Where’s the missing £29m George? Bristol Metro Mayor Conservative candidate Tim Bowles – 100+ UK civil servants aiding Saudi war crimes, killing civilians in Yemen
Friday 10th February 2017
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
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Extra stories – “Can we make it stick?” The ‘punishment killing’ of Human Rights lawyer Phil Shiner – based on two unnnamed witnesses: Moscow condemns ‘fake’ Amnesty report on Syria mass hangings
First hour: News review: with Conservative candidate for Bristol Metro Mayor Tim Bowles. Local MPs, Councillors and Mayor Marvin Rees who won’t come on the show or even answer messages. Tim’s qualifications and background; what is a Metro Mayor and what areas will they cover?; does Tory privatisation work?; Tory councillor was ‘rogue estate agent’ for drugs gang growing cannabis in Bristol, court told; former Tory government health advisor joins US firm involved in NHS privatisation; PMQs Corbyn – hospitals in crisis – is closing more A&Es going to help? – Tories stealth privatisation of NHS; PMQs Corbyn reads leaked Surrey County Council texts – raising council tax – funding social care; explosion rocks French Flamanville nuclear power plant close to the English Channel after fire breaks out in machine room – Fukishima: 600 tons of melted radioactive Fukushima fuel still not found, clean-up chief reveals – Explosion rocks French nuclear power plant close to the English Channel after fire breaks out in machine room – PMQs new Housing White Paper – housing problems, council housing, building companies can’t sell all the houses; £29 million council cock-up – some of the top people involved in running the council at the time – clip of Marvin Rees on Bristol City Council You Tube channel discussing this – KPMG ‘volunteer’ Matt Payne helped council in 2013 – KPMG and other auditors’ failures including 2008 banking crisis; Labour sets up ‘working group’ to investigate universal basic income, John McDonnell reveals.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: former UN Yemen worker Dr Judith Brown looks at this week’s revelations about extensive UK civil service and armed forces (over 100 personnel assisting Saudi war criminals with training, planning air strikes and ‘targeting guidance’) involvement in Riadh’s ‘proxy war’ crimes against the Yemeni people. Yemen civil war: 10,000 civilians killed and 40,000 injured in conflict, UN reveals. Interview with Fuad Rajeh, a Yemeni journalist in Jordan at the moment: Trump’s recent criticised operation in Yemen where 25 civilians including a baby were killed – Yemen on the verge of famine, United Nations asks for $2.1 billion; why did war break out? What is life like in Yemen now? number of Yemeni children at risk of starving to death triples since March – says UNICEF – blockades on food; how to sort situation out? Interview with Dr. Judith Brown about war in Yemen: some areas better than others – Tribes and Al Qaeda – UK government denies it ignored advice over Saudi arms sales – in Middle East Eye; Boris Johnson urged UK to continue Saudi arms sales after funeral bombing – Letters between foreign secretary and Liam Fox reveal UK weapons exports were under review following the bombing of a funeral in Yemen – British helping Saudis and then helping Yemenis; why war started in Yemen and state of affairs now. PMQs Eric Pickles – Theresa May defies Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with vow of support for Iran nuclear deal. Lord Rothschild discusses cousin’s crucial role in ‘miracle’ Balfour Declaration. – Verified: Alex Jones on the payroll of a ‘very, very important nation and a very, very important leader’. Stop the War coalition – SWP – why are they so anti-Russian? Interview with Mehrnaz Shahabi about Iran’s missile testing and Vanessa Beeley who has recently returned from Syria. Russia arrests four ‘American spies’ Sergei Mikhailov and Dmitry Dokuchaev (FSB) plus Ruslan Stoyanov (Kaspersky), working as top cybersecurity officials – Prepare for cyberwar with PREFABS – R = Real privacy – use GNU PG or PGP encryption
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Fact or propaganda? Syria carried out mass hangings at military prison: Amnesty International:
Amnesty Claims Mass Executions In Syria, Provides Zero Proof
Leaks Suggest Trump’s Own Team Is Alarmed By His Conduct
I doubt the zio-con warlocks Trump surrounded himself with are alarmed even the slightest bit.
And I’ll start worrying for hangings at a Syrian military prison when peace has returned and the mad jihadist decapitating 12 or 14 yrs old children are gone. I haven’t forgotten the US supported Nour al-Din al-Zenki maniacs just yet.