West Country homeless deaths triple in five years – Cool reception for Boris’ Irish Brexit proposal – Royal family smear then try to muzzle Thomas Markle – No rule of law: state prosecutors bribed/killed in Ukraine/Malaysia – Tom Wright, author of ‘Billion Dollar Whale’ about Malaysia’s $7.5bn 1MDB fraud – Black History Month: SUPERBRAIN 4: Anton Chaitkin on ‘The Black Legend’

Friday 4th October 2019

At six – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After seven – straight talking and investigative reports

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

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First hour news review: Mayoral system and Lib Dems pledge to scrap it; Thomas Cook going down – anything to do with Brexit? – business owners paying themselves huge bonuses before their business fails – putting others out of pocket; Bristol Quality of Life Survey results; will there be more or less jobs in Bristol engineering after Brexit? Uncertainty of Brexit affecting business;

Johnson explaining his new Brexit backstop agreement; Good Friday Agreement calls for army bases on border to be dismantled, not entire border – The agreement states that “the development of a peaceful environment… can and should mean a normalisation of security arrangements and practices.”The government committed to “as early a return as possible to normal security arrangements in Northern Ireland, consistent with the level of threat”. That included “the removal of security installations”; DUP given a bung and bought off by Tory Party? Backstop not necessary – examples of other borders; Corbyn on new backstop agreement;

Poll 48% No Deal vs. 35% Corbyn in power; 48% vs. 35% – UK voters prefer no deal Brexit to Jeremy Corbyn in Number 10 poll reveals – NEW RESEARCH suggests that UK voters would much rather have a no deal Brexit compared to Jeremy Corbyn being in Downing Street. Thangham Debonair, Bristol Labour MP, discussing when an election may be; revoke Article 50 petition in Bristol;

Homeless deaths tripled. The number of homeless people dying on the streets has risen by more than a fifth in the past year, according to the Office for National Statistics. The total deaths in the West Country has tripled in the past five years. The South West has the highest rate of deaths amongst rough sleepers outside of London. In Bristol alone, seventeen people died in 2018 – a significant rise on the year before – 88% of deaths were men in 2018. – local homeless charities, austerity;

Meghan’s letter to father printed in Mail – and subsequent court case; Harry’s speech in Africa; Revealed: The handwritten letter showing true tragedy of Meghan’s rift with father she says has ‘broken her heart into a million pieces’ – and why he feels forced to make the ‘devastating’ missive public  – Thomas Markle reveals full content of letter written to him by daughter Meghan. The Duchess of Sussex penned the anguish letter in response to public attacks  – Mr Markle, however, insists that Meghan’s letter is actually far from conciliatory.  He is speaking up after five friends of the Duchess gave anonymous interviews

Stage managed Q and A session with Marvin Rees; Scotland bans smacking of children. Scotland passes law banning parents smacking children 
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Second hour Investigative reports: Trump talking to Zelensky, Ukraine President, on phone, about Biden: Here is the dirt Trump wanted from Zelensky about the Bidens and why Zelensky doesn’t want to give it to him — hidden by rampant falsehoods in the press September 28, 2019 by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog; Trump discussing his conversation with Zelensky and putting the transcript out. CIA – Intelligence Services too powerful.

Tom Wright, author of ‘Billion Dollar Whale’ about the 1MDB scandal in Malaysia, discusses this on BBC World Service: Jho Low, from 1MDB investment bank, worked with Najib Razak, PM of Malaysia, stealing huge amounts of money; murder of Kevin Morais; ‘Wolves of Wall Street’ film financed by money. PM of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad, speech at UN conference – by what laws are sanctions applied? PM of Pakistan, Imran Khan, speech at UN conference – since 9/11 70,000 Pakistanis killed – trying to build bridges with surrounding countries.

New film out about GCHQ whistle blower Catherine Gunn ‘Official Secrets’ she outed false information being used to start war with Iraq. Trailer  In 2003, Gun was working as a translator of Mandarin at the government intelligence agency, GCHQ, in Cheltenham. She was 27. The country, at the time, was being drummed into war by the Blair government, desperate to achieve the United Nations’ sanction for the imminent American-led invasion of Iraq. In January that year, Katharine Gun was copied into a classified memo sent to GCHQ by a senior figure in the NSA, its US equivalent. The memo was a top-secret request to monitor the private communication of UN delegates for scraps of information, personal or otherwise, that could be used to “give the US an edge” in leveraging support for the invasion. Katharine Gun leaked that memo to the Observer, in the belief that the revelation of the proposed bugging and blackmail tactics might be enough to stop the war. 

SUPERBRAINS SERIES 4 Anton Chaitkin – for Black History Month: Anton Chaitkin discussing the British starting the ‘Black Legend’ and the comparing of cultures Hollywood’s role in spreading the Spanish black legend. A new book explores how movies have emphasized negative aspects of Spain’s imperial past while playing down Anglo-American wrongdoing, often to support a political cause. Witney Webb discussing Jeffrey Epstein’s link to blackmailing tech giants silicone valley and intelligence.  
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1 Comment on “West Country homeless deaths triple in five years – Cool reception for Boris’ Irish Brexit proposal – Royal family smear then try to muzzle Thomas Markle – No rule of law: state prosecutors bribed/killed in Ukraine/Malaysia – Tom Wright, author of ‘Billion Dollar Whale’ about Malaysia’s $7.5bn 1MDB fraud – Black History Month: SUPERBRAIN 4: Anton Chaitkin on ‘The Black Legend’

  1. That lecture about the british Empire and all the intrigue is very interesting.

    Let’s not forget that 25% of Russian GDP (ask anyone here and they’ll say “pfft, more like 50%!”) is being plundered by Putin’s kleptocracy and the oligarchs from Russia are also plundering this country too. Lot of the stolen loot is laundered in good ol’ London. Lotta nice houses in Belgravia ?

    The Soviet economy was the 2nd pargest in the wrorld, Russia is no bigger in GDP than a piddling little racist country like Australia. 140 million v 30 million, poor Russian people. Split 1.4 trillion 140 million ways doesn’t go far. 30 million ways much better per capita.

    Dunno why Trump was leveraging the aid money and then throwing off with disparaging remarks about this country to mitigate the whistle blower claims. Whether he likes it or not, the US Congress regards this country as a stalwart against a preponderous Mother Russia and the funds will be allocated. It’s money well spent, check out or new Navy boats, with stealth capability and high performance. After trials in Odesa they will be integrated into our navy.The next time Russia tries to ram our boats or hassle us in the Azov sea we’ll have something to match them.


    Cheers. btw Tony, great presentation you did on the land of my ancestors Jugoslavia on Dialect. You now join intercpted as the only providers of comprehensive, interesting, decent stories about the former Jugoslavia that I have heard in a decade. >:)

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