The Clampdown? Covid-19 closing UK down: events cancelled, pubs and theatres closed, panic buying – 2020 election cancelled & virus measures could last a generation – BCfm Politics Show presented by Roma Widger
Friday 20th March 2020
At six – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After seven – straight talking and investigative reports
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
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First hour news review: Covid-19 closing UK down: events cancelled, pubs and theatres closed, panic buying.
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Second hour Investigative reports: The Clampdown? 2020 election cancelled & virus measures could last a generation with LibDem councillor for Cotham, Anthony Negus.
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BCfm audio file – [right click to download]
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Hello Roma & Martin, great show last week, I really enjoyed the two of you “shooting the breeze”as they say. I presume you will be discussing some more about Corona tomorrow night, Is there any chance of bringing up “Event 201” and run it by Martin, would love to hear what he has to say about it.
From Consortium news…
“Extra questions linger about the opaque Event 201 in New York on October 18, 2019: a rehearsal for a worldwide pandemic caused by a deadly virus – which happened to be coronavirus. This magnificent coincidence happened one month before the outbreak in Wuhan. Event 201 was sponsored by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum (WEF), the CIA, Bloomberg, John Hopkins Foundation and the UN. The World Military Games opened in Wuhan on the exact same day.”
Those supporters are somewhat worrying all in this together, are they not ? >:)
An often heard question over the past 70 years or so “how could a sophisticated, cultured people such as the Germans allow the rise of Nazism?” Well look around you people. The answer is right there.
Yes, event 201 – hope it was covered – I sent Roma a link about it but its up to her whether to use it or not. Would hope Martin brought it up at least?
Bill Gates held an event that predicted the coronavirus pandemic
Unfortunately the conversation thread didn’t quite get to discussing 201. It had some logical steps to its progression and they didn’t quite get there. Maybe 201 is for later discussion when you return Tony…
Cheers. didn’t know that about Bill’s “soothsaying”!
If God is a computer then Bill Gates is her prophet.
hahaha, good one!
it is hard to believe that anyone still thinks the polititions run this country especially martin , the bankers have taken over and control all our politics regardless of who is in government .
Yea but Martin’s usually on top of this stuff, he knows all is not what it seems, this is interesting for instance Dave, from The McIlhany Report…
“The Perestroika Deception – Since 1989 the world has been told that the Soviet Union collapsed and that, except for several countries, Communism is dead and the U.S. won the cold war. The reality is quite the reverse. Everything we have seen since 1989 has been a massive and successful, multi-decade long deception strategy on the part of the KGB, the Soviet secret police. The Goal? To deceive the West and achieve the goal of Leninist strategy – a totalitarian world government or international police state. We know this from the evidence provided by Anatoly Golitsyn the most important defector from the KGB who came to America in 1961. In 1980 he wrote a book, “New Lies for Old,” published in 1984, which described the disinformation strategy and made specific predictions as to what the KGB would do, such as removing the Berlin Wall, changing the name of the KGB and other structures and the role played by Mikhail Gorbachev.”
I mean, there IS a KGB officer in charge of Russia, and they have turned the Americans own invention – the internet – against them with a major disinformation storm. The EU can;’t be the new Soviet Union, they are trying to destroy it, are they not ?
The dysfunctional Western power structure is destroying it’s own preconditions without outside help. The idea that a mid ranking power like modern Russia has any real purchase on that ongoing collapse is fanciful. After all the Russians didn’t perpetrate 9/11. What they are doing quite competently is defending their own corner while this orchestrated drama comes to a head. The internet and the MSM are still being used by the Western psy warriors to control perceptions (a new state funded group was set up only the other week):-