Thank god our accounts are secret: Bristol’s Merchant Venturers annual Charter Day on Monday – Did Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees’ Faith Adviser Rachel Molano ‘Raise The Dead’ At US Trade Talks? – Bosco Ntaganda The New Colonialism: International Criminal Court Jails Black African Leaders, Whites Immune. MI6 Assassinated Lumumba. Black History Month – Jonathan Sacoolis worked at illegal NSA base RAF Croughton, spying on European citizens illegally too – Spanish Flu: US vaccine, deadliest weapon of WWI?

Friday 8th November 2019

At six – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After seven – straight talking and investigative reports

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

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First hour news review: with Lib Dem former Bristol MP and Communities minister Stephen Williams. Stephen Williams was a Lib Dem MP for 10 years; is election about Brexit? FPTP voting system; Lib Dems not standing in Bristol West; Brexit and another referendum; what Stephen learnt as a minister;

Accuracy vs feverish mass media; – social media – sock puppet accounts; modern mass media – BBC; Boris and his ‘get stuffed’ comment – but what was he saying ‘get stuffed’ to? Jacob Rees-Mogg and his ‘common sense’ Grenfell comment – but was he really putting people in the burning tower down? Hundreds of Jacob Rees-Mogg supporters defend his controversial Grenfell comments

Eddie Dafan from Grenfell Action Group discussing failures of authorities; corporate manslaughter – cuts in fire brigade, laws not complied with.

Is Bristol’s mixed race Labour mayor Marvin Rees angling to join the ex slave trading Merchant Venturers? Merchant Venturers Cathedral Charter Day Monday 11th November – HTV Documentary – Bristol’s former slave traders now un-elected ‘movers and shakers’, the ‘great and good’ or the ‘Bristol Mafia’ secret society organised as in a Masonic lodge – 2014 interview with former master of the Merchant Venturers Chris Curling. (radio4all radio show version)

Joanna Booth, Journalist, discusses Mayor Marvin and his faith adviser Rachel Molano. Weston Harbour development.  Conservative election campaign – Boris’s speech. Diesel ban in city centre.
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Second hour Investigative reports: NHS is being privatised by stealth. Dr Bob Gill discusses this:  US private health care as example; corrupt pharmaceuticals; PFIs; New Labour.

Spain election. Catalan crisis and Franco’s legacy to shape the future of Spain. Jailed Catalan leaders and the exhumation of Franco’s remains are the two issues at the top of Spain’s election agenda. Democratic crises around world.

Labour and Tory political parties spending promises Tories and Labour warned over ambitious spending promises. Returning infrastructure investment to 1970s levels may be undeliverable, says IFS.  Economic situation of the wider world.

The New Colonialism: Bosco Ntaganda sentenced to 30 years for crimes in DR Congo: BBC Anna Holigan report on this; he says he was a revolutionary; compare him to Bush and Blair for war crimes;  West’s massacres around the world;  MI6 and the 1961 assassination of Patrice Lumumba.

Iran enriching uranium again Iran will challenge nuclear deal ‘every two months’ unless Europe takes action, ambassador warns. Tehran’s commitment to the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty also at risk of being in ‘total jeopardy’ as it comes up for review next year. Iran holding a IEAA inspector. Brookings Institute. Which Path to Persia?” was written in 2009 by the Brookings Institute as a blueprint for confronting Iran.

NSA base – which is there illegally, Jonathan Sacoolas spying on British and other European citizens illegally too. Anne Sacoolas knocking down and killing young man near RAF Croughton while driving on the wrong side of the road – but what about her husband Jonathan Sacoolas who worked at the 

Vaccines: Gulf War Syndrome partly caused by untested vaccines given to military; Spanish Flu – More soldiers died during WWI from disease than from bullets. The pandemic was not flu. An estimated 95% (or higher) of the deaths were caused by bacterial pneumonia, not influenza/a virus. The pandemic was not Spanish. The first cases of bacterial pneumonia in 1918 trace back to a military base in Fort Riley, Kansas. From January 21 – June 4, 1918, an experimental bacterial meningitis vaccine cultured in horses by the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York was injected into soldiers at Fort Riley.;  people that have had combined vaccines more likely to die prematurely; $6bn and growing pharmaceutical industry; vaccination programmes as cover for spying.

Ladislas Farago discussing Hitler’s treasurer Martin Bormann. Mark Zuckerberg and Kevin Cahill on Facebook privacy.  
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2 Comments on “Thank god our accounts are secret: Bristol’s Merchant Venturers annual Charter Day on Monday – Did Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees’ Faith Adviser Rachel Molano ‘Raise The Dead’ At US Trade Talks? – Bosco Ntaganda The New Colonialism: International Criminal Court Jails Black African Leaders, Whites Immune. MI6 Assassinated Lumumba. Black History Month – Jonathan Sacoolis worked at illegal NSA base RAF Croughton, spying on European citizens illegally too – Spanish Flu: US vaccine, deadliest weapon of WWI?

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