Friday 37th of Lockdown: Welcome to the Dictatorship? Whatever happened to Bristol’s Democracy? Hustings for This Week’s ‘postponed’ Mayoral and City Council Elections – Swedish Prof: Reinfection With Covid-19 A Myth, Icelandic Dr: Virus Arrived Dec/Jan From UK/Switzerland – Covid-19 Pandemic the Opening Shot Of WWIII? Attack Iran To Create Surge In Oil Price & Petrodollar? Planet of the Humans film: How Environment and Green Energy Movements Were Hijacked By Capitalism – 1972 photograph of Churchill’s Chum and Top Nazi War Criminal Martin Bormann in Buenos Aires? BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

Friday 1st May 2020

At six – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After seven – straight talking and investigative reports

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers – internet only BCfm Politics Show available Friday afternoons. We are ready to go live remotely, awaiting a BCfm Covid-19 Emergency Schedule slot from managing editor Pat Hart and the team. In the light of government and Ofcom guidance they have decided not to broadcast discussion or political shows that might put the FM licence at risk and don’t want the added burden of dealing with potential Ofcom complaints.

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

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Part 1 news review – Hustings for Bristol’s cancelled local elections, with Libdem candidate Mary Page, Conservative candidate Samuel Williams, Trade Union Socialist Alliance Candidate Tom Baldwin and Green candidate Sandy Hore-Ruthven. Apologies from Labour candidate Marvin Rees. – Labour party: incumbent mayor Marvin Rees (apologies)

Participants: Liberal Democrat party: Mary Page – Conservative party: Samuel WilliamsTrade Union & Socialist Alliance: Tom BaldwinGreen party: Sandy Hore-Ruthven

Subjects Covered: Only mayor candidate not to join us: apologies from incumbent mayor who may have been removed next week, Labour’s Marvin Rees – Rights and wrongs of postponing Bristol’s elections for 12 months – The office of mayor, does it work and how will its future now be decided? – Covid-19 Pandemic: facts about the disease, rights and wrongs of the lock-down and physical distancing, effects on family life, the unbelievable lack of testing, death, funerals and contacts with sick loved ones in hospital and care homes, devastating economic effects of the lock-downs – The homeless in Bristol are now being put up in hotels, why had it taken a pandemic to help them off the streets and what will happen when things go back to ‘normal’? – what are candidates’ visions for a post-lock-down Bristol?

Mayor Rees calls for Government bailout to plug £82m blackhole. Mayor Marvin Rees is pleading with the Government for an NHS-style bailout for local authorities as he warned it will take Bristol years to recover from the coronavirus. Bristol city council faces an £82 milllion blackhole that will threaten frontline services. The pandemic is having a devastating impact on income vital to maintaining these services, such as from council tax, parking charges and business rates, as people lose jobs or stay at home. Mayor Marvin Rees is now pleading with the Government for an NHS-style bailout to support local authorities, similar to the one received by the NHS. Earlier this month, Health Secretary Matt Hancock announced NHS trusts would have £13.4 billion worth of debt written off to help them fight the outbreak. “We have lost revenue of £80million through this crisis.” Mr Rees says the Government must now do the same for city halls because some local authorities face “going to the wall”, although he insists the city council is in a better position than most.

Credits: Audio-Visual Engineer: David Bosankoe – Presenter: Tony Gosling – BCfm Emergency Schedule Online Politics Show – 01 May 2020

Letter of apology from office of Bristol’s Labour mayor Marvin Rees Thu, 30 Apr 2020 10:35
Dear Tony
I am sorry but the Mayor is unavailable at that time.
He is already regularly speaking about Covid-19 on BCFM and so additional interview requests will not be prioritised.
Kind regards,
Simon Cowley – Mayor’s Office Policy Manager

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BCfm audio file – [right click to download]
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Part 2 Investigative reports: Swedish Epidemiologist Prof Johan Giesecke says no evidence of any reinfection. False Positives: Recovered Patients Who Tested Positive for COVID-19 Likely Not Reinfected This phenomenon is likely due to the shortcomings of the coronavirus test, experts say. More than 260 COVID-19 patients in South Korea tested positive for the coronavirus after having recovered, raising alarm that the virus might be capable of “reactivating” or infecting people more than once. But infectious disease experts now say both are unlikely.

Prof. Kari Steffanson from DeCode Genetics of Iceland, ‘virus came from The Alps and Great Britain’: Prof Stefansson said that in the beginning, almost all of the cases came into Iceland from the Alps, from people who had been skiing in Austria and Italy. The authorities responded by trying to contain the spread of infection from those high risk countries. He added: “But as they were doing this, the virus was actually sneaking into the country with people from all kinds of other countries. “And the most notable there is Great Britain. So it looks like the virus had a fairly wide spread in Great Britain very, very early in this epidemic.”

Swedish Epidemiologist Johan Giesecke: Why Lockdowns Are The Wrong PolicyProfessor Johan Giesecke, one of the world’s most senior epidemiologists, advisor to the Swedish Government (he hired Anders Tegnell who is currently directing Swedish strategy), the first Chief Scientist of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and an advisor to the director general of the WHO, lays out with typically Swedish bluntness why he thinks: UK policy on lockdown and other European countries are not evidence-based. The correct policy is to protect the old and the frail only. This will eventually lead to herd immunity as a “by-product.” The initial UK response, before the “180 degree U-turn”, was better. The Imperial College paper was “not very good” and he has never seen an unpublished paper have so much policy impact. The paper was very much too pessimistic. Any such models are a dubious basis for public policy anyway. The flattening of the curve is due to the most vulnerable dying first as much as the lockdown. The results will eventually be similar for all countries. Covid-19 is a “mild disease” and similar to the flu, and it was the novelty of the disease that scared people. The actual fatality rate of Covid-19 is the region of 0.1%. At least 50% of the population of both the UK and Sweden will be shown to have already had the disease when mass antibody testing becomes available…

Trump says China’s Wuhan virology lab is source of Covid-19Coronavirus: Trump stands by China lab origin theory for virus. US President Donald Trump has appeared to undercut his own intelligence agencies by suggesting he has seen evidence coronavirus originated in a Chinese laboratory. Earlier the US national intelligence director’s office said it was still investigating how the virus began. But the office said it had determined Covid-19 “was not manmade or genetically modified”. China has rejected the lab theory and criticised the US response to Covid-19… 

Engineered bat virus stirs debate over risky research. Lab-made coronavirus related to SARS can infect human cellsAn experiment that created a hybrid version of a bat coronavirus — one related to the virus that causes SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) — has triggered renewed debate over whether engineering lab variants of viruses with possible pandemic potential is worth the risks… The findings reinforce suspicions that bat coronaviruses capable of directly infecting humans (rather than first needing to evolve in an intermediate animal host) may be more common than previously thought, the researchers say. But other virologists question whether the information gleaned from the experiment justifies the potential risk. Although the extent of any risk is difficult to assess, Simon Wain-Hobson, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, points out that the researchers have created a novel virus that “grows remarkably well” in human cells. “If the virus escaped, nobody could predict the trajectory,” he says…

World Economic Forum Looks to Blockchain to Restart Global Economy. The World Economic Forum believes DLT supply chain solutions can help reboot the global economy, launching a blockchain deployment kit. The World Economic Forum published a report looking at how the deployment of blockchain-based solutions can address the supply chain inefficiencies and failures that have been exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Alongside the report, the WEF has released a blockchain deployment toolkit intended to assist government and businesses in adapting their supply chains to the current economic climate and to “accelerate an economic rebound post-COVID-19.”

Former ambassador who lost his career because he refused to back torture in Uzbekistan charged AFTER Salmond trial with contempt. On Tuesday morning, a large Police van full of police pulled up onto the pavement right outside my front gate, actually while I was talking on the phone to a senior political figure about the raid on my friend. The police just sat in the van staring at my house. I contacted my lawyers who contacted the Crown Office. The police van pulled away and my lawyers contacted me back to say that the Crown Office had told them I would be charged, or officially “cited”, with Contempt of Court, but they agreed there was no need for a search of my home or to remove my devices, or for vans full of police. On Thursday two plain clothes police arrived and handed me the indictment. Shortly thereafter, an email arrived from The Times newspaper, saying that the Crown Office had “confirmed” that I had been charged with contempt of court. In the case of my friend whose house was raided, he was contacted by the Daily Record just before the raid even happened!

Iran condemns German ban on Lebanon’s Hezbollah TEHRAN, May 01(MNA) –Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi has strongly condemned the German government’s blacklisting of the Lebanese Hezbollah as a measure serving the objectives of the US and the Zionist regime of Israel. In a statement on Thursday, Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyyed Abbas Mousavi vehemently condemned the German government’s move to accuse the Lebanese Hezbollah of “promoting armed struggle with terrorist means.” “It appears that certain countries in Europe are adopting their stances without considering the realities in the West Asia region and by paying regard only to the objectives of the propaganda machine of the Zionist regime and the confused US regime,” Mousavi added. “The German government’s decision has been made with complete disrespect for the Lebanese government and nation, as Hezbollah is an official and legitimate part of that country’s government and parliament, and has always been an influential political party in the arena of creating political stability in that country,” he said, adding that Hezbollah enjoys massive popular backing in Lebanon and in the region.

Banks targeted in Lebanon’s ‘night of the Molotov’. At least a dozen banks torched and vandalised as fiery protests against economic hardships continue across Lebanon. Beirut, Lebanon – At least a dozen Lebanese banks across the country were torched and vandalised during the second consecutive night of angry protests fuelled by frustration over the national currency’s unfettered depreciation. Hundreds of demonstrators took to the streets from Beirut to southern Sidon along with Nabatieh, the Bekaa Valley, and Tripoli and Akkar in the north. While it was unclear how many civilians were hurt, 81 security personnel were injured across the country during attempts to contain the riots, including 50 in Tripoli, the military said…

Will Trump go to war with Iran to save America’s oil industry? by Scott Ritter. It’s believed that a US-Iran war would disrupt the flow of Middle Eastern oil and, as such, should be avoided at all costs. With US oil futures trading in the negative, has the risk of such a war suddenly become attractive? Last week, nearly a dozen Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN) vessels harassed a formation of US Navy and Coast Guard ships operating in international waters in the northern Persian Gulf. According to the US Navy, approximately 11 Iranian fast patrol boats conducted “dangerous and harassing approaches” of a flotilla of six vessels, repeatedly crossing the bows and sterns of the American ships at high speeds. Such maneuvers are not uncommon in the Persian Gulf, where the US and Iranian navies have faced off against each other several times over the years, employing similar harassing tactics, but always stopping short of actual confrontation. As such, President Donald Trump’s tweet on Wednesday, instructing the US Navy “to shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea,” seemed like an unnecessary and dangerous escalation, especially given the history of the US-Iranian confrontation in the region and the potentially devastating consequences of such. Almost immediately after Trump released his Tweet, the price of oil rebounded. Futures contracts for West Texas Intermediate (WTI) spiked to $13.49, after previously dropping to historic lows, bottoming-out at nearly negative $37. Likewise, Brent futures, which benchmark around 60 percent of global crude purchases, jumped $1.20 higher to $20.53 per barrel, after trading as low as $15.98. Normally the cause-and-effect relationship between the threat of war and the rise in oil prices would be viewed in a negative light. But these are not normal times…

Dress rehearsal: British police prepared for the attack on Sergei and Yulia Skripal, four days in advanceArmed British police, plus ambulance and medical crews, drone and helicopter pilots, firefighters, and the head doctor of the Salisbury District Hospital’s emergency department were preparing for the attack on Sergei and Yulia Skripal just four days before Russian military assassins arrived from Moscow allegedly carrying a lethal chemical weapon in a perfume bottle. Not counting the Skripals and the Russians, the British forces numbered at least two hundred. They were mobilized through the afternoon and night of February 27 until the morning of February 28, in the centre of Swindon, Wiltshire; that is a city 70 kilometres (40 miles) north of Salisbury, also in Wiltshire. The Skripals collapsed at 4:15 in the afternoon of March 4, in the centre of Salisbury. At least two of the paramedics who arrived at the scene to evacuate them to hospital had been practising in the Swindon operation. “There is no intelligence that Swindon is at risk,” a senior police officer had warned, “but I hope members of the public understand we need to be ready and prepared for any eventuality. This is Wiltshire Police getting ourselves – along with our colleagues in the fire and ambulance services – in the best position so we’re ready for anything.” Until the Skripals are released by the British authorities and permitted to speak freely to their family, their lawyers, and the press, it is not known whether they too were warned in advance to be “ready for anything.” The British Government narrative of what happened to the Skripals is that they were taken by surprise and poisoned by a Russian-made nerve agent which British government and military officials call Novichok. Two Russians have been identified by name and charged with attempted murder and other crimes, including what then-Prime Minister Theresa May said on March 12, 2018, was “an unlawful use of force by the Russian State against the United Kingdom”…

The raw truth about the UK’s special relationship with IsraelIsrael is seen as an ally against Syria and Iran – Britain’s two main enemies in the region – and the Palestinians are the expendable unpeople. Britain has a special relationship with Israel that is little recognised in the mainstream media but unmissable in light of the killings in Gaza. With more than 110 protesters dead, Britain is in effect defending Israeli actions. The British government has not, as far as I have seen, actually condemned Israel for the killings. Rather, it has simply “urged Israel to show restraint” while recognising its “right to secure itself” and also blaming Hamas for the violence. When British Prime Minister Theresa May phoned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on 10 May, by which date 40 Palestinian protesters in Gaza had already been shot, it appears she did not even raise the issue. Meanwhile, the government infers it will not even review UK arms exports to Israel after the Gaza massacres which have only been discussed once in the British cabinet. That Britain is supporting Israel over the Gaza killings is true to form. The UK’s relationship with Israel is special in at least nine areas, including arms sales, air force, nuclear deployment, navy, intelligence and trade, to name but a few…

UK Supreme Court rules against government attempt to curb BDS. The British government has suffered a major defeat in its attempt to curb the pro-Palestine Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign in a long running legal battle with the UK’s largest organisation campaigning for Palestinian human rights. The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) won the landmark case in the Supreme Court today in its challenge to the government regulations which restrict Local Government Pension Schemes (LGPS) from divesting contrary to UK foreign and defence policy. The regulations limited the possibility of divestment from companies involved in or profiting from Israel’s human rights violations. In bringing the legal case, the PSC had raised concerns about threats to freedom of expression, government overreach in local democracy and the right of pension holders to have a say in the investment and divestment of their funds…

Galloway’s Rogues’ Gallery: Latest Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer – so wooden, birds try to nest in himSo monotonously ‘forensic’ was Starmer as a QC, he was appointed the public prosecutor by the Blair-Brown gang of which he was a member. But his time as the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) is littered with crimes. He declined to prosecute the paedophilic rapist BBC ‘star’ Sir Jimmy Savile (another Knight of the Realm) despite police recommendations to do so. If he had done so, many children, mentally disabled people and even cadavers would’ve been spared Savile’s subsequent attentions. He was relentless in his persecution of Julian Assange, on the other hand, with his Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) office reportedly demanding, in writing, that Sweden not “get cold feet” in pursuing the fake rape charges against the publisher. He implored them not to send a team to London – as they’d done many times in other cases – to interview Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy. They must continue to demand extradition, he advised. It’s not hard to work out why. During Starmer’s role as DPP, the CPS declined to prosecute MI6 agents for involvement, during the War on Terror, in alleged crimes of torture and illegal acts of extraordinary rendition, despite the advice of Scotland Yard. Politics being a transactional business, however, Starmer did at least get an unprecedented invitation to cocktails with the head of MI6 in return…

Planet of the Humans: How Environmental and Green Energy Movements Have Been Taken Over By CapitalistsWatch on YouTubeThe promise of green energy, embraced by President Barack Obama, airline owner Richard Branson, philanthropist Michael Bloomberg, founder Bill McKibben, the Sierra Club and other environmental organizations, and a large percentage of the public. Electric cars, solar panels, and wind turbines were to be the alternatives to a reliance on fossil fuels, but it hasn’t turned out to be that simple. An electric car is charged from an outlet powered by the local company that relies on coal and natural gas. A site for wind turbines in Vermont requires that a forest be cut down, a mountain-top removal similar to what seen in coal country. In an upsetting sequence, we see all the materials that have to be mined, transported, and processed to make solar panels. And still, both solar and wind power requires a backup system for rainy and windless days — which turn out to be power generated by burning fossil fuels. Gibbs asks: “Can machines made by industrial civilizations save industrial civilizations?” When solar and wind did not provide the answer, biomass became the energy alternative — most often the burning of wood chips made from trees and waste wood, like old railroad ties. But just because trees can be planted and harvested, does that make them a sustainable form of energy? What about the fuels used to power the machines cutting down the trees and converting them into chips?

Martin Bormann was vital to Hitler. Bormann made Hitler, and the Third Reich, rich through thinly veiled extortion schemes such as The Hitler Endowment Fund of German Industry. He also came up with the idea of charging royalties on Hitler’s image on postage stamps – and so made his Fuhrer personally wealthy. He became so close to Hitler and the running of the war that Hitler once screamed “To win this war, I need Bormann!”. More sinister was Bormann’s involvement in ensuring the progress of the final solution . Himmler had to report back to Bormann on the extermination of the Jews.Bormann, Hitler’s doctor Stumpfegger and Artur Axmann (the Head of the Hitler Youth) all left the bunker in Berlin together after Hitler’s suicide on 30th April 1945. After Axmann left them at the Lehrter Station Bormann and Stumpfegger disappeared. This led to one of the longest Nazi hunts in history.

BBC pauses plans to cut jobs amid coronavirus outbreak. Proposal to axe 450 jobs and pay for the licence fee for over-75s put on ice. The BBC has paused plans to cut 450 journalism jobs because of the coronavirus outbreak, leaving staff who were expecting to be made redundant unsure if it is a long-term change in policy or merely a stopgap during the pandemic. The redundancies were announced at the end of January in an effort to save £80m from the BBC’s budget, with shows such as the Victoria Derbyshire programme axed and hundreds of roles due to go across the rest of the organisation…

In a week’s time a conference on fake news and conspiracies called ‘Alternative View’ 11 was due to take place in Milton Keynes (AV11). Despite the organiser Ian R. Crane being critically ill in hospital during the lockdown he and the team have reorganised it as a series of online web screenings to which conference goers can subscribe.

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8 Comments on “Friday 37th of Lockdown: Welcome to the Dictatorship? Whatever happened to Bristol’s Democracy? Hustings for This Week’s ‘postponed’ Mayoral and City Council Elections – Swedish Prof: Reinfection With Covid-19 A Myth, Icelandic Dr: Virus Arrived Dec/Jan From UK/Switzerland – Covid-19 Pandemic the Opening Shot Of WWIII? Attack Iran To Create Surge In Oil Price & Petrodollar? Planet of the Humans film: How Environment and Green Energy Movements Were Hijacked By Capitalism – 1972 photograph of Churchill’s Chum and Top Nazi War Criminal Martin Bormann in Buenos Aires? BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

  1. Двом депутатам оголосили про підозру за організацію «псевдореферендуму» у 2014 році via @info_sprotyv

    This is how you run polls in banana republics for FREE & FAIR elections, guys with guns at the polling station that way all the no voters get scared off, don’t want them to ruin your winning result close to 100% whic would raise instant red flags

    Unless of course you have no ethics and morals

    Only gutter trash journalism would make excuses for this kind of thing…..or just plain pure propagandists who are not even real journalists, just hacks peddling outlandish illogical rubbish in the BS industry…

  2. I’m in no shape to but lest i forget i’ll make a comment . Some of us , as we get older it is more to the truth to amend Descartes famous axiom to ” I think therefore I am ” confused and have headache . apologies for the following non sequitur , simplistic , unexpurgated, etc whatever it is : Regards the coronavirus it must be dealt with by a-political (non political) scientists, technologists, medical experts and adjuncts (no politicians nor banksters allowed) . Regards the economy which prevails, it must die and be replaced by a sharing economy . As during the 1930s depression and subsequent world war II , The filthy rich ( who are filthy rich living in opulence are doing so because they live off the mental and physical labor of the vast majority must be taxed on income and assets at 90% + . If they don’t like Noblesse Oblige , than by all means necessary we force their wealth out of them and redistribute to the vast majority and to vital goods and services . if we need to make an example out of these wealth addicts by putting some of them to the gibbet, so be it . When things stabilize we can start thinking about mixed economy . But never again this evil neoliberal economics ! it must die !

    usa . .

  3. Keep going Tony and comrades. ‘The truth will set us free – John 8:32 New International Version (NIV)

    32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

    Repeated as a Christian atheist. The log jam caused by the most wicked lies will shortly be freed, and truth gathered pace.

    I said in an interview whilst you were with family in the Coromandel Peninsula of NZ, that ‘they’ had created an apocalyptic atmosphere, an ‘End Times’ in the black hearts of the oxymoronic ”’Christian”’ Zionists who scream in support of the auburn psychopath. I said I feared a ‘war’ on Iran.

    The link to an audio of that interview, put together by George Antoniou, who contacted me for the first time.

    The link to Global Research 14-06-19 – and my fear re the US and the UK attacking Iran at the behest of ‘Israel’ – a decade long urging by a psychopathic cabal in TA –

    David Halpin MB BS FRCS DOB 14-04-40

  4. Saw most of it. (Need to watch again when I’m not running around doing other things.) Overall yes i agree most green solutions just fill me with despair 🤣
    I wish he hadn’t given so much ammo to the green grant subsidy beneficiaries by using some dated or inaccurate info and I wish he’d focussed more on the many examples of green subsidies keeping power centralised thereby blocking markets for folks who would take their income from ways which boycott the blood/oil economic processes.
    Id love it to have gone into examples of how green fake philanthropist billionaires buy the insipid greens, thereby preventing the rise of actual solutions to crises that emerge from centralisation of power.

    • I’d love it to have gone into examples of how green fake philanthropist billionaires buy the insipid greens, thereby preventing the rise of actual solutions to crises that emerge from centralisation of power.

      I was asked, as an independent candidate in the Newton Abbot constituency last December, to attend the ‘hustings’ of ACT for Climate Change

      I replied saying that I had planted 28 acres of broad leaved woodland 33 years ago, grew veg etc. I said I would only take part IF it was advertised publicly. Facebook only. I went as a witness. My presence was acknowledged from the chair. The woman who had written to me had changed her name from Benham to Wood!!

      Audience elderly and well intentioned but naive.

      This local outfit is joined to Teignbridge District Council which has a very large car park!

      I followed the funding. Grant from Imperial College! It gets money from a man called Grantham in NY. Left GB 40 years ago. Billionaire and ?currency trader.

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