Austerity, organised crime, GDP and violent video games: complex causes of knife crime – Do MI5 stop jihadi brides returning home to avoid embarrassing court cases? Possible Christchurch far right terror attack motives – Kashmir – US bombers arrive at RAF Fairford – Ethiopian Airlines ET302 737 Max 8 crash
Friday 15th March 2019
At six – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After seven – straight talking and investigative reports
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
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Last week’s Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as alleged arm of Israeli state – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
First hour news review: with Labour councillor for Easton Afzal Shah and Swiss film-maker Marie Luce-Storme. Bristol Council committees and groups Afzal is part of; damning audit report on Bristol Council’s pay off to Anna Klonowski;
Noel Edmonds’ Facebook rant at Avon and Somerset police after being allegedly defrauded of £300 million: Noel Edmonds campaign about how he has been defrauded by Lloyd’s Bank Business Support Unit; Bristol Police and Crime Panel investigating complaints against Lloyds; Banks above the law? – examples of this, Tom Hayes as fall guy: ‘I was framed by UBS’: Tom Hayes’ letters from prison. Incarcerated former trader blames himself for trusting colleagues and superiors, laments his inability to push his side of the scandal in the press during the trial,
Putin and the Oligarchs, Khodorkovsky in Switzerland, Boris Berevosky’s suspicious death
Increase in knife crime in Britain and Bristol – analysis of reasons behind it – cuts, poverty, gangs and drug dealing – education; PMQs schools budgets cuts – special needs children;
BBC Week in Westminster – Lisa Nandy on new £1.6bn (£300m/pa) Deprived Town Fund – money going to LEPs not Council: Towns like mine needed a game changer from Theresa May. What we got was an insult. What are the Local Enterprise Partnerships?
Brexit: PMQs Corbyn on Brexit; results of Brexit votes in parliament this week: Brexit PARLIAMENT TAKE CONTROL vote: Which MPs REBELLED against Theresa May in Benn vote? PMQs money for No Deal?
Guy Verhofstadt, Brexit Coordinator for EU, says Brexit extension may not be possible – EU vetoing extension: BREXIT LIVE: EU pours cold water on May’s Brexit delay win – ‘ALL EU27 need to approve’ BRUSSELS have poured cold water over Theresa May’s Brexit victory by reminding the UK that “Article 50 requires the unanimous agreement of all 27 member states”;
Swiss perspective – Switzerland not in EU, has negative interest rates, and dirty money in banks.
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Second hour Investigative reports: Christchurch terror attack, Kashmir, jihadi brides recruited by UK secret service criminals? Continuing Irish troubles cover-ups and Ethiopian plane crash.
New Zealand terror attacks – by white supremacists against Muslims: New Zealand mosque attacks and the scourge of white supremacy. Shootings at Christchurch mosques are only the latest on a long list of acts of white supremacist terrorism in the West. terrorism and the intelligence services.
Pakistan’s and India’s fight over Kashmir: Modi as a hard core Hindu and electioneering; shares in arms firms rocketed; History of British empire deliberately creating Kashmir to be a conflict zone into the future. Israelis helping Modi; history of Kashmir; Imran Khan.
Jihadi brides Shamima Begum, Kadiza Sultana: Tony’s article Trial against jihadi bride Shamima Begum is ‘not possible’ – A CRIMINAL trial against jihadi bride Shamima Begum could be “impossible” as it would expose undercover agents in Islamic State, intelligence chiefs warned last night.; Rory Stewart on Radio 4 discussing who makes decision on who comes back and who doesn’t; terror trial collapses Old Bailey; Moazzam Begg freed: Moazzam Begg freed after terrorism case against him collapses. Secret intelligence material handed to prosecutors demolished case against former Guantánamo Bay detainee. British agent plot to kill MI5 handler: British double agent ‘plotted to kill his MI5 handler and attack UK’ after infiltrating jihadist group in Syria; David Cameron secret letter licence to kill: David Cameron gave MI5 agents ‘licence to kill’ in secret letter saying they should not be prosecuted for crimes, tribunal hears; Karen Bradley, Northern Ireland secretary, discusses how UK police and soldiers can kill people with impunity.
The Politics Show’s Fairford correspondent Roger Saunders discusses squadron of B-52 bombers arriving at USAF Fairford in Gloucestershire this week – said to be a NATO exercise heading for Georgia against Russia. Vladimir Golstein – EU and Russia relations: Why do they hate Russia? The West is guilty of the same crimes it accuses Russia of committing.
Switzerland: lots of money, foreign affairs and UN; Bank of International Settlements (BIS); famous for being independent; where does their money come from?
Extinction Rebellion non-violent direct action training in Bristol this weekend.
‘No Stone Unturned’ film about Loughin Island Massacre in Northern Ireland. Loughinisland documentary suggests Special Branch had prior knowledge of massacre. Police protecting right wing terrorists.
Boeing, Boeing, gone: TWO aircraft Boeing 737 Max 8 including Lion Air now crashed, and the Ethiopian Airlines crash, Boeing hiding KILLER safety features: Boeing, The FAA, And Why Two 737 MAX Planes Crashed. To implement a security relevant automatism that depends on only one sensor is extremely bad design. To have a flight control automatism engaged even when the pilot flies manually is also a bad choice. But the real criminality was that Boeing hid the feature.
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Good to listen to you again Martin Summers , cheers
Great show touching on topics that need more exploration. Thanks to all involved including the volunteers. You may want to call people in Bristol Uni to explore the topic of 5G. It’s one of 3 Universities the government is funding to do R&D work on 5G implementation and as a testbed prior to roll out. Here’s what the the DCMS document ‘Next Generation Mobile Technologies: An update to the 5G strategy for the UK’ published in Dec 2017 says:
Bristol University is deploying 5G capability in the extensive Smart City and Smart Campus test beds in the city of Bristol, with an emphasis on fixed-mobile convergence and Software Defined Network technologies.
EP.724: Predatory Capitalism is Like ETHNIC CLEANSING! UK ‘RIPPING UP’ Middle East
” On this episode of Going Underground, we firstly speak to Prof. Saskia Sassen of Columbia University & the LSE about how high finance needs to be held accountable by the political class and how predatory capitalism is like ethnic cleansing. Next, we speak to Nick Dearden of Global Justice Now for Broken News where he covers more bloodshed in Palestine & Yemen, Macron’s democratic despotism and British food standards post-Brexit. Finally, we speak to Prof. Julian Petley of Brunel University, the author of Culture Wars: The Media and the British left about how the right wing press has been in continuous conflict with the political left in the UK and how the anti-Semitism propagated by the UK press from the 19th century up until WW2 has similarities to the Islamophobia they propagate today. ”
EP.724: Predatory Capitalism is Like ETHNIC CLEANSING! UK ‘RIPPING UP’ Middle East
” On this episode of Going Underground, we firstly speak to Prof. Saskia Sassen of Columbia University & the LSE about how high finance needs to be held accountable by the political class and how predatory capitalism is like ethnic cleansing. Next, we speak to Nick Dearden of Global Justice Now for Broken News where he covers more bloodshed in Palestine & Yemen, Macron’s democratic despotism and British food standards post-Brexit. Finally, we speak to Prof. Julian Petley of Brunel University, the author of Culture Wars: The Media and the British left about how the right wing press has been in continuous conflict with the political left in the UK and how the anti-Semitism propagated by the UK press from the 19th century up until WW2 has similarities to the Islamophobia they propagate today. ”
Circa 1890 , County Lancashire – A boy comes home and says to his Irish grandfather , Grandfather we learned in school today that Great Britain has an empire on which the sun never sets ! grandfather : Grandson, that’s because God would never trust the British in the dark .
recently, currently , somewhere in the mid-west USA – A child comes home from school and says to his grandfather who emigrated from Chile to the US in the mid 1970s , Grandpa , guess what we learned in school today ? grandfather : What did you learn my grandchild ?! Well, the teacher told us since the US has military bases all over the world we are a de facto world empire “on which the sun never sets ” ?! grandfather : That’s because God would never trust the US in the dark .