Thomas Cook ‘rescue deal’ CQS Management Tory donor Michael Hintze: speculators held $250m of derivative bets that travel firm would collapse – Boris meets Corbyn – Bristol Labour MP Darren Jones criticises Jeremy Corbyn who got him elected – Bolivia’s Morales, Pakistan’s Imran Khan, Israel’s Katz, Palestine’s Abbas and Lebanon’s Aon at the UN General Assembly – did Hunter Biden get Ukraine state prosecutor to drop case against his natural gas firm Burisma Holdings?
Friday 27th September 2019
At six – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After seven – straight talking and investigative reports
APOLOGIES: Multiple studio power and software failures mean we have no recording of tonight’s show – but you can hear all audio clips
The server which records BCfm programmes went down during a power cut which affected the whole of Easton Community Centre around 4pm, one hour before our programme began. The server was rebooted just after 8pm when we had finished
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
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First hour news review: with Brexit Party prospective parliamentary candidate for North Somerset Ann Tar and leader of the LibDem group on Bristol City council and councillor for Knowle Gary Hopkins. – Bristol’s top politicians not coming on show; may not be able to think on their feet when answering unexpected questions? High-risk Brexit; this week’s (deliberate?) collapse of Thomas Cook – CQS Asset Management ‘hedge fund’, founded by Conservative Party donor Sir Michael Hintze, was behind the failed rescue bid – Brexit Donor Hintze Set to Cash In on U.K. Distress – and made money from it; Lloyds and RBS banks. Hedge Fund CQS Management – RBS – $250m CDS bets on Cook collapse – Peter Frankenhauser, head of Thomas Cook, saying sorry; economic warfare – disaster capitalism; Brexit Donor Hintze Set to Cash In on U.K. Distress; conspiracy that we can’t leave EU; Supreme court ruling and Parliament brought back – Johnson back in Parliament – Corbyn back in Parliament on how poorest will be affected by Brexit – election coming? Brexit and possible outcomes now; no recess of Parliament for Tory Conference; Labour Party Conference – policies they discussed; British Airways strike; Michael Foot in June 1975 on Common Market not being democratic; Michael Crick on Sir David Steel giving a statement to National Paedophile Inquiry about not disciplining Cyril Smith despite knowing he was sexually abusing children; Darren Jones, Bristol Labour MP, discussing trigger ballots.
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Second hour Investigative reports: New York UN General Assembly : Russians weren’t given visas to go to New York UN Conference; Venezuela’s Maduro didn’t go to conference; UN discussing human rights violations in Venezuela; Venezuela under attack; Venezuela death squads; Bolivian leader Morales on their socialist system and being scathing about capitalism; Bolivian access to sea.
Impeachment of Trump – Jo Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, in corruption scandal in Ukraine – transcript of Trump’s phone call to Zolensky – Business insider: A Ukraine gas company tied to Joe Biden’s son is at the centre of the Trump-whistleblower scandal Global warming: Greta Thunberg’s speech at UN Conference; capitalism is killing us; China one of biggest emitters; Bitter Lake and obsession with oil; privatisation of public transport, disaster capitalism; Imran Kahn on problems with capitalism; money and corruption; Imran Khan on Kashmir and not trusting Modi with nuclear weapons. More UN Conference: Israeli foreign minister Israel Katz – Iran a threat and must be stopped; Mahmoud Abbas on apartheid against Palestinians in Israel – Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday denounced what he called “arrogance and aggression” by the Israeli Government and called on the United Nations to push harder for the two-state solution to resolve the conflict. – Rouhani from Iran on a peace deal; – Michel Ayon, President of Lebanon; – Boris Johnson on Google controlling our technological future.
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