Are ‘big four’ UK auditors an organised criminal conspiracy? Labour conference highlights – New film ‘In My Mind’ about 60s cult TV spy drama ‘The Prisoner’
Friday 29th September 2017
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
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First hour: news review: Audit Committee for Bristol City Council (BCC)– Bundred Report – 2017 BCC audit report turned up to the committee late: Supplement BDO 2016-17 Audit Report – ISA 260 report 21092017 1400 Audit Committee – who Audits BCC? BDO auditors; sale of Avonmouth Port for less than it was worth: Sell-off of Bristol Port – former mayor George Ferguson sold off the 2,600 acre Bristol Port sell off to Bristol Port Company run by Merchant Venturers Terrance Mordaunt and David Ord but did Bristol taxpayers get good value for money? The council sold a 150 year lease on the 2,600 acre port to Bristol Port Company for £35m in 1991 and have just sold the residual freehold for £10m, a total of £45m or about £17,000 an acre. In June 2015 the 12 acre Walon site at Bristol Port was sold for £6m, or £500k/acre suggesting the 2,600 acres of Bristol Port could actually be worth up to £1.3 billion which is about 25 times the £45m Bristol City Council was paid for the land. So did the people of Bristol only get 4% of what the Bristol Port land was really worth? George didn’t remember how much the Labour council, led by George Micklewright, was paid for the 150 year Bristol Port lease (it was £35m) – BCC had to send £280,000 back to central government – it hadn’t been noticed by BCC education department, there to spend on schools; Warm-Up Bristol – £7 million for homes from central government – Climate Energy was delivering the council’s Warm Up Bristol project, which offered subsidised insulation funded by £7.3 million of central Government money. The company, which has offices in Bristol, Croydon, Motherwell and Essex, went into liquidation this week, blaming Government cuts to green energy subsidies. Academies and Care Homes going bust; PFIs; One in four executives believes ‘corruption and bribery is rife in UK’; KPMG – Auditor of banks – missed £48bn of debt – Financial Reporting Council (FRC) says it’s no worse than the others; information on ‘big four’ large auditors – Price Waterhouse Coopers, Deloitte, Ernst & Young and KPMG; Watchdog that cleared KPMG is run… by cronies from KPMG! Is this how accountant escaped blame over HBOS?; Gerrard Peat, a partner in KPMG Peat Marwick, the leading accountancy firm, is a top Mason. He is also a past auditor to the Queen’s Privy Purse and treasurer of the Association of Conservative Clubs; South Africa’s finance minister calls for criminal probe into KPMG; Investigation launched into KPMG audit of Rolls-Royce; Here is Atul Shah’s analysis of KPMG’s annual report and accounts – as published last year; Labour Party Conference (LPC) – anti-Semitism – Rita Katz faking ISIS videos for the Mossad, Ian Katz destroying BBC Newsnight and now Mike Katz’s pro Israeli government view on for the Labour party followed by Naomi Wimbourne-Idrissi’s view on antisemitism in the Labour party, from Jewish Voice for Labour; Al Jazeera and it’s sting operation where an Israeli offers £1m to spend inside Labour Party to influence opinion to pro-Israel; Psalms of David (Psalm 41) and socialism; LPC John McDonnell’s speech – automation – Public Sector pay – scrap tuition fees; Corbyn speech – housing and regeneration for benefit of local people – re-nationalisation.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Syria: Russian General Valery Asapov killed by ISIS – given coordinates by US? War between Russia and US? NATO to discuss dropping INF Treaty and planning for nuclear war in Europe. North Korea could test hydrogen bomb over Pacific Ocean, says foreign minister – nuclear deterrents, US have drills to invade N Korea every year. Missile test by Iran turned out to be fake news – and Trump condemned it via a Tweet. Michael Tyler – – discusses how Google disappeared his blog which includes the world’s definitive research article on suspicious deaths (murders) of bankers – and how other people have been disappeared off the internet or demonetized e.g. Dave Rubin and Jaclyn Glenn – Here are some other sites that have experienced problems similar to, and the amount of traffic they’ve lost from search (80%) Google, since the beginning of the year: fell by 67 percent, fell by 63 percent, fell by 62 percent, fell by 47 percent, fell by 47 percent, fell by 42 percent, fell by 37 percent, fell by 36 percent, fell by 36 percent, fell by 30 percent, fell by 25 percent, fell by 21 percent, fell by 19 percent. All authority sites. All producing original content. Google’s ‘April Algorithm’, Strategic Communications, Diamonds in the Cesspool link . Referendum for Catalonian independence stopped by Spanish government. Montenegro election last year – smear campaign against leaders of the opposition Democratic Front Andrija Mandic and Milan Knezevic who are now on trial for ‘plotting a coup with the help of Russian FSB agents’. Labour Party Conference Corbyn speech – foreign policy. ‘Getting information out of Patrick McGoohan was never going to be easy… ‘The Prisoner’ drama was first aired on TV 50 years ago today – an idea by Patrick McGoohan who wrote, directed and acted in it – a documentary has just come out about the series ‘In My Mind’ by Chris Rodley – live interview with him from their event in Portmeirion: spy series or an intellectual theatre piece? Controversy of last episode – unexpected and generated a torrent of complaints – our biggest enemy is ourselves; Lou Grade – ITV boss – was an impresario, a risk taker and had flair; what about writers nowadays? George Markstein who wrote ‘The Cooler’ was the script editor. In My Mind: LINK to where to find the film online. David Southwell discusses how society should deal with organised crime – deal with prohibition and poverty. Le Cercle – elite fascist group more exclusive than Bilderberg. Meet Le Cercle – Making Bilderberg Look Like Amateurs
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Tony and listeners : thought you might like this little tidbit
Patrick McGoohan: ‘The Prisoner Explained’.
well a whole playlist i wasn’t aware of . happy mistake . specific video i was referring to :
sigh…now the estates of actors , producers , the current owners are going to delete these from youtube . please have a heart , a lot of us poor people can’t afford to pay to watch. please leave some of the videos up on youtube or put the whole lot on some other video site like Vimeo, Daily Motion, et al . I implore all of you !
Or 🙂