Homeless Christmas: 120,000 children, 80,000 families in temporary accommodation – Trump national security policy and threats are isolating Washington from world opinion

Friday 22nd December 2017

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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First hour: news review: with Bristol’s leader of the opposition LibDems Gary Hopkins – New managers at Bristol Council;  Bristol Marina boatyard’s future in doubt because of mystery Bristol City Council plans – Council needs more money – housing developments; Bristol’s Labour mayor Marvin Rees more concerned with image that accountability: doesn’t want more bad ‘headlines’ – problems with the Mayoral system – too much power to Mayor;  is ‘the underground’ really going to happen in Bristol or is it just talk? Chinese investment; Hinkley Point: the ‘dreadful deal’ behind the world’s most expensive power plant – Building Britain’s first new nuclear reactor since 1995 will cost twice as much as the 2012 Olympics – revolving doors in government, bungs for signing contracts; litter picking and rubbish collection;  lack of ‘scrutiny’ committees now in Council – ‘Neighbourhoods’ scrutiny has gone – development money decisions; Bristol’s tallest building gets planning permission despite objections over affordable housing – Council sold Ambulance site – Bristol Ambulance service; Bijan Ebrahimi murder: ‘Institutional racism’ by council and police;  PMQs Corbyn – failing NHS under Tories – GP appointments – money all in tax havens;  PMQs the terminally ill and benefits – Universal Credit problems; PMQs drug related deaths;  Her Name Was Lindy: the story of a homeless woman who died on the streets  – C4 News report by Andy Davies – Universal Credit doesn’t cover rent;  Homeless people could be fined £1,000 for putting up a TENT under new plans which anger charity bosses – The move is being considered by Stoke-on-Trent City CouncilThe Mirror homelessness blog;  Tories’ shocking record on homelessness revealed with 121,360 children living in temporary accommodation; bizarre answer message on Mayor Marvin Rees’ office phone line.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Trump’s national security speech signals end of superpower status and affirms US isolation from global opinion – San Francisco Chronicle on Trump’s new national security strategy speech: Editorial: Trump’s tangled foreign policy: CIA tipped off Russia about a potential ISIS attack in a Cathedral; China and Russia enemies; democracy and elections in Russia; new sanctions on Russia; Boris Johnson’s trip to Russia; interference with elections by other countries – Brigade 77. US vetoes UN call for withdrawal of Trump Jerusalem decision – The remaining 14 council members voted in favor of the Egyptian-drafted resolution. The resolution, co-sponsored by Turkey and Yemen, called Trump’s recognition “null and void” and reaffirmed 10 security council resolutions on Jerusalem, dating back to 1967, including requirements that the city’s final status must be decided in direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. It also “demands that all states comply with security council resolutions regarding the holy city of Jerusalem, and not to recognise any actions or measures contrary to those resolutions” Was the RAF Mildenhall intruder trying to get to a PLANE? Moment police surround car just INCHES from military aircraft after vehicle ‘tried to ram its way’ into US air force base.   Further Trump foreign policy speech:  is he running a protection racket? Petro-dollar system; North Korea flaring up? – false flag nuclear attacks; failed attempt at preserving U.S. dominance as global superpower will likely lead to WWIII. William Blum, author of ‘America’s Deadliest Export: Democracy’, discusses the U.S. trying to overthrow 50 governments, ordering 50 assassinations of leaders, starting wars and bombing 30 countries since WWII – psy war and mind bending. Professor David Miller, from Bath University, discusses how the word ‘propaganda’ originated in the Vatican to ‘propagate’ good feeling about and convert people to Catholicism: the World Wars and propaganda;  Edward Bernays and the ‘public relations’ termPBS Frontline documentary ‘Netanyahu at War’ – and Oslo Accord signing prime minister Yitzhak Rabin is assassinated after Jerusalem’s biggest ever peace rally in 1995  – the rise of far-right prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu after ‘terrorist’ bombs in Israel planted by Hamas, which was set up by the Israeli secret service the Mossad, before the 1996 election.  Catalonia voted again for independence yesterday. Anton Chaitkin discusses how Bank of England governor and Theosophist Montague Norman studied Nazi techniques started the ‘World federation of Mental Health’ after WWII.
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