‘The right major crisis? Is Coronavirus a biological and economic warfare Op? – Was Covid-19 at BBC Bristol NHU as early as 17 Dec 2019? – Covid-19 Lockdown ‘Come On’ Bringing Chinese Surveillance to the West? – Jail for jogging! Paris bans outdoor exercise as Macron extends lockdown indefinitely, UK ‘until May’ – Good Friday the 16th of Lockdown: BCfm Politics Show presented from New Zealand by Tony Gosling

Good Friday 10th April 2020

At six – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After seven – straight talking and investigative reports

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers – internet only BCfm Politics Show available Friday afternoons. We are ready to go live remotely awaiting a BCfm Covid-19 Emergency Schedule slot from managing editor Pat Hart and the team. In the light of government and Ofcom guidance they have decided not to broadcast any discussion or political shows that might put the station at risk and don’t want the added burden of dealing with potential Ofcom compliance issues.

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

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Good Friday 2020 Covid-19 lock-down prayer from Coromandel, New Zealand: As we tell of Jesus’ trial and execution, remind us of of those who are found legally guilty for doing and saying the right things. As we look at the cross, remind us of the power of empire in any age, and remind us of our duty as people of faith to proclaim a different empire, a different kingdom, a new way of living together…


Investigative reports: featuring former Microsoft and present Gates Foundation president Bill Gates, Odd TV’s Matt Procalla, ‘nutter magnet’ David Icke, privacy rights campaigner, www.SpyChips.com & www.ChipMeNot.com webmistress and America: Freedom to Fascism documentary producer Katherine Albrecht, chief investigator Congressman B. Carroll Reece 1953 Special Committee on Tax Exempt Foundations Norman Dodd, author of ‘Reich of the Black Sun, Nazi Secret Weapons & The Cold WarJoseph Farrell and ‘All Smoke and Mirrors’, ‘Alles Schall und Rauch’ blogger Manfred Petritsch.

Broken promises: Lockdown being extended, the goalposts are shifting. UK lockdown to last until MAY as coronavirus peak still more than week away. BRITAIN could remain on lockdown until May amid warnings that the peak of the coronavirus outbreak is still 10 days away. Senior politicians have raised the prospect that Britons now face being shut away in their homes for at least another month as the virus continues its remorseless onslaught. Former Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt suggested the lockdown could last until May. When put to him that it could last for “another month, minimum”, he told Radio 4’s World at One programme: “I think that’s a reasonable assumption.” Mr Hunt, who is now the chairman of the health and social care select committee in the House of Commons, said: “As we’ve seen from Italy and other countries, you don’t get a peak and then an immediate reduction, you stay at that peak level for some time.” He added: “I think it’s perfectly reasonable to say that the lockdown is going to need to continue for a while and we don’t need to take this decision at the beginning of next week.”

NHS staff forbidden from speaking out publicly about coronavirus. Draconian measures prevent some healthcare professions discussing their work during pandemic. Healthcare professionals are being silenced and threatened with disciplinary action for speaking out about their work during the coronavirus outbreak, the Guardian can reveal. Many NHS staff are increasingly concerned that their ability to share stories about their work is being restricted by a clampdown on speaking out publicly. It follows reports of doctors and nurses being gagged by hospitals and other NHS bodies from speaking out about widespread shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE). Tactics have included threatening emails, the possibility of disciplinary action, and some people even being sent home from work.

France extends Covid-19 lockdown beyond 15 April France has extended a nationwide lockdown to contain the coronavirus beyond 15 April, with stringent measures unlikely to end anytime soon. This is the second time that the lockdown, which took effect on 17 March, is being extended

Jail for jogging! Paris bans outdoor exercise and threatens to hit joggers with £120 fines amid coronavirus lockdown. France has banned all physical exercise in Paris during daylight hours. Joggers and walkers who infringe the conditions face fines and even prison. France today banned all physical exercise in Paris during daylight hours as part of its ever-stricter coronavirus lockdown. In a shock move announced by the city’s Police Prefecture, joggers and walkers were told they would be fined the equivalent of around £120 if found breaking the restrictions. If they continue to infringe the conditions, then they will face up to six months in prison.

Ides of March 2020: Bill Gates Resigns From Microsoft Board Nearly 45 Years After Cofounding Company. Microsoft announced a significant change with co-founder and Technology Advisor Bill Gates stepping down from the company’s Board of Directors. Gates resigned from his position on the board to dedicate more time to his philanthropic priorities, such as global health, development, education, and to focus more on tackling climate change. Gates will continue to serve as Technology Advisor to CEO Satya Nadella and other leaders within Microsoft.

Bill Gates: How we must respond to the Coronavirus pandemic: Philanthropist and Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates offers insights into the COVID-19 pandemic, discussing why testing and self-isolation are essential, which medical advancements show promise and what it will take for the world to endure this crisis.

Did Bill Gates Just Reveal the Reason Behind the Lock-Downs? …a few seconds later, at 33:45, Gates drops another bombshell: We don’t want to have a lot of recovered people […] To be clear, we’re trying – through the shut-down in the United States – to not get to one percent of the population infected. We’re well below that today, but with exponentiation, you could get past that three million [people or approximately one percent of the U.S. population being infected with COVID-19 and the vast majority recovering]. I believe we will be able to avoid that with having this economic pain.” It appears that rather than let the population be exposed to the virus and most develop antibodies that give them natural, long-lasting immunity to COVID-19, Gates and his colleagues far prefer to create a vast, hugely expensive, new system of manufacturing and selling billions of test kits, and in parallel very quickly developing and selling billions of antivirals and vaccines…

Reddit: Congressional investigator Norman Dodd on tax-exempt foundations’ plans to take over government and universities: One of the most important interviews on the Internet just got even more important, because of the pandemic, now the jigsaw of the plan for the future is almost complete, and the head architects are surely the Rockefeller Family.
First here’s a brief version of the post summed up quickly:-
1. Decades ago a highly credible investigator, Norman Dodd, discovered that the tax-exempt foundations e.g. Rockefeller Foundation etc, wanted to make changes to society, and their tool of choice (at that time) was war.
2. The tax-exempt foundations said they would continue to use war until they had other effective methods for making major societal changes.
3. 10 years ago, a high-level Rockefeller document described details of other methods for influencing how the world evolves, one such scenario which was suggested in the document was a pandemic.
4. What societal changes do the Rockefellers desire? A former Rockefeller family friend blew the whistle on the plans the Rockefellers had for the future. He was told they want everyone chipped for tracking and to buy/sell. If they don’t like you they will turn off your chip to make it incredibly difficult for you to function in society.
Conclusion:- The Rockefellers no longer rely on war to make changes in the world, now they have other tools at their disposal, such as pandemics. Their goal is take away our freedoms, then if we want them back we’ll be forced to receive vaccines to gain a digital certificate of movement which allows us to be tracked on 5G control grids. Over time it will be placed onto a chip, which will be hard to avoid. By then society will be cashless, making life without a chip a struggle, almost impossible.

Declassified UK – Who controls WHO? – By Phil Miller• 9 April 2020 When all private donors are included, China does not even feature in the WHO’s top 10 overall funders for 2018-19. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the WHO’s second-largest funder after the US government. According to a report by Global Justice Now, the Gates Foundation has considerable access to the WHO leadership and much of its funding is tied to particular projects it wishes to support, helping to secure influence over the organisation’s direction. In a 2017 interview with the right-wing Spectator magazine, Gates warned: “If people aren’t worried about pandemics coming to Britain then they should be… If you asked what in the world is most likely to jump out and kill an extra 10 million people, it is absolutely a pandemic.”

Event 201 discussions. New York, October 18th, 2019.Bill Gates Calls for a “Digital Certificate” to Identify Who Received COVID-19 VaccineBill Gates recently stated on Reddit that “digital certificates” will be used to identify who received the upcoming COVID-19 vaccine. And these certificates will also be used to identify who can conduct business or not. Here’s how this plan is already backed by a massive organization called ID2020. For years, Bill Gates has been at the forefront of research regarding global pandemics and mass vaccination campaigns. In the past decade, Gates went on record several times stating that the world was not ready for a global pandemic. In October 2019 (only a few months before the apparition of COVID-19) the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (in cooperation with the World Economic Forum) hosted Event 201, a 3.5-hour table-top simulation of a global pandemic. Oddly enough, this simulation was about a novel coronavirus that would kill millions. About eight weeks later, an actual novel coronavirus spurred in China. This lead to some people wondering if this exercise actually predicted the spread of COVID-19. In response to these questions, a statement was posted on the Event 201 website…

Global Coronavirus statistics - from Worldometers
Global Coronavirus statistics – from Worldometers

Katherine Albrecht: The Totalitarian Nature of Surveillance (NSA, Google, Facebook) – 09 Nov 2015 Dr. Katherine Albrecht discusses her book Spychips, published almost a decade ago, and reflects on RFID threats today as well as from other technologies. The US Goverment has decided to use the same RFID system being developed by commercial industry which will become ubiquitous by placing both RFID chips and scanners everywhere. She also discusses R.J. Rummel’s work on democide and how the very nature of government and corporate surveillance is totalitarian. Dr. Albrecht also gives the history of the private search engine StartPage and the private encrypted Netherlands-based email service StartMail, who she also works with and helped co-found.

Russia says Covid-19 is definitely NOT a bioweapon on national TV: When Rinat Maksiutov says on Russian national TV the following: “я уверен, что это природный вариант” meaning “I am sure that this is a natural variant” Right before, he specifically EXCLUDED a synthesized virus (for reasons that I don’t need to understand). Okay, as far as I am concerned, this now comes from one of the world’s foremost authority on biowarfare, offensive and defensive.

Coronavirus Contains “HIV Insertions”, Stoking Fears Over Artificially Created Bioweapon Which Attacks Human Immune System: 3D modelling of the protein structure displayed that these insertions are present at the binding site of 2019-nCoV. Due to the presence of gp120 motifs in 2019-nCoV spike glycoprotein at its binding domain, we propose that these motif insertions could have provided an enhanced affinity towards host cell receptors. Further, this structural change might have also increased the range of host cells that 2019-nCoV can infect. To the best of our knowledge, the function of these motifs is still not clear in HIV and need to be explored. The exchange of genetic material among the viruses is well known and such critical exchange highlights the risk and the need to investigate the relations between seemingly unrelated virus families.

Mark Carney: dollar is too dominant and could be replaced by digital currency. Bank of England governor says stockpiling dollars has become a barrier to global trade. Fri 23 Aug 2019.  The Bank of England governor, Mark Carney, has challenged the dollar’s position as the world’s reserve currency, arguing that it could be replaced by a global digital alternative to end a savings glut that resulted in 10 years of low inflation and ultra-low interest rates. Likening the move to the end of sterling’s command of international money markets 100 years ago, Carney said the dollar had reached a level of dominance that meant it was a barrier to a sustainable recovery.

Professional conspiracy theorist, or ‘nutter magnet’ David Icke, says the Coronavirus pandemic is a ‘hoax’ and that ‘Covid-19 doesn’t exist’: The Coronavirus Conspiracy: How COVID-19 Will Seize Your Rights & Destroy Our Economy. – David Icke’s Explosive Interview With London Real – The Video That Youtube Doesn’t Want You To See. – UPDATE: ‘The People’ are speaking and overcoming YouTube/Vimeo David Icke ‘virus’ video ban by sharing the link – now FOUR MILLION have watched it and counting. We shall overcome … 

Should David Icke be allowed to discredit himself in the UK media? Are his ideas ridiculous, or dangerous? Culture secretary urges Ofcom to look into conspiracy theorist David Icke’s ‘London Live’ interview. Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden has said he expects Ofcom to “take appropriate action” after London Live broadcast an interview with conspiracy theorist and former footballer David Icke. Former footballer Icke has been outspoken about his theories on the coronavirus, recently saying that a vaccine could include “nanotechnology microchips” that would mean humans can be controlled. The interview broadcast by the TV station on Wednesday saw him share views on the pandemic. The programme screened a notice during ad breaks saying the views expressed were not necessarily those of the network.

Reich of the black sunDr. Joseph Farrell – Martin Bormann and the rise of the post-war Fourth Reich – How did Martin Bormann survive the war and what was he up to afterwards? What is the truth regarding the nuclear weapons research of the axis powers? What is scalar weapons? Did Nazi scientists attain cold fusion in Argentina? To what extent did the extraterritorial Nazi state influence USA? Dr. Farrell returns to continue the uncovering of our recent history, which addresses many more mysteries regarding WW2, as an Antarctica revisit, how the Nazi remnants transformed into a Bormann Reich, the crucial year of 1947 (youtube interview)

As WWII ended, and Hitler handed power to Admiral Doenitz, German submarine U-234 was in mid-Atlantic en-route to Japan with 560Kg of Nazi enriched uranium along with infra-red fuses needed for a plutonium bomb: 1945, night of 12 May – German submarine U-234 commanded by Lt. Captain Johann Heinrich Fehler is transporting 560kg of precious Nazi enriched Uranium U235, encased in gold, from the Baltic to Japan. Onboard two Japanese naval officers Hideo Tomonaga and Lt. Genzo Shoji are killed or commit suicide shortly before the U-boat alters course and then surrenders to Destroyer USS Sutton (DE771) on 14 May. With a skeleton crew and shadowed by the Sutton, U-234 heads for the US naval base at Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Its deadly cargo, now destined for the Manhattan Project, is secretly offloaded on 18 May 1945.


Did Henry Kissinger just threaten the world that if leaders don’t sign up to his & Bill Gates’ New World Order he’ll start WWIII? Kissinger says ‘even US’ can’t defeat Covid-19 alone. His solution? Global NWO government, of course  Kissinger concludes his jeremiad with a warning that “failure [to safeguard the principles of the liberal world order] could set the world on fire.” If, as he himself writes, the “purpose of the legitimate state is to provide for the fundamental needs of the people: security, order, economic well-being, and justice,” those principles collapsed long ago. The US’ first step, post-pandemic, should be to put out the fires set by Kissinger and those like him who seek to cloak empire in the rhetoric of liberal democracy. 

The Coronavirus Pandemic Will Forever Alter the World Order by Henry A. Kissinger – The Wall Street Journal April 3, 2020 …The world’s democracies need to defend and sustain their Enlightenment values. A global retreat from balancing power with legitimacy will cause the social contract to disintegrate both domestically and internationally. Yet this millennial issue of legitimacy and power cannot be settled simultaneously with the effort to overcome the Covid-19 plague. Restraint is necessary on all sides—in both domestic politics and international diplomacy. Priorities must be established. We went on from the Battle of the Bulge into a world of growing prosperity and enhanced human dignity. Now, we live an epochal period. The historic challenge for leaders is to manage the crisis while building the future. Failure could set the world on fire.

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Good Friday 2020 Covid-19 lock-down Prayer from Coromandel, New Zealand

God of life, today we pause to remember the power of death
Today we tell the story of what happens when someone angers those in power
Today we tell a story of betrayal by a friend, trial by empire, execution as a way of silencing the one who names injustice
Today we tell a story that happened long ago in a land far away
Today we tell a story that continues to happen today, in places close at hand

As we remember the story today, help us to see its truth
As we tell of Jesus’ trial and execution, remind us of of those who are found legally guilty for doing and saying the right things
As we tell of the friends who are conspicuously absent from the cross, remind us of how easily we slip away when the struggle for justice becomes dangerous or challenging
As we look at the cross, remind us of the power of empire in any age, and remind us of our duty as people of faith to proclaim a different empire, a different kingdom, a new way of living together

God of life, today we pause to remember the power of those in charge to run the world
Today we remember the many people near and far who are broken by that power
– those who live in places where peace is just a word, not a reality, not even a dream
– those who are pushed to the margins because of their race, their gender, their bank balance, their marital status, or any of the countless other ways we find to set people apart
– those who live with nothing so that others may live with abundance
– those who choose to challenge the injustices in their world and are crushed beneath the feet of those in charge

But even as we remember that power we remember that day follows night, hope replaces despair, and life will conquer death

And now, as we go from this cross, may we do so ready to challenge the empires of our world, even if such a challenge leads us to a cross outside the city gates

We pray in the name of the one who showed us the depth of his passion for Your Kingdom, who taught us to live in and love justice, in whose life, death and resurrection we can find the path to Kingdom living and who taught his friends to pray by saying

Our Father who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name Yahweh
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done
On Earth as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory
In Jesus’ name



1 Comment on “‘The right major crisis? Is Coronavirus a biological and economic warfare Op? – Was Covid-19 at BBC Bristol NHU as early as 17 Dec 2019? – Covid-19 Lockdown ‘Come On’ Bringing Chinese Surveillance to the West? – Jail for jogging! Paris bans outdoor exercise as Macron extends lockdown indefinitely, UK ‘until May’ – Good Friday the 16th of Lockdown: BCfm Politics Show presented from New Zealand by Tony Gosling

  1. Thank you Tony for getting the Dialect and Politics like shows out over the internet . Thanks to Martin’s input too . It’s good to know Dr. Halpin is still around and kicking . I enjoyed listening to him around a decade ago on your show and this past week .

    The covid-19 virus is a nasty piece of work . But we never hear about the even nastier viruses and bacteria during this coronavirus ” crisis” . What really bothers me is the talking heads(the media) are giving us numbers . But they are not giving us numbers in context like what is the % of those infected have recovered , what percentage of coronavirus deaths out of the total population of a country , and so on . For example , In Italy the latest death toll since the covid-19 began to now, one or two months later, there is 17,669 out of covid cases of 139,422 out of a total population of Italy of 60,500,00 . Even a maths idiot like myself knows that is a tiny tiny percentage of deaths out of the total population of Italy . Also not mentioned is Italy has a large elderly population who have weaker immune systems . China with around a billion people the percent of coronavirus deaths is even more miniscule .

    However , There is an opportunity here . And that is the so called free market takes a back seat to a sharing economy

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