Labour Party conference: facing down the City of London – London VIPaedophile enquiry struggles to eject saboteurs at the top

Friday 30th September 2016

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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First hour: News review: with Cabinet member for Finance, Governance & Performance, Labour Councillor for Hillfields Craig Cheney: Accountancy; Bristol Council finances – central gov. cuts;  declaring of interests – abolition of the Standards Board for England – (by?) Freemasons, Merchant Venturers;  John Hurst discusses Bristol City Accounts and large reserves up by £150m this year that could stop announced 1000 job losses – ‘Section 151 Officer’ under the Local Government Act 1972 – check the rules about council accounts online at CIPFA.comDeutsche Bank wobbling – 37bn Euros of debt – and Merkel says she won’t bail them out – QE since 2008 – Martin & Tony, a couple of years ago, discuss what a Friday Eurodollar crash scenario would look like and how things would look over forthcoming days and weeks – derivative markets, banking reform;  John McDonnell’s speech at Labour Party Conference – Labour will end austerity and ‘patriots pay their taxes’, imagine a society, peoples QE, Roosevelt’s New Deal in 1930s and Oligarchy trying to remove him in the 1933 ‘Business Plot’ or coup attempt; Prescott Bush helped Hitler for the RockefellersJeremy Corbyn’s speech – a demand for an alternative since 2008 – PR electoral system, basic income;  Corbyn speech – geremandering of Tories,  Efficiency Tsar of Tories – privatisation, deregulation.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Ben Emmerson, Lawyer, is another one gone from The Independent Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse – after Baroness Butler-Sloss, Fiona Wolf, and Lowell Goddard – now Alexis Jay – are a criminal elite at the top trying to disrupt proceedings? Interview with Sam Hill who suffered sexual abuse from the age of 11: how the police deal with victims and how they dealt with her – people of status trusted; mainly Home Office staff on inquiry team; was Keith Vaz set up to remove him from Home Affairs Select Committee chair? Sam Hill’s twitter – @samhill121212; her book – ‘An Oath to Hell’ (2010); British Intelligence Services and sexual deviancy used for blackmail proven at Kincora boys home in Northern Ireland;  Shirley Oaks children’s home; PMQs Lisa Nandy – why did Lowell Goddard quit?  Al Nusra Front have admitted being supplied by the Pentagon – ‘The Grand Illusion’ a 9/11 childrens’ poem by Des Kay, who runs Save The World Club in KingstonJournalist Caleb Maupin interviews Bashar Ja’afari, Syrian Ambassador to UN on the streets of New York City while at the United Nations – his points – 1) Is NATO fighting or backing terrorists, they must decide; 2) is NATO’s enemy Assad or ISIS? 3) who decides who rules Syria, the Syrian people, not NATO 4) 101 out of 193 UN members are exporting their own terrorist garbage to Syria funded by Saudis & Qataris, trained in Turkey and backed by USA. What could help Syria? West say fighting Islamic extremists but then support them, the bombings within the ceasefire recently. Shimon Perez’s funeral: is everyone who wears a kipur (little brimless hat on the back of the head) Jewish? The 1982 Oded Yinon Plan to Balkanise the Middle East which NATO now backs; the ‘White Helmets’ in Syria funded by UK, EU and run by former NATO intelligence officer James Le Mesurier; the 2012 London Olympics and the British army denying Perez place in centre of the Olympic park. Do the world’s richest and most powerful people believe in religion? If so what ‘god’ do they worship? One theory from ‘The Forbidden Secret’, a 2007 talk with US medical doctor and talk show host Stanley Monteith (NOT Eustace Mullins as Tony says) – what god do the super rich believe in?  Congress rejects Obama veto of 9/11 billSaudi Arabia threatens to pull $750bn from US economy if Congress allows them to be sued for 9/11 terror attacks… oh dear, they just did!
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4 Comments on “Labour Party conference: facing down the City of London – London VIPaedophile enquiry struggles to eject saboteurs at the top

  1. President Roosevelt and currently and recently President Rafael Correa of Ecuador proved that bottom up relief, jobs, housing, high taxes for the wealthy, and so on worked to get the nation out of depression or deep recession. Also private business benefited if they were a national recovery act private company had the benefit of being first in line for government contracts. What many people don’t know is that 1% or more like the 0.5% got their first fifty thousand dollars in earnings( in today’s terms about 200.000 thousand dollars. nothing to sneeze at) and after that they were taxed 90+ in earnings Actually the NRA and NEW DEAL, got the US our of depression in 1937. But FDR made the mistake of loosening up on the private market and we went back into depression. If memory serves, FDR also had a high asset and estate taxes, but i could be wrong no doubt.

    Did Harold Wilson make the mistake of taxing the top income income class of taxing 90+ on their first penny of wealth. From what I’ve read many of the wealthy left Great Britain and were freed from the taxes they owed by immigrating to other countries, including the Rolling Stones and late actor Richard Burton.

    btw, Rafael Correa said on the Charely Rose(a slimy wall street liberal talk show host) show said it was his belief in liberation theology was strong impetus for, bottom up first, brought up up the economy in general . The most famous person who promoted liberation theology, an active lifting up those in poverty was Pope John the twenty third circa 1960.

    If i am in error, I would be grateful for anyone’s corrections

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