Justice for Ladbroke Grove’s Grenfell families, an inside story – Criticising police update on Manchester Arena terror attack by BBC’s Nick Garnett
Friday 7th July 2017
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
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First hour: News review: with Bristol city councillor Clive Stevens and former UKIP candidate John Langley. Justice For Grenfell’s Piers Thompson. Sustainable Business Engineering; UKIP; porn business; housing market crash. Grenfell Tower fire tragedy: Tory in charge of Grenfell Tower refurbishment investigated TWICE over his role; Grenfell fire risk assessor who was paid £250k for his work urged council to bury his fire risk report; Grenfell Tower fire inquiry chair heckled as he meets survivors; Grenfell survivors were told to sign council form that ‘could waive rights’; The Justice4Grenfell agitators: campaign group tries to push Tower inquiry judge to resign; building regulations; C4 News – Jon Snow interviews Joe Delaney from Grenfell Action Group and Kevin Holrake MP; interview with Piers Thomson from Justice For Grenfell group – he lives near the tower and gives his personal experience of the tragedy and the failings of the council www.justice4grenfell.co.uk Facebook page: Solidarity with Grenfell – Grenfell United. Haringey Council sell off public land to private companies. Marvin Rees as Bristol Mayor: why don’t cities march on Westminster about cuts and the destruction of local government? No libraries or streetlights left in Britain by 2020 if austerity doesn’t stop, warns Tory local government chief: ‘We won’t be cleaning the streets we won’t be cutting the grass, we won’t be putting street lights on at all, your libraries will go, your pot holes won’t get filled up, ‘ warns Lord Porter Banking system collapse; Bristol’s poorest households and those on benefits could be forced to pay council tax; rich paying more tax. Bijan Ebrahimi – Police ‘failed’ murdered man for years. MetroBus boss quits council job days after report reveals cost has gone up again.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: former Tory MEP Richard Cotterell on Brexit – May’s Manchester Arena terror attack investigation and the mystery bomber. Interview with Richard Cotterell, author and former Tory MEP for South West Britain: Bristol Metrobus project manager resigns; Brexit – a disaster? Disagreement: Single Market Programme drawn up not by Margaret Thatcher but at Philips Electronics under Wisse Dekker; Theresa May and Tory Party – Cameron and Brexit referendum; Greece in EU and banks; threat of Brexit to Europe; Maastricht Treaty and Thatcher; EU and trade deal with Japan – Britain must now make separate deal with Japan; where are we going to be in two years time? Big recession coming and Brexit helping it; would Corbyn get better reception at EU than Theresa May? No. Can we stop the coming financial and political cataclysm? Influx of refugees and immigrants into Italy and Greece; G20 – meeting between Putin and Trump? Nothing really happens at G20 – geo-politics of world. Manchester terror attack: BBC’s Nick Garnett reports about the Manchester Arena attack; Islamists being funded by the West; links between Manchester and Libyan Islamic Fighting Group; bomb – military explosives or home made? Sky interview with Kirstyn Pollard with her daughter Holly who was at concert – a suspicious lady next to them was not dealt with by security and walked off before the end of the concert toward where the bomb exploded. Richard Cotterell’s book on terrorism ‘Gladio: NATOs dagger at the heart of Europe’ about rogue elements of NATO.
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I just wondered what you guys (you and Martin) had thought of the free trade deal with the US and UK heralded by the media, apparently brokered at G20?
Surely this would create TTIP?
Also do you know any experts on body language?
Why I ask, is because when you go 10 years back to a G20 in the UK, you will see a certain pair of “leaders” walking to the meeting early in the morning.
One is seemingly encouraging the other because the other not looking too keen at all.
Which is unusual, because if your country had just been awarded the worlds premier sports event against all odds I don’t think you would be shuffling along in this way. You would have a huge spring in your step and be grinning and punching the air.
Maybe he had something else on his mind and the other man who had already seen it done had advice for him.
‘Every thing is going to be fine….you can pull this off.’
Clive Brodier
If the trade deal supposedly promised to May by Trump actually comes about it will surely be based on the existing TTIP blueprint (it can hardly be based on anything else). Trump will no doubt be imposing the same deal on the EU. So Britain might be leaving the EU to sign up to exactly the same deal as the rest of the EU (which will incorporate all modified EU rules and regulations). You couldn’t make this stuff up…