Tories announce NHS ‘STP’ plan for Bristol – death of Fidel Castro: 55+ years of Cuba revolution
Friday 2nd December 2016
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
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First hour: News review: with leader of the Conservative group on Bristol City Council and councillor for Hengrove and Brentry Mark Weston – Shaun Murphy, from ‘Protect Our NHS’, discusses fighting cuts and privatisation of the NHS: Clinical Commissioning Groups; Sustainable Transformation Programme (STP) will cap NHS budget at £23bn a year; Lib Dem research showing £30bn wasted in NHS on dealing with new markets; NHS after WWII; nationalising pharmaceutical companies; PMQs STP moving towards private health insurance? PMQs South Tyneside Hospital and cuts – PFI deals; PMQs Corbyn – no extra money for social care in Budget; ¼ beds in Southmead Hospital – people who need social care in community. Snooper’s Charter gets Royal Assent: song by Cassette Boy; can we trust the Secret Services with mass warrant-less spying powers? Is scrutiny of Secret Services enough? NATO and false flag attacks. PMQs Christians are worried to mention their faith in public – Theresa May uses the Bible to help her make decisions because ‘she is a Christian’. Bit are her policies Christian? Official report reveals the hated benefit sanctions regime costs taxpayers £153m more a year to run than it saves – poor paying for crimes of the bankers. Bristol’s four homeless charities work together for the homeless this Christmas. NICE says getting rid of speed bumps could lessen air pollution. PMQs Grammar Schools.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Trump chooses James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis as his Defence Secretary: he wants to cancel deal with Iran; US bill HR6393 targeting Russian propaganda; he was in charge of US Centcom; his quotes on Iran. Turkey declares war on Syria and Assad – is this start of WW3? EU Commission reveals 5bn Euros European Defence Fund. PMQs Angus Robertson – End of Aleppo war in Syria – humanitarian crisis – West allied with Islamic extremists. 9/11: shock report reveals 9/11 tower did not collapse because of fire – report by group of top engineers from Alaska University; former National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) employee says Tower 7 investigation bogus – Govt. ‘denied evidence’; Trump saying how 9/11 buildings came down was odd: says “I happen to think they had not only a plane but bombs that exploded almost simultaneously.” Donald Trump: Only Explosives Could Have Brought Down World Trade Towers. Interview with Jackie Cannon about Cuba and the recent death of Fidel Castro: press coverage of Fidel Castro outside Cuba is not how people feel in Cuba; the history of Cuba from the Spanish colonisation to today – putting the need for a revolution in context and constant US meddling – including how the USS Maine ship being blown up in Havana Harbour in 1898 could have been a false flag attack as an excuse for US to intervene in Cuba – Cuban missile crisis; the future of Cuba – is the system safe? Trump on Cuba; US sanctions on Cuba and Cuban Adjustment Act not lifted; Jackie’s book ‘Cuba: One Moment in Time’. The story of Tory election fraud and overspending in 2015 election was first picked up by The Canary – a Bristol based website – Kerry Ann Mendoza from The Canary explains.
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with the banking establishment that owns the federal reserve bank controlling all the politics in America and there for being the real people in power how do stories about trump matter they control him and his party as they do with Clinton and her party . regarding 9/11 after following dr judy woods work on 9/11 either with her book were did the towers go or watching her many interviews she has given I find it hard to listen to any other theory about what happened that day . I strongly advise anyone to take a look at the work she has done .