Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees congratulates himself in confidential Labour document for ‘saving’ libraries he tried to close and council tax reduction scheme he tried to abolish – Evidence leaked in Lebanon Saudi Arabia were in on Sri Lanka Easter massacre five days beforehand – Operation Timber Sycamore: billion dollar CIA programme to finance 2011 civil war in Syria
Friday 3rd May 2019
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EXCLUSIVE: Bristol mayor. Leaked Labour party 2020 re-selection statement where Marvin Rees takes credit for saving the libraries and council tax reduction scheme he tried to close and abolish
2019 mayor election, affirmative ballot: why Marvin Rees should be reselected
April 2019 – As your Labour Mayor, I am proud to have led an administration bringing our values to City Hall. We have prioritised frontline council services so despite massive Tory cuts we are proud to have secured the future of all of Bristol’s libraries; building affordable housing; making the Council a real Living Wage employer and winning new jobs, bringing Channel 4 to Bristol. Working with communities and local Labour councillors, we are delivering for Bristol as our leaflet’s map shows so clearly:
Jeremy Corbyn has recently praised our Labour council as we are genuinely delivering municipal socialism. We have fully funded our £40 million Council Tax Reduction Scheme – the last in the core cities – to support Bristol’s 25,000 poorest families, scrapped the former Mayor’s discount for second homes, introduced a 300% empty properties premium, and established an exemption for care leavers.
My administration has put housing at the very top of our political agenda. Our ambitious target to build 2,000 new homes – including 800 new affordable homes – will be delivered and exceeded. This is thanks to our new council-owned housing company, which will quicken development and invest profits into building social housing. We are also innovating with modular homes, including for young people at risk of homelessness, and held a Housing Festival to showcase new solutions. We are already completing new social housing and have opened the city’s first 24/7 homeless shelter, demonstrating our commitment to tackle the housing crisis and increase housing stock to meet ever-increasing demand.
Despite Tory austerity, which has hit councils the hardest, we have kept open every single children’s centre and maintained high levels of social care for adults and children. This has only been possible by reducing City Hall senior management, freezing top pay, using £50m+ of reserves, and retaining our 10:1 pay ratio (the core cities’ best and half Labour’s 20:1 public sector target). But, these are only short-term measures. Only a Labour Government will promise to end austerity and then actually do it. In the meantime, together with the core cities, we will not stop fighting for fair funding for Bristol.
This year, our Labour budget has also invested £90 million in tackling fuel poverty and climate change, recognising that social and environmental justice go hand-in-hand. We are pushing forward a £1 billion City Leap programme – our Green New Deal – to transform how the city generates, stores, and uses energy, and delivering on our promise for a £4 million Hartcliffe Way Recycling & Reuse Centre. My administration is also investing £20m+ in low emission vehicles for the council/waste company, securing bio-gas/fuel buses and retrofitting old models, cleaning up taxis, and lobbying for a national scrappage scheme, while encouraging city partners to go green too, as we develop a clean air plan in consultation with JAQU and the Minister. We have commenced a Bus Deal with First, which will mean huge investment in sustainable transport. Our administration will double bus journeys and is progressing work on a mass transit system which will transform transport and congestion.
Our Children’s Charter, signed up to by all major city partners, and mental health work with schools will ensure all of Bristol’s kids get off to the best start in life. My administration has also launched the WORKS programme, delivered 2,500 work experience placements, and are supporting apprentices. This year’s One City Plan priorities also put our young people first: affordable childcare, ending period poverty, and tackling street violence.
The whole Labour movement has been part of my administration. We have developed an inclusive economic growth strategy – working with unions, workers, and business – to ensure that all citizens share in the city’s success. Ensuring we have a diverse economy to provide jobs across all sectors is essential, as the emerging One City Plan recognises. I am also launching a city economy board to drive inclusion, on which the unions will be fully involved. I have signed the construction charter and am working with industry experts to roll this out across the city and overcome procurement rules to make sure the terms of that charter apply everywhere. We have also doubled social value as a key driver in procurement rules and, along with Preston, have done more than any other city to ensure the council and partners back the local economy. I have also ensured Bristol City Council has signed the Dying to Work charter and am working with unions to promote this across the city.
I have also ensured that the council is a real Living Wage employer and, working with the TUC, have written to chief execs of Bristol’s 150 biggest employers, asking them to reach out to their unions and to embrace the Living Wage, becoming accredited Living Wage Foundation employers. We are also in the process of becoming an Ethical Care Charter city, where social care workers get the Living Wage and travel time. There are still more than 35,000 workers in Bristol paid less than the Living Wage; I want to make ours the first city where the real Living Wage is the benchmark, not the aspiration. We need another four years of a Labour mayor and Labour administration. I hope you will support me to deliver for another four years, and then join me to work together on, campaign for, and deliver on another radical manifesto, so that we can keep bringing Labour values to our city.
Marvin Rees, Labour Mayor of Bristol
XXXX Branch, Labour Party
Bristol Mayoral Affirmative Ballot Special Meeting
A membership check to take place before the meeting opens to ensure all those present joined before Dec XXX 2018
- Welcome and introductions
- Explanation of procedures
- Time for members to read Mayor’s statement (15 minutes)
- Discussion of the merits of the directly elected Mayor (up to 30 minutes)
- Each member can speak only once, and for not longer than three minutes.
- Members arriving after the start of the discussion will not be allowed to take part or vote
- Appointment of tellers
- Ballot
- Declaration of result
First hour news review: with LibDem councillor for Henbury and Whitchurch Park Tim Kent, Green party leader Eleanor Combley and Avonmouth environmental campaigner Ian Robinson. Local elections: Lib Dems and Greens did well; Tories did very badly – Brexit fiasco;
Darren Hughes from Electoral Reform Society Papers please: How the government is making it harder to vote in the local elections – problems with mandatory ID, influences of the internet, proportional representation, EU election system; results of the local elections: Party councillors and change since the last elections: – Conservative: 3562 -1334 – Labour: 2023 -82 – Liberal Democrat: 1350 +703 – Green: 265 +194 – UKIP: 31 -145 – Others: 1179 +662 – UKIP launch for EU elections – UK Independence Party becoming more chaotic and to the far right Channel 4 News – ‘Islam is a death cult’ and making jokes about rape.
Bristol election for Mayor next year: the different candidates; Affirmative Ballots to chose Marvin; EXCLUSIVE: Marvin’s pledge for Mayor where he claims to have saved the libraries and council tax reduction scheme LEAKED (see above). Tim Kent details public money Marvin Rees has ‘wasted’ on various projects: £50m made up of -> £37m on Bristol Energy £12m on Arena site £1m/yr on the Mayor’s Office, £100k Chief Exec. Anna Klonowski payoff, £200k Chief Exec. Nicola Yates payoff – Homeless living in Bristol Bearpit containers: ‘Meet the Mayor’ Facebook chat question from Henry Palmer about the Bearpit; central government causing homelessness.
Sacking of Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson allegedly over Huawei leak Gavin Williamson insists Theresa May has ‘got the wrong person’ after being sacked over Huawei leak – but is there any evidence he did it or was this sacking just so Theresa May looks like she has some authority? US against UK using Huawei.
Service in Westminster Abbey ‘thanksgiving’ for nuclear weapons bringing peace. A statement which calls on the Dean of Westminster Abbey to “urgently reconsider” a planned National Service of Thanksgiving for Britain’s nuclear weapons system has been signed by 194 Anglican clerics.
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Tweets by brexitparty_uk
Second hour Investigative reports: Westminster Abbey blessing for nuclear weapons – Eric Walker discusses the Church of England .
Leak of secret Saudi cables in Lebanon that were sent five days before Sri Lankan attack – warning about possible attacks but not shared with Sri Lanka: Wahabi terrorism; motive – Sri Lanka pro Chinese; Burma; bigger geo political picture. Beheadings of 37 people in Saudi Arabia. CentCom – named terrorist organisation by Iran. Google has closed Press TV’s You Tube account – Iranian oil and sanctions. Daniele Ganser, author of ‘NATO’s Secret Armies’ – he discusses Operation Timber Sycamore, a billion dollar CIA programme to finance the 2011 civil war in Syria: covert war; Cuba and the CIA; Afghanistan; don’t hear about covert war in mainstream press; GLADIO – Werewolf, where Nazis were integrated into NATO. US Driven By Nazi War Machine by Finian Cunningham. Abu
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi alive – working for Saudis. Guantanamo Bay – some prisoners given deal to become spies. PMQs Iran – Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe still in Iranian prison for training journalists on a tourist visa – war with Iran? – Iranian Foreign Minister.
Venezuela – attempted coup Blackwater Founder Calling For 5,000 Mercenaries To Topple Maduro. Peru – former President Alan Garcia – killed himself as Police arrived: Peru ex-president Alan Garcia kills himself moments after arrest.
Malaysia 1BD scandal -> £7bn US Dollars: Saudi, UAE executives face probe over Malaysia’s 1MDB scandal. Swiss Attorney General Michael Lauber says up to $7bn in funds flowed through 1MDB state-own fund in Malaysia. for him and his mates – good things Malaysia has supported. 22 million euro slush fund Gurtel scandal in Spain – Julian Assange – interview with Laurie Love –
Anti Semitism against George Soros? Perhaps not. Soros discusses with Steven Kroft on CBS 60 Minutes (1998) how when he was a teenage Jew under Nazi rule in Hungary he helped Nazis confiscate. Jewish property. “STEVEN KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson. Mr. SOROS: Yes. Yes. STEVEN KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews. Mr. SOROS: Yes. That’s right. Yes.” Hong Kong activists for democracy – jailed. Bilderberg Meeting in Ottawa, Canada – Wed 15-19 May – at Brook Street Hotel, Ottawa West, Canada?
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John Dickerson
Mon 06 May 2019
Tony: The reason that Trump vetoed the decision by congress to stop the genocide of Yemeni is as follows. The US / Israel are intent on creating yet again another false flag so that they can attack Iran. When they attack Iran, Iran will stop Saudi ships passing though the strait of sea adjacent to it. The Saudi will then want to ship oil through the red sea which is adjacent to Saudi Arabia as well. Yemen is at the mouth of the red sea and it could, like Iran also block ships passing by. The only way Yemen could not stop ships passing is if 20 million innocents are killed in the biggest genocide since hitler. Just look at a map and it is evident. Trump is owned. Maybe it is because he was bailed out twice by zionists or maybe it is because he has been blackmailed by mossad or maybe both. What is sure however is that Trump is part of the sordid agenda to attack Iran. However he still wants to guarantee the supply of Saudi Oil. Please research this – thank you.
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