Boris’ Brexit landslide: General Election 2019 results Politics Show with Greens and Brexit party – Mayor Marvin Rees’ public ridicule of Bristol Post LDR reporter Adam Postans humour, or bullying? – Google censor Iran state broadcaster Press TV YouTube channel – Nazi party treasurer Martin Bormann: location of his ‘body’, Friedrichstrasse Station, fits Ian Fleming’s doppelganger ‘Gunther’
Friday 13th December 2019
At six – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After seven – straight talking and investigative reports
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers and former Sunday Times journalist, ‘Who Owns Britain’ author Kevin Cahill
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
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First hour news review with Green party’s Clive Stevens and Brexit Party’s Robert de Vito Boutiin: Why Bristol mayor Marvin Rees’ jokes are no laughing matter. Today, Bristol Live is standing up for a reporter targeted for public ridicule by our city’s political elite. This is why… – Brexit Party members having to stand down.
Mayor accused by Bristol Post of bullying Local Democracy Reporter, Adam, at a Bristol Council Meeting: Mayor Marvin at meeting discussing the newly named Household Reuse and Recycle Centre; Hold the front page – Post story: Mayor accused of ‘publicly tarnishing’ journalist at meeting. A regional daily has hit out at political chiefs after repeated critical remarks were allegedly made about one of its journalists during a council meeting. The Bristol Post has criticised Marvin Rees, directly-elected mayor of Bristol, as well as several other senior Bristol City Council figures, who joked about the credentials of local democracy reporter Adam Postans. Adam was covering the meeting for the Post and the BBC, but Mr Rees had joked it would “be great to have a journalist here” upon seeing him present. Starting the meeting last Tuesday, Mr Rees said he was “just joking”, but the remark and others apparently made later on prompted the post to run a front page story on the issue yesterday. Pat Hart on his One Love breakfast show, discussing Post story on Marvin, and whether there is racism involved; Green, Martin Fodor, asking at meeting, about scrutiny of the Household Reuse and Recycle Centre; no business plan for centre Cost of new rubbish dump in Hartcliffe has almost doubled to £7million. And it could rise even more, according to Bristol City Council papers by Adam Postans.
General Election: Jo Swinson, Lib Dem Leader, fails to become Prime Minister, loses her seat instead – setting out her stall on Peston show the day before the election; Stroud becomes Tory, as Greens take Labour votes – electoral pacts needed? Political rivals boo and shout ‘shame’ at Stroud’s Green Party candidate Molly Scott Cato during speech The criticism came from local Labour party members because the Green Party gained the votes Labour needed to win.
Boris’s FULL winning speech – biggest Tory majority since Thatcher; victory for Brexit – will Boris deliver?; EU needs us more than we need them? Will Brexit be good or bad for the economy? Siege economy; bad case history of European Courts; did ‘deluded Labour’ play ‘the race card’ and not recognise genuine concerns over immigration? The Labour party’s question is not only can it change over immigration, but does it want to? US and UK pushing EU right up to Russian border; Corbyn FULL losing speech.
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Second hour Investigative reports: Press TV You Tube channel shut down again: Google blocks Press TV, Hispan TV’s YouTube accounts – OfCom banned Press TV before; The most powerful surveillance machine since the Nazis You Tube and Google deemed criminal, for surveillance, by court and House of Commons; The search engine manipulation effect (SEME) and its possible impact on the outcomes of elections – algorithms and censorship; study algorithms. Not just conservatives: Google and Big Tech can shift millions of votes in any direction; what’s wrong with Iran?; Lord Haw Haw ridiculed not banned in WW2; Google’s paid contracts with NSA; Bellingcat; mass surveillance of political groups and journalists; privacy laws – law ineffective; justice not working – Harvey Weinstein and Epstein; Julian Assange – illegally jailed. A $25m settlement deal with Harvey Weinstein isn’t justice. Under the terms of the deal, the man himself won’t pay anything out of his own pocket – because why hold men personally accountable for anything, ever?
Israel has it’s third election in a year on March 2nd – Netanyahu, corruption, and false flag attacks. Rumours Queen will step down in 18 months and Charles step forward – attack on Prince Andrew.
COP 25, UN Climate Talks in Madrid: Advisor to Greta Thunberg, Luisa Neubauer, gives a TED Talk in Munich – she has said that developed countries in the north “are obligated to decrease their standard of living to pay for the future change of the global south towards an environmental way of life” and CORRECTION/APOLOGY she has nothing to do with the book ‘Nature’s Thumbprint’ erroneously referenced from Wikipedia on air! CLAIM: Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg has a “handler,” Luisa-Marie Neubauer, who has ties to the “ONE Foundation managed by Bono, Bill Gates and George Soros.”
Climate change theory and policy critic and one-time popular TV environmental scientist David Bellamy dies this week. The star previously said he believed his controversial viewers on climate change may have cost him his television career. In 2004 he dismissed global warming as “poppycock”. In 2013 he told The Independent, “All of the work dried up after that. “I was due to start another series with the BBC but that didn’t go anywhere, and the other side [ITV] didn’t want to know.– part of his talk at AV2 ‘Challenging Orthodoxy’, challenging climate change science; 1967 report from Iron Mountain asked what threat will replace the cold war and do we actually want peace?
Transhumanists and AI: Project Mavern and new AI military drones. Russia’s only aircraft carrier on fire in week Royal Navy’s 65,000 ton aircraft carrier pair Prince Charles, sponsored, bizarrely, by Camilla, and Queen Elizabeth line up alongside each other for first time.
Martin Bormann: excerpt from film History Channel: ‘Inside the Nazis: Martin Bormann’, about Bormann’s and the Nazis’ ideas about women – also the Jews and the final solution; body of Bormann was said to be found – or was it his double Gunther? Book ‘Op JB’ by Christopher Creighton claims Ian Fleming’s unit picked Bormann up at same spot the doppelganger ‘Gunther’s body was found and smuggled him out in canoes to the Allied sector of Germany near the town of Werben.
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Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Feb. 4, 1906 – April 9, 1945) was a Protestant Lutheran Pastor, theologian, and active in the German resistance to the policies of Hitler and Nazism.
Due to his opposition to the Nazi regime, Bonhoeffer was arrested and executed at the Flossian concentration camp, during the last month of the war. He remains an important symbol of opposition to Hitler, and his views on Christianity increasingly influential.
“…Bonhoeffer joined the Abwehr, a German military intelligence organization. Dohnányi, already part of the Abwehr, brought him into the organization on the claim his wide ecumenical contacts would be of use to Germany, thus protecting him from conscription to active service.[33] Bonhoeffer presumably knew about various 1943 plots against Hitler through Dohnányi, who was actively involved in the planning.[33] In the face of Nazi atrocities, the full scale of which Bonhoeffer learned through the Abwehr, he concluded that “the ultimate question for a responsible man to ask is not how he is to extricate himself heroically from the affair, but how the coming generation shall continue to live….”
“…Under cover of the Abwehr, Bonhoeffer served as a courier for the German resistance movement to reveal its existence and intentions to the Western Allies in hope of garnering their support, and, through his ecumenical contacts abroad, to secure possible peace terms with the Allies for a post-Hitler government. His visits to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Switzerland were camouflaged as legitimate intelligence activities for the Abwehr. In May 1942, he met Anglican Bishop George Bell of Chichester, a member of the House of Lords and an ally of the Confessing Church, contacted by Bonhoeffer’s exiled brother-in-law Leibholz; through him feelers were sent to British foreign minister Anthony Eden. However, the British government ignored these, as it had all other approaches from the German resistance.[37] Dohnányi and Bonhoeffer were also involved in Abwehr operations to help German Jews escape to Switzerland…”
“….at the age of twenty-four Bonhoeffer went to the United States in 1930 for postgraduate study and a teaching fellowship at New York City’s Union Theological Seminary. Although Bonhoeffer found the American seminary not up to his exacting German standards (“There is no theology here.”),[7] he had life-changing experiences and friendships. He studied under Reinhold Niebuhr and met Frank Fisher, a black fellow-seminarian who introduced him to Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem, where Bonhoeffer taught Sunday school and formed a lifelong love for African-American spirituals, a collection of which he took back to Germany. He heard Adam Clayton Powell, Sr., preach the Gospel of Social Justice, and became sensitive to not only social injustices experienced by minorities, but also the ineptitude of the church to bring about integration.[8]
Bonhoeffer began to see things “from below”—from the perspective of those who suffer oppression. He observed, “Here one can truly speak and hear about sin and grace and the love of God…the Black Christ is preached with rapturous passion and vision.” Later Bonhoeffer referred to his impressions abroad as the point at which he “turned from phraseology to reality.”…”
end note – these are just a few snippets about a man we would call back in the early 1970s a “major dude” i.e. someone who was a force for good and humanity , whether we were “jesus freaks”, agnostics ( which i also am) ,atheists , rock god worshippers , flat earthers , slaves to fashion or anti fashion, middle of the roaders or whomever .
strongly suggest anyone interested in this man, to do further research than just the couple sources listed herein
For me “climate change” is secondary . What is of utmost importance is a just distribution of wealth . Most of the 8 billion human beings living on this earth live in misery, die young from working inhumane hours, many starving to death, preventable diseases, are victims of war, and the like . The money changers (banksters) , fat cats of the military industrial complex, etc must be thrown in prison and throw away the key for all i care . These wealth addicts are the cause of the misery in this world . Don’t tell me how nice multi billionaire Warren Buffett is . He lives modestly because he can afford to = he is “slumming it” so to speak . He needs his wealth fix on a regular basis . He could care less about how many people’s lives will be lost or jobs lost when ” he makes a deal” , that is getting his wealth or deal fix. Unlike decent everyday neurotics who don’t sleep well , these rapacious mofos go to sleep at the drop of a hat . What is most frightening these fat cats look in the mirror and really believe they are decent people whether its trump, bill gates, or also on the surface nasty dick cheney . I dunno, maybe they should be in the most dangerous animals on earth category and put in zoos for the vast majority of decent humans on this earth to observe and educate people how nasty they really are
When Boris says the tories will make a mass investment in the NHS , could that mean wide opening the UK NHS to investment from private medical companies from here in the US ?!