Threats to both Bristol’s St. Pauls and London’s Notting Hill carnivals – Smart Meter hell – Common Purpose: producing mayors and presidents in a leadership factory?

Friday 14th July 2017

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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First hour: News review: with Green party councillor for Cotham Cleo Lake – Acid attacks in London – Manchurian  Candidates  – Recordings Reveal FBI Gave Man a Rifle, Urged Him to Carry Out Mass Shooting to ‘Defend Islam’ ;  Bristol Carnival; Angry Grenfell Tower residents demand arrests and resignations at meetingPolice officer charged with assault over Tasering of Judah Adunbi in the face; impunity – those above the law;  Documents from June and July 2014, seen by the Times, allegedly show that Grenfell Tower refurbishment consultants Artelia UK were pressured to reduce costsafter end of 7/7 inquiry – questions not answered; Mayor Mervin Rees says Bristol must choose what to cut – Council Tax benefit reduction – civil unrest; PMQs Damien Green – where is Theresa? The great disappearing Prime Minister – Theresa May vanishes from the Tory website. Brexit – positive or not? – Metro Mayor;  PMQs  Caroline Flint – report shows National Grid made £3bn profit – energy prices not fair;  Shocked SSE customers billed £33,000 for one day’s gas after bizarre smart meter errorOne in five households DON’T want a smart meter – and millions worry they could lead to a cyber security breachMy smart meter’s so ‘dumb’ I have to press seven buttons to get a readingSmart meter rollout could force household bills to rise, says supplier; PMQs high employment.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Interview with Brian Gerrish – producer of UK Column paper:  looking into Common Purpose (CP), a charity that does leadership courses – – Common Purpose (CP) is a Charity, based in Great Britain, which creates ‘Future Leaders’ of society. CP selects individuals and ‘trains’ them to learn how society works, who ‘pulls the levers of power’ and how CP ‘graduates’ can use this knowledge to lead ‘Outside Authority’; Media Standards Trust, The Leveson Inquiry, and CP; did Marvin Rees take CP course? CP is secretive; CP uses ‘applied behavioural psychology’ as government ‘nudge unit’ does – Mind Space: Influencing behaviour through public policy; threats to UK armed services – EU sets timetable for tighter military co-ordination – ongoing plan to integrate European armies to make EU Army – cuts to British forces; Grenfell Tower; ‘America’s War on Drugs’ – History Channel documentary: The 1954 Doolittle Report – CIA doing deals with the Mafia over drug-running; CIA, brainwashing and LSD. Saudi Arabia’s seige against Qatar continues – Gulf States Now Want ‘Restructured’ Al-Jazeera – they want to control the editorial policy of Al Jazeera.  Huge civilian casualties in Iraq and Syria.  Cholera in Yemen: ‘Cholera is everywhere’: Yemen epidemic spiralling out of control: Red Cross says there are more than 300,000 suspected cases in country where ‘civil war’ has decimated health facilities – Government refuses to release report into Saudi Arabia’s funding of Islamist extremism in UK Trump meets Macron, shadowed by Putin – France now more important than UK?  Soraya Sepaphor-Ulrich discusses Egypt and water wars. South African podcast and her article: President El-Sisi: Egypt’s Antihero and the Broader Regional Implications
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