£435 billion QE since 2009 helping the rich get richer – Transhumanism, where man can become god?

Friday 15th September 2017

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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BCfm audio files usually available 30mins, Radio4All 3/4hrs, after TX
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First hour: news review: with Labour MP for Bristol South Karin Smyth: Flawed EU Brexit deals – complicated legislation;  President of European Commission, Jean Claude Juncker – clip of his State of European Union Address translated into English – United States of Europe; Nigel Farage answering his speech; powers of EU and powers of our parliament; Owen Jones’s speech from Bristol Anti-Cuts March; D.U.P. didn’t back Tories in vote on public sector workers pay; Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees’s speech from Bristol Anti-Cuts March – anti austerity message not getting through to Central Government on Tuesday; Bristol Library closures and Bristol reserves; 4.3% – UK unemployment falls to 42-year low – the economy;  More evidence that the true rate of unemployment in the UK is 3 times greater than the government’s preferred statistics suggestAverage wages for self-employed still lower than two decades ago (Oct2016); peoples QE – PMQs – SNP – real wages falling in UK – £435bn of QE since 2009; PMQs – Jeremy Corbyn – poverty in Britain – 5 million children living in poverty; Families failing to meet basic costs of raising children due to benefit cuts and rising inflation, report reveals; Inquiry into Grenfell Tower – clip from Al Jazeera – will Inquiry get to truth? Why was Kensington and Chelsea Tory councillor Rock Feilding-Mellen apparently pushing for the cost of the Grenfell Tower refurbishment to be cut? – Hillsborough, problems with Inquiries Act (2005). David Livingstone discusses Transhumanism – science as part of evolution of man to a greater more perfect being – immortality and eugenics.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Parsons Road terror bomb in London – malfunctioned before it went off properly – false flag terrorism.  Yemen – 5000 minimum civilian deaths – Saudi Arabia in Yemen and Syria.  Two Neo-Nazis in British Army charged – US Airlifts ISIS-Daesh Terrorists in Syria for 2nd Time in a Week: Monitor.  North Korea – missile test over Japan. Brazil’s new government has been racketeering. 6000 troops to Afghanistan.  South Korea can’t say no to US influence – people protesting on street. Russian Embassies closed in USA. Empires rising and falling – will US Empire fail like the Roman Empire? US wants total world domination.  Trump saying it wasn’t fires that brought down towers on 9/11. David Livingstone continues discussing Transhumanism:  from Friedrich Nietzsche saying ‘God is dead’ to Ayn Rand saying just look after yourself – an ideal to justify selfish elites and to manipulate the masses; through secret services; Muslim Brotherhood; British agent and Mason Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afghānī (no evidence he was working for the British. He was a moderniser, not behind Salafism [.ed]); who, according to author of ‘The Masters Revealed’, K. Paul Johnson, taught founder of Theosophy Madame Blavatsky; Traditionalist fascist René Guénon influenced ‘superfascist’ Julius Evola who then invented Operation Gladio; Synarchism; Illuminati; Le Circle (Pinay Cercle) founded by Bilderbergers; Anarchocapitalists; Discordianism and fascismHacking hearts and minds or ‘memetic warfare’.
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[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ze2YnNOGKcQ&w=560&h=315]

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