Cool Corbyn 10% ahead of Boris Johnson in ITV leaders debate – Prince Andrew visiting Epstein feared he’d been recorded? – Nuke-armed Netanyahu fights for his political life. Ben Caspit: “He won’t stop until all is rubble” – MH370: 20 passengers worked for electronic warfare firm Freescale Semiconductor – Martin Bormann: architect of the Holocaust and Jewish persecution

Friday 22th November 2019

At six – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After seven – straight talking and investigative reports

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

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First hour news review: Bristol Arena plan for Filton – Mayor Marvin Rees explains why Temple Meads location was no good. General Election – why should people vote Labour? Brexit – will it ever happen? Benefits of being in the EU; how democratic is the European Commission – ATOS ex-boss, Thierry Breton, appointed as an EU Commissioner; should we have an elected President of EU? BBC Debate between Boris and Corbyn – them discussing Brexit – a poor question on foreign policy; poll showing Corbyn won debate.

Former Bristol West LibDem MP Stephen Williams stopped cladding safety review three years before Grenfell Tower atrocity: Bristol MP Stephen Williams was warned over tower block fire safety four years before Grenfell Tower tragedy – but said changes were not ‘urgent’ – In March 2014, the parliamentary group wrote: “Surely… when you already have credible evidence to justify updating… the guidance… which will lead to saving of lives, you don’t need to wait another three years in addition to the two already spent since the research findings were updated, in order to take action? “As there are estimated to be another 4,000 older tower blocks in the UK, without automatic sprinkler protection, can we really afford to wait for another tragedy to occur before we amend this weakness?” After further correspondence, Liberal Democrat MP Stephen Williams – who was then a minister in the department – replied: “I have neither seen nor heard anything that would suggest that consideration of these specific potential changes is urgent and I am not willing to disrupt the work of this department by asking that these matters are brought forward.” The group replied to say they “were at a loss to understand, how you had concluded that credible and independent evidence, which had life safety implications, was NOT considered to be urgent”.  Fire on a Bolton building with cladding like Grenfell: Bristol’s cladding situation on private and council buildings; Grenfell Tower fire – Stephen Williams, former Housing Minister, stopped an all Party group that was going to look at fire regulations around cladding. Virginia Roberts-Guiffre on ABC documentary ‘60 Minutes’ – the top elite of the world were encouraged to go with young girls at Jeffrey Epstein’s houses for purposes of blackmail. BBC interview by Emily Maitlis with Prince Andrew. Labour’s housing policy. 
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Second hour Investigative reports:  Corruption trial against Netanyahu going ahead: Netanyahu Charged With Bribery, Fraud and Breach of Trust, Capping a Dramatic Political Year. Netanyahu becomes first sitting prime minister in Israel’s history to be charged with bribery, in case involving quid-pro-quo with telecom tycoon. US says Israeli settlements legal. US endorsement of illegal Israeli settlement move endorses ‘law of the jungle’ say Palestinians.   ..vitriolic attack  Israel’s Netanyahu facing fight of his political life: Israeli Attorney General adamant: Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit announced the indictment after three years of probes into the prime minister’s relationships with wealthy friends. Mr Netanyahu is accused of accepting expensive gifts in exchange for political favours, and doing deals to get good press coverage. Mr Mandelblit insisted he was not politically motivated but had acted professionally to uphold the law. The force of Mr Netanyahu’s response alarmed observers of Israel’s political scene. “He will set everything ablaze,” wrote Ben Caspit of Maariv, a daily newspaper. “He won’t stop until all is rubble.”.

Impeachment of Trump:  how US constitution works; Hunter Biden in Ukraine at Burisma: Allegations of wrongdoing at Burisma go to the heart of a U.S. impeachment inquiry into whether President Donald Trump improperly pressured Ukraine’s leadership to investigate his main rival in the 2020 presidential race. The document, only part of which was visible, showed Kulyk suspected Zlochevsky of offences including using his official position to embezzle 800 million hryvnias ($33 million) of money belonging to the central bank. Rouhani of Iran in secret talks with Israel.  US Carrier Strike Group Enters Persian Gulf, Raising Iran Tensions   

UK defies UN deadline to return Chagos Islands to Mauritius – Mauritius says it was forced to trade the small archipelago in the Indian Ocean in 1965 for independence. Britain won’t give Chagos Islands back – because of Diego Garcia US military base. MH370 Malaysian Airliner with  went missing near Diego Garcia. Malaysian plane: 20 passengers worked for ELECTRONIC WARFARE and MILITARY RADAR firm – A US technology company which had 20 senior staff on board Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 had just launched a new electronic warfare gadget for military radar systems in the days before the Boeing 777 went missing. Freescale Semiconductor, which makes powerful microchips for industries including defence, released the powerful new products to the American market on March 3. Five days later, Flight MH370 took off from Kuala Lumpur for Beijing with 239 people on board including 20 working for Freescale. Could plane spotted by Maldivian islanders really have been MH370? With no official trace of the missing plane yet revealed, the investigation, which as we reported over the weekend has focused on the pilots and specifically on Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, earlier today revealed that on his home-made flight simulator had been loaded five Indian Ocean practice runways, among which those of Male in the Maldives, that of the US owned base at Diego Garcia, as well as other runways in India and Sri Lanka – all notable runways as all are possible landing spots based on the flight’s potential trajectories. The Malay Mail Online reported, “The simulation programmes are based on runways at the Male International Airport in Maldives, an airport owned by the United States (Diego Garcia), and three other runways in India and Sri Lanka, all have runway lengths of 1,000 metres. US Naval bases around the world.

New UK Naval base in Bahrain. Bahrain embassy: .Police investigating claim Bahrain embassy staff tried to kill protester on roof – Embassy dismisses ‘ridiculous’ allegations after police storm diplomatic building during protest Police are assessing allegations that staff at the Bahrain embassy in London attempted to kill a protester. Moosa Mohammed claims men attempted to push him from the diplomatic building’s rooftop after he scaled it to demonstrate against executions in the Gulf state. Orphan children of Jihadis to be brought back to UK. Angry Russia exposes operational details of Israeli strikes in SyriaMoscow says IAF jets used Jordanian airspace for strikes on targets in and around Damascus, accuses Israel of causing ‘increased tensions and the potential for conflict around Syria,’ as well as ‘counteracting our efforts to control the situation’.

2003 illegal invasion of Iraq – GCHQ employee Katherine Gun leaking an email from NSA trying to fix Security Council vote on the war – film out of her story ‘Official Secrets’. Rape allegations against imprisoned journalist Julian Assange dropped – illegal and appalling treatment of Assange.  Auction in Munich of Nazi trinkets – letter: – A German auction of items such as Adolf Hitler’s hat and partner Eva Braun’s dresses has been sharply criticised by the European Jewish Association (EJA). The EJA argued the items have little historical value, and would be bought by individuals who glorify Nazism. Martin Bormann and the extent of his anti Jewish measures in Nazi Germany – at story of Martin Bormann being helped out of Germany by UK, as he knew where Nazi loot was  – as portrayed in book OpJB by Christopher Creighton; August 1944 Red House Meeting; Winston Churchill and Desmond Morton;  Teutonic Knights anti Slavic; Why Israeli Mossad didn’t go after Bormann; – Churchill’s chum Martin Bormann, architect of the Holocaust and persecution of Jews and Slavs how did deals with Nazis affect the world after WW2. James Files, former Mob hitman, who claims to be one of shooters of JFK, discusses whether he felt remorse over the killing: Mob hitman who says he was the man on the grassy knoll and killed JFK to be released – and he still insists he did it
James Files claims in the documentary I Killed JFK that he was the man who killed President John F. Kennedy
Files was moved from a high security jail to a less secure one in Illinois as he prepares for his release next spring after 36 years behind bars – Files says he was using a Remington Fireball rifle behind the picket fence on the grassy knoll in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963 and fired the shot that killed Pres. Kennedy – He also claims that Lee Harvey Oswald never fired a single shot, and that his boss Charles ‘Chuckie’ Nicoletti was in the Dal-Tec building – Files claims that the CIA turned against Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs Invasion and plotted with the mafia to kill the president 
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Martin Bormann, the Holocaust and persecution of Jews and Slavs: The German historian Joseph Wulf described Bormann as one of the greatest initiators of the Holocaust, the “Endlösung der Judenfrage” (final solution of the Jewish question). Bormann was involved early in anti-Jewish measures. He was one of the driving forces behind a decree, issued on August 17th, 1938, in which Jews were obliged to add Israël or Sara to their Christian name. In the wake of the Kristallnacht of November 9th and 10th, 1938, during which Jewish possessions were demolished on a large scale, Bormann sent a letter to Hermann Göring. In this document he wrote that Hitler wished a co-ordinated solution to the Jewish question. Göring charged Reinhardt Heydrich with this task, which ultimately would lead to the extermination of the Jews. Bormann was a strong anti-Semite and a great advocate of the most stringent measures against the Jews. Many of the anti-Jewish decrees bear his signature. This was for instance the case with the decree that introduced the Nuremberg laws ( September 15th, 1935 and November 14th, 1935) in the territories captured by Germany (issued on May 31st, 1941) and the decree that stipulated the expropriation of Jewish assets. Whenever a draft of an anit-Jewish decree was submitted, he often urged, on behalf of the party, to make it more severe. His suggestions were usually accepted. Bormann himself was not present at the Wannsee conference of January 20th, 1942 where the groundwork for the execution of the Holocaust and the parties involved was laid. He was represented by Dr. Gerhard Klopfer, chief of the “Staatrechtliche Abteilung III der Parteikanzlei” (judicial department of the party chancellery). He was however undoubtedly aware of what had been discussed and surely supported the policy that was decided upon. On October 9th, 1942, Bormann sent a circular to all party members in which he wrote: “The permanent elimination of the Jews from the Greater German territory can no longer be achieved by emigration but only by ruthless and savage treatment in the camps in the eastern territories”. On October 23rd, 1942, Bormann sent a decree to the “Stellvertretender Reichsminister für Landwirtschaft und Nährung” (Deputy Stateminister of Agriculture and Foodstuffs), Herbert Backe, on behalf of the Ministry of Foodstuffs ordering to limit the rations for Jews to an essential minimum. He also stood at the base of the decree of July 1st, 1943, stating that Jews were no longer allowed to institute judicial proceedings and from then on had to turn to Heinrich Himmler’s SS police services. The decree also stipulated that when Jews died, their assets would be reverted to the German State. Bormann also advocated a ruthless policy against the Slav population in the eastern territories that had been captured by Germany. He was involved in the introduction of a special criminal law in these areas that, in his opinion, would better fit the local situation. On December 4th, 1941, a decree was issued for the occupied territories in the east, imposing the death sentence on various crimes, including the possibility of collective punishment. Bormann supported the inhuman policy of Erich Koch, reportedly one of his few friends. Koch was “Reichskommissar” (State commissioner) in the Ukraine and one of the persons most responsible for the barbaric occupation policy in the east. In Bormann’s view, Slavs who could not work had no right to live and should be exterminated out of hand. On July 23rd, 1941, Bormann wrote to “Reichsminister für die besetzten Gebiete im Osten” (Stateminister for the occupied territories in the east), Alfred Rosenberg who advocated a less stringent policy: “German health care should definitely not be made available to the non-German population in the east, the non-German population is absolutely forbidden to receive higher education”. He also urged not to repair the war damage inflicted on Ukrainian and Russian cities, since these were unsuitable for habitation by Germans anyway. In another letter to Rosenberg he wrote: “The Slavs are there to work for us. In so far as we do not need them, they should die. The fertility of the Slavs is undesired. If they have to be fed, they should receive no more food than what is absolutely necessary. We are the masters, we come first”. On February 12th, 1943, Bormann sent a circular to the “Allgemeines Wehrmachtamt” (AWA or General Wehrmacht office), part of the OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, supreme command of the Wehrmacht) which was charged with supervising the prisoners of war, in which he complained about the punishment of Russian PoW’s which apparently was not severe enough. Bormann would complain more often about what he considered the mild treatment of the captured Russian soldiers. In reality, the regime these people had to endure was harsh as it was: three million Russian military would perish in German prison camps. On September 13th, 1944, Bormann decreed that the administration of the PoW camps would henceforth be allocated to party members. This in order to ensure that a harsh policy would be laid down in the camps. Apart from Jews and Slavs, Bormann also felt a deep hatred for Christianity. In his opinion, Christianity and National Socialism could not co-exist. He wished to replace religion by some other ideology, based more on Germanic beliefs. By issuing circulars, he attempted to limit the influence of the Church. In 1938, he ordered that members of the clergy should not be allowed to become party members and that anyone who considered joining the clergy should terminate his membership. Bormann also tried to have the theological faculty at universities closed down but in this he failed. He did however manage to limit the time spent on theological education in elementary schools and that crucifixes were removed from classrooms. He was also involved in the expropriation of buildings and goods that had belonged to the Church in Germany and Austria. Bormann went so far in his persecution of Christianity that it caused other Nazi leaders to complain to Hitler about the behaviour of the chief of the Parteikanzlei. They feared that Bormann’s actions against the Church would result in the Church turning against the Third Reich and that the enemy would use these actions in his propaganda which would damage the German cause. Hitler agreed and forced Bormann to restrain himself.

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