly tasered by police says racism is a ‘disease’ within the met – police and guns;  cabinet minister Liam Fox announces he’s opening three new government offices, in the USA – Liam Fox’s history with Werrity, TTIP;  Liam Fox faces questions over charity, ‘Give Us Time’,  he set up to help military families – £500,000 fund from Osborne, but didn’t help many people: Liam Fox Faces Questions Over Charity He Set Up To Help Military Families. Labour Party in Bristol East back Corbyn not MP Kerry McCarthy – electoral reform, Labour Party split;  clips from debate between  Owen Smith and Jeremy Corbyn – BBC Wales didn’t cover it – Trident,  Russia a threat? Immigration and Brexit;  UKIP leadership – top three aren’t allowed to stand;  UK home ownership lowest ever – housing bubbles, interest rates down;  Bank of England stress tests ‘worse than useless’ – Brexit after effects;  Dame Lowell Goddard resigns from VIP child sex abuse inquiry – the 3rd Judge to resign – similar to Diana inquest lawyesrs are refusing to take part in the cover-up; Leytonstone tube stabbing by Muhiddin Mire, is he ISIS or just mentally ill?
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Nick Hayes father of jailed Libor trader Tom Hayes. Interview with Nick Hayes, father of Tom Hayes, the ex City trader who has been put in prison for 14 years for libor fraud at UBS – even though he was told to do it by his bosses and was common practice in most banks – he has been used as a scapegoat:  Nick’s history in current affairs programmes such as World in Action;  Tom has aspergers and how this effects his behaviour;  guide on how to fix libor rates was given to him by boss;  spreadsheets as proof UBS systematically fixed libor rates and Tom was instructed to fix libor by bank executives; how media has reported it – death of investigative journalism;  why police won’t arrest top bankers – impunity; – Tom Hayes Support Group on Facebook – @HayesLibor Twitter – Interview with Kevin Cahill:  top bankers not going to jail; rogue UBS trader Kweku Adoboli says banks still carrying on fraud –  banking system problems not resolved, QE – profitable for some people; Ireland jailed 3 senior bankers from Anglo Ireland Bank;  auditors are fraudsters – BHS; has Conservative party election fraud been forgotten by the police?  Queen gets a 6.5% pay rise – with Crown Estate at £14bn does she need one – The Times Rich List.   Now Erdogan ‘wants to smash secret NATO army’ over alleged role in Turkey coup  Sports doping – unfair against Russia.  Files linking Britain to Israel’s nuclear weapons go missing from National Archives. Diplomat Julian King to be UKs next European Commissioner.  First person has died in driverless car – hackable cars.
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