Bristol mayor Marvin Rees ‘bullies’ NHS petitioners, blames them for city’s air pollution – Mark Watts as Westminster IICSA (VIPaedophile) hearings conclude: 1980s Tories abused great offices of state to cover up for paedophile politicians and mandarins – Christchurch mosque massacre: Breivik Zionist Knights Templar EDL connections
Friday 29th March 2019
At six – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After seven – straight talking and investigative reports
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Labour economist and Irish Republican Martin Summers
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of the Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
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First hour news review: with Conservative Councillor for Bishopsworth Richard Eddy and Labour cabinet member for Housing and Central ward Paul Smith – also former Sunday Times Rich List journalist Kevin Cahill and project director of Stapleton Road’s Wild Goose cafe Mike Connelly. Final vote on May’s Brexit deal – MPs voted against: opinions on Brexit votes results; problems with leaving EU; Parties and Country split; ways ahead now; how will Brexit affect poor people?; Brussels and Whitehall bureaucrats compared.
Interview with Mick Connelly from The Wild Goose Cafe – a drop in cafe for the homeless and poor: many other services they offer; numbers needing their services going up; supported housing; effects of recent benefit changes; Bristol out reach services; Tory cuts; Crisis Centre Ministries – services they offer; ideology not reality affecting policy making; Tony Benn said some thought it a good idea to have some homeless on the streets – so others will see them and keep in line; different types of homelessness; Universal Credit and benefit sanctions; work not a route out of poverty any more; rich getting richer.
Full Council Meeting: the state of the air in Bristol and Stoke Lodge absurdity over ‘non-structural’ fence – Doctor discusses a ‘clean air zone’ idea and Mayor Marvin retorts how the NHS are contributing to polluting the air! Trying to be clever by arguing the NHS is responsible for a proportion of the very deaths the doctor in front of you fights to prevent is the sort of sophistry I’d expect from a Tory Health Secretary, not a Labour Mayor.; BRI car park plan; congestion charge; Stoke Lodge park dispute – is a fence a structure, Kevin says in law it is. And Mayor’s answer – why is Mayor not sharing absurd legal advice that ‘a fence is not a structure’?
MPs vote to have LGTB lessons for 5 year olds: Mariam Ahmed, who has a four-year-old daughter at the school, told i-paper that it is “absolutely wrong” the lessons are taking place. “My child is four, and I found out that in the No Outsiders programme, she’ll be taught about homosexuality at her age,” she said. “We’re getting children confused. I’m not saying we don’t need to tell our children about it, but we want to tell them when we feel it’s appropriate.” – PMQs Islamaphobic Tory MPs.
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Second hour Investigative reports: Christchurch mosque massacre: Breivik Zionist Knights Templar EDL connections: New Zealand terror attack: Chairman of New Zealand’s biggest mosque says Mossad was behind Christchurch massacre that left 50 people dead; – New Zealand mosque shootings: Suspected killer is fascist who ‘had contact with Breivik’; – NZ attacker visited lots of unusual places – e.g. N.Korea and Afghanistan; Security Services ‘strategies of tension’; Tommy Robinson and far right seeing themselves as Knights Templers against Islam; far right groups infiltrated by Security Services; – ‘Lone wolf’ myth covers up possible Mossad role in New Zealand terrorist attack; Zionism and far right – Ukraine’s elections – comedian Volodymyr Zelenskiy may win – who is backed by Ukrainian oligarch, Ihor Kolomoyskyi.
Interview with Mark Watts, Investigative Journalist, on the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA), led by Professor Alexis Jay: evidence of abuse by VIPs – and them not being prosecuted – e.g. Tory MP, Victor Montague, and Sir Peter Hayman, former Deputy Director of MI6 and High Commissioner of Canada; other VIPs not prosecuted – Cyril Smith; – Police whistleblowers – said Police knew who they were but didn’t prosecute them; Harvey Proctor – a participant in Inquiry – but was prosecuted for under age sex with teenage boys; Cyril Smith – Lord Steele didn’t act; Prince Charles friendship with Bishop of Gloucester, Peter Ball, who was prosecuted for child sex abuse; Peter Morrison MP, Private Secretary to Margaret Thatcher – she ignored claims of child abuse; press coverage of subject? – Brexit dominating headlines – inaccurate reporting; ‘Tory dirt book’ – Whips using dirt on MPs to control / blackmail them – documentary where Tim Fortesque, Whip under Ted Heath, admits to this; where to follow Mark – on Twitter – @markwatts_1; – ‘Conspiracy of Silence’ by Tim Tate – never shown; Kincora boys home in Northern Ireland.
THE MANY REASONS TO BELIEVE VASILY PROZOROV’S TESTIMONY ABOUT UKRAINE’S ROLE IN DOWNING MH-17. – Russia’s Su-27 jets twice scrambled to intercept US B-52H bomber over the Baltic Sea. – UK special forces injured in ‘top secret’ Yemen campaign. Nuclear technology given to Saudi Arabia. Times Rich List – how the wealthy hide their wealth – such as Jacob Rothschild.
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Ivan von Birchan was asked by the CIA to assassinate Olof Palme
Gladio: NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe, The Pentagon-Nazi-Mafia Terror Axis written by former European parliamentarian Richard Cottrell reveals the dark side of NATO .
Ex-Pentagon Advisor Reveals How CIA Killed Western Politicians During Cold War
“….From this we can conclude that the CIA and the MI6, with the participation of Stay Behind, ordered Palme’s murder,” Baab explained.
According to the journalist, the agencies used a former Iranian agent with CIA training for the operation. The presumed motive behind the assassination was NATO’s concern that Palme was looking for ways to normalize relations with the Soviet Union, and given his stance regarding a nuclear-free Europe….” to read the whole article click on, or copy and paste link into your browser’s url address bar
MI5 Plotted Assassination of Irish PM in 1985 – Paramilitary Group
Every time I try to understand Brexit , no Brexit , deal Brexit , Brexit du jour , divorce settlement Brexit and so on “I think therefore I am ” confused and have a headache — dahszil (apologies for expropriating and amending DesCartes )
dahszil dahszil
“MPs debate and vote on the Withdrawal Agreement ” . Start at the 2:34:00 time mark of the youtube video . About a minute later an MP likens Prime Minister Theresa May to the shopkeeper in the famous Monty Python sketch of the dead Norwegian Parrot , and so on .
CORRECTION , More information about mp speaking
“MPs debate and vote on the Withdrawal Agreement ” . Start at the 2:34:00 time mark of the youtube video . About a minute later Labour MP Ian Murray , Edinburgh South , likens Prime Minister Theresa May to the shopkeeper in the famous Monty Python sketch of the dead Norwegian Parrot and so on . enjoy !