Chinese Visiting UK Relatives Stopped In China From Boarding Plane Due To Low ‘Social Credit’ Score – Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees ‘Covid Gestapo’ Gets Access To Bristolians’ Private Medical Records – Untested 1976 Swine Flu Vaccine Harmed 1000s – Six-Eyes Not Five-Eyes: Israel An Undeclared Member Fishing In West’s Intelligence Pool – UK’s Huawei Ban Not Justified, Part Of US Anti-China Trade Policy – Ancient Egyptian/Phoenician Cubits Used in Construction of Mexico’s Mayan Pyramids? – The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

Friday 24th July 2020

Listen live online each week 17:00 to 19:00 BST, 10:00-12:00 EST, 09:00-11:00 PST. Repeats 2100 & 0900 BST daily


BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers continues online after being ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm managing editor (CEO) Pat Hart. The Internet only BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-19:30 live Drivetime Fridays.

We are ready to go live on BCfm’s FM server remotely, awaiting the go-ahead from the managing editor. Initially he told us that ‘In the light of government and Ofcom guidance’ they decided not to broadcast ‘discussion or political shows’ that might put the FM licence at risk, and don’t want the burden of dealing with potential Ofcom complaints. Since the end of June we’ve now been told a wider ‘reorganisation’ is underway and this show may be allowed to return to FM in November 2020.

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

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First hour News Review:  Statue of black woman put in place of Colston in Bristol, of Black Lives Matter protester, by vile twisted artist Mark QuinnA cynical publicity stunt – Ex-partner of Bristol slaver statue artist Marc Quinn says he’s an ‘oppressor’ whose ‘medium is exploitation’ He was painted a right-on hero this week for creating a statue of the Black Lives Matter protester, Jen Reid. But has provocative artist Marc Quinn, who once made a bronze statue of supermodel Kate Moss in a compromising yoga position, been hoist by his own petard? For I can reveal his latest work, A Surge Of Power, which was secretly erected on the Bristol plinth where the statue of slave trader Edward Colston used to stand, has also served to disgruntle a former lover. In an astonishing disclosure, Jenny Bastet claims that he ‘exploited’ her throughout their two-year relationship, during which time she was also his muse. ‘Speaking from personal experience. Marc Quinn’s medium is exploitation,’ says Jenny, whose body inspired his 2017 exhibition, Untrimmed, in London. ‘My body was objectified by Marc. He is an oppressor.’ The 31-year-old, pictured with the sculptor, was in a relationship with Marc — one of the trailblazing Young British Artists alongside Tracey Emin and Damien Hirst — for three years, overlapping with the end of his marriage to author Lady Georgia Byng, daughter of the Earl of Strafford…

Leah Hunt-Hendrix funding Black Lives Matter. Casey Kendall discusses the anti lockdown protest she organised in Thornbury. China, gathering data, lockdown, and WW3. New local lockdown rules STORY LINK?**.

Four months missed education for nothing? School shutdowns have been a complete waste of time – Tests in France and Germany show Coronavirus doesn’t spread through schools – German study finds no evidence coronavirus spreads in schools – Schools do not play a major role in spreading the coronavirus, according to the results of a German study released on Monday. The study, the largest carried out on schoolchildren and teachers in Germany, found traces of the virus in fewer than 1 per cent of teachers and children. Scientists from Dresden Technical University said they believe children may act as a “brake” on chains of infection. Prof Reinhard Berner, the head of pediatric medicine at Dresden University Hospital and leader of the study, said the results suggested the virus does not spread easily in schools. “It is rather the opposite,” Prof Berner told a press conference. “Children act more as a brake on infection. Not every infection that reaches them is passed on.” The study tested 2,045 children and teachers at 13 schools — including some where there have been cases of the virus. But scientists found antibodies in just 12 of those who took part. “This means that the degree of immunization in the group of study participants is well below 1 per cent and much lower then we expected,” said Prof Berner. “This suggests schools have not developed into hotspots.”..   – School Children Don’t Spread Coronavirus, French Study Shows – School kids don’t appear to transmit the new coronavirus to peers or teachers, a French study found, weighing in on the crucial topic of children’s role in propagating Covid-19. Scientists at Institut Pasteur studied 1,340 people in Crepy-en-Valois, a town northeast of Paris that suffered an outbreak in February and March, including 510 students from six primary schools. They found three probable cases among kids that didn’t lead to more infections among other pupils or teachers. The study confirms that children appear to show fewer telltale symptoms than adults and be less contagious, providing a justification for school reopenings in countries from Denmark to Switzerland. The researchers found that 61% of the parents of infected kids had the coronavirus, compared with about 7% of parents of healthy ones, suggesting it was the parents who had infected their offspring rather than the other way around….

PMQs Councils facing a £10bn black hole and possible bankruptcy. PMQs Jack Lopresti – jobs lost in aerospace and defence in South West. PMQs Darren Jones – local lockdowns and financial support. Richie Allen, radio host, discusses local councils having access to medical records. PMQs Kier Starmer – report showing possible challenges of Covid 19 this Autumn. New Statesman article The adults in the roomWhile Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings lost control of coronavirus in March, a handful of officials saved Britain from a far worse economic fate.

Are masks a good idea? Unmasking the Truth: Studies Show Dehumanizing Masks Weaken You and Don’t Protect You – Dehumanizing masks have sadly become a part of the new normal in many states and nations around the world. Many local and state governments are forcing people to wear them, and many businesses are dutifully toeing the official line and refusing entry to customers who don’t wear them. Apart from the obvious truth that widespread mask usage has a deliberately dehumanizing effect (in line with the transhumanist synthetic agenda), many scientific studies show that masks serve no useful medical purpose for healthy people. Masks weaken you by causing hypercapnia (increased carbon dioxide) and hypoxia (decreased oxygen). They are designed for surgeons (so they don’t accidentally transmit bodily fluids like saliva into a patient they are operating upon) or for sick people (so they don’t infect others via large respiratory droplets). Scientifically speaking, they don’t stop healthy people from getting infected! Below is the evidence showing this. This will leave you with the inescapable conclusion that these masks are not about protecting health – but rather about control, dehumanization and the destruction of health...

Ken Marsh, Met Police Federation Chair, on how the police can’t enforce mandatory mask wearing. Police chief says ‘absurd’ face mask rule will be impossible to enforce – Police chief says ‘absurd’ face mask rule will be impossible to enforceNew rules making the wearing of face masks compulsory in shops will be ‘nigh-on impossible’ to enforce, police officers have said. The Government announced last night that it will become mandatory for people to wear face coverings in shops and supermarkets across England from July 24. Anyone failing to comply with the order could face a fine of up to £100. Environment Secretary George Eustice said this morning that retailers ‘will have a role to play’ in ensuring customers abide by the rule, but added that ‘when it comes to that final sanction of issuing a penalty that is something that only the police can do’. Ken Marsh, chairman of the Metropolitan Police Federation, which represents rank-and-file officers in London, called the policy ‘absolutely absurd’ and said it will be ‘impossible for enforcement’. ADVERTISEMENT Top articles by Metro Thames has some of the highest levels of plastic in rivers across the world READ MORE SKIP AD A police officer wearing a face covering in Soho (Picture: AFP via Getty Images) Visit our live blog for the latest updates: Coronavirus news live He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: ‘Shopkeepers need to step up to the plate and take some responsibility. They can quite easily put signs up on their doors “No mask on, no entry, this is private property”. ‘That’s the first point we need to get across because this cannot all be laid on the shoulders of the police yet again. ‘The second point is it will be nigh-on impossible for enforcement because you won’t have a police officer on every shop door because there isn’t enough of us. ‘If a shopkeeper calls the police because someone hasn’t got a mask on, they haven’t got the power to detain them so that person can just walk away. ‘We’ll be driving around and around London looking for people who aren’t wearing masks, it’s absolutely absurd.

Vernon Coleman, author of ‘How to Stop Your Doctor Killing You’, on what happened to ‘First Do No Harm’ – how old people are damaged by pharmaceuticals, and now by lockdown. Sunday Times bestselling author V-e-r-n-o-n C-o-l-e-m-a-n has written over 100 books which have sold over two million copies in the UK alone. His books have been translated into 25 languages and sell in over 50 countries. His novels include Mrs Caldicot’s Cabbage War (which has been turned into a film starring Pauline Collins, Peter Capaldi and John Alderton), Mrs Caldicot’s Knickerbocker Glory, The Man Who Inherited a Golf Course, The Village Cricket Tour, Deadline, Paris in my Springtime and It’s Never Too Late? His books on cats include Alice’s Diary, Alice’s Adventures, Cat Fables, Cat Tales and We Love Cats. His medical bestsellers include Bodypower, Mindpower, Food for Thought, How To Stop Your Doctor Killing You, Superbody and C-o-l-e-m-a-n’s Laws. The global bestseller Bodypower was voted one of the top 100 books by British readers. His books on politics include England Our England, Living In A Fascist Country, Gordon is a Moron, The OFPIS File, What Happens Next? Oil Apocalypse, and 2020. He has also written The 100 Greatest Englishmen and Englishwomen and the Bilbury series of books. He has also written a series of diaries which started with The Diary of a Disgruntled Man. All are available as ebooks on Amazon. Dr V-e-r-n-o-n C-o-l-e-m-a-n was the first writer to: 1) Warn about the dangers of benzodiazepine tranquillisers 2) Warn that passive smoking causes cancer 3) Warn that mobile phones (and masts) may cause cancer 4) Warn that tap water contains harmful drug residues 5) Point out that genetic engineering (in all its forms) can be a threat to human health 6) Claim that high blood pressure can be controlled without drugs 7) Warn about the risk of mad cow disease 8) Warn that deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a serious threat to air travellers 9) Warn of the return of tuberculosis 10) Explain why medical screening programmes are of more benefit to doctors than to patients 11) Warn that the threat of AIDS was wildly exaggerated for commercial reasons 12) Warn that the overuse of antibiotics was creating drug resistant infections 13) Warn that doctors were over-diagnosing asthma 14) Draw attention to the value of generic drugs (as opposed to branded drugs) 15) Warn that ADHD was being over-diagnosed and treated with dangerous drugs 16) Point out that the incidence of diabetes is rising out of control 17) Warn that prostate screening does more harm than good 18) Warn that breast screening is of doubtful value 19) Warn of the dangers of over exercising 20) Warn of the damage that jogging can do to the spine and joints 21) Warn that vaccines are neither as safe nor as effective as the establishment claims 22) Explain that stress causes or exacerbates 90% of all illnesses 23) Explain the facts about irritable bowel syndrome 24) Explain why removing breasts from healthy women is unnecessary 25) Warn that chemotherapy often does more harm than good 26) Draw attention to the self-healing powers of the human body 27) Warn that the drug tamoxifen (used to prevent cancer) can cause cancer 28) Warn of the dangers of hormone replacement therapy 29) Expose the link between a high fat diet and breast cancer 30) Warn that depression was being over-diagnosed and over treated 31) Point out the importance of the immune system in defending against cancer 32) Provide evidence showing that meat causes more cancer than tobacco 33) Explain how antiperspirants may be a health hazard 34) Warn of the danger of using microwave ovens 35) Draw attention to the danger of radiotherapy 36) Warn that doctors are now as big a cause of death as cancer or heart disease 37) Draw attention to the ability of the mind to heal the body 38) Explain how and why air conditioning systems can be dangerous 39) Warn of the hazard of superbugs 40) Warn that tests and investigations are often unnecessary and dangerous 41) Point out that one in six hospital patients is there because he or she has been made ill by doctors 42) Explain why women will not live longer than men in the 21st century 43) Warn of the dangers of paraquat (and associated products such as Roundup) 44) Point out that increased longevity is a myth and a result of reduced infant mortality 45) Why and how too many X-rays are done – and cause cancer 46) Draw attention to the value of TENS machines in the treatment of pain 47) Warn of the increase in the size of our ageing population 48) Warn that obesity leads to an increased cancer risk 49) Explain how experiments on animals mislead researchers 50) Explain that many patients with dementia can be cured (because they have NPH and not Alzheimer’s disease) And there have been many, many more accurate predictions and forecasts made between 1970 and today.

Graph of cases of Covid 19 in UK Status of COVID-19 –  Covid-19 hospital deaths in England by date of death, with 3-day moving average trendline (the thicker line). (Note that numbers in grey area may increase over the next few days.) NHS England data –  As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK. The 4 nations public health HCID group made an interim recommendation in January 2020 to classify COVID-19 as an HCID. This was based on consideration of the UK HCID criteria about the virus and the disease with information available during the early stages of the outbreak. Now that more is known about COVID-19, the public health bodies in the UK have reviewed the most up to date information about COVID-19 against the UK HCID criteria. They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall), and there is now greater clinical awareness and a specific and sensitive laboratory test, the availability of which continues to increase. The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID….

Del Bigtree: Here is your #vaccine safety – Del Bigtree, director of ‘Vaxxed’, on how testing and regulation of the many vaccines given to children, is non-existent.  

‘60 Minutes’ programme from 1976 – vaccine for swine flu damages people. Spanish flu pandemic. This is an old segment from CBS ’60 Minutes’ on the swine flu (also known as H1N1) & the vaccine that was developed to stop the pandemic.

Julian Lewis MP, new head of Intelligence and Security Committee – Senior Tory kicked out of party after intelligence committee coup – Julian Lewis has whip removed after working with rivals to defeat PM’s choice for key role. Boris Johnson removed senior Conservative MP Julian Lewis from the party on Wednesday night after he worked with rival politicians to defeat Downing Street’s preferred candidate to chair the UK’s influential intelligence and security committee. Mr Johnson had planned to install the former transport secretary Chris Grayling as the new chair of the body, which oversees the work of Britain’s main intelligence agencies, MI6, MI5 and GCHQ. But in a dramatic Westminster coup, Labour and Scottish National party MPs worked with Mr Lewis, who had only declared himself as a candidate a few hours before the vote, to overturn the government’s majority on the committee and defeat Mr Grayling. The retribution for Mr Lewis, a Eurosceptic and a former chair of parliament’s defence committee, came swiftly, with Downing Street insiders confirming that the whip had been removed from the veteran MP….

Major Ian Mattison (Rtd.) dies – as a former Royal Arch Freemason, he discussed the skull and crossbones used in Masonic initiation rite ceremonies. Special: review of ‘Inside The Freemasons’, Sky TV series April/May 2017 Former Freemason Ian Mattison joins us for a special programme today looking at a series airing on Sky TV this month called ‘Inside The Freemasons’. This is a critical review because the series is advertised as a genuine attempt to probe the secrets of the Masons but, according to Ian, does nothing of the sort. Much of the information presented is not genuine, showing, for exampe, a fast progression for new members through the craft which is a deceprion and seems designed to give false hopes to new members of how quickly they may be able to progress through the ‘degrees’ of initiation. These initiation rites, too, are ‘censored’ with the most frightening parts not shown in the series, presumably because Sky viewers may think twice about being subjected to those initiation rites which include repeated threats of death of the candidate and his voluntary submission, or agreement his being murdered. All-in-all The Craft is whitewashed an far from being an investigation into Freemasonry, it is a crude advertisement for the Masonic brotherhood.

Phoenicians, Hiram Abiff, and building the Jewish Temple: Writer and film-maker Lindsay McCauley travelled to Tunisia from Australia. While researching a book about Mayan architecture, he has drawn parallels between measurement systems used by the Mayans, the ancient Israelites and ancient Egyptians. “I can think of no other way for that measurement system to reach Mexico other than via a Phoenician ship, so this expedition is a crucial part of my research.” The crossing of the Atlantic is close to Yuri Sanada’s heart. In 2000, he published his book Solomon’s Gold – a bestseller in Brazil – which posits that Biblical mentions of the land of Ophir, from where gold was brought, was actually modern-day Brazil and that the traders were Phoenicians.

Court case concludes a privacy shield for data. – EU’s top court invalidates data-sharing pact with US – The ruling could require EU regulators to vet any new transfers due to concerns that the US can snoop on people’s data. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has invalidated an agreement that allows big tech companies to transfer data to the United States. Thursday’s ruling against Privacy Shield could require regulators to vet any new transfers due to concerns that the US government can snoop on people’s data for national security reasons. It will no longer simply be assumed that tech companies like Facebook will adequately protect the privacy of its European users’ data when it sends it to the US. Rather, the EU and the US will likely have to find a new agreement that guarantees that Europeans’ data is afforded the same privacy protection in the US as it is in the EU, which has some of the toughest standards in the world. The case began after former US National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden revealed in 2013 that the US government was snooping on people’s online data and communications. The revelations included detail on how Facebook gave US security agencies access to the personal data of Europeans….

Letting agencies mustn’t discriminate against benefit claimants ‘No DSS’ letting bans ‘ruled unlawful’ by court. – Judge rules bans on renting properties to people on housing benefit are unlawful. The “momentous” court ruling found a single mum experienced discrimination when a letting agent refused to rent to her…

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Second hour International News Followed By Investigative reports: Israel want a war with Iran before US elections. – Israel keeps blowing up military targets in Iran, hoping to force a confrontation before Trump can be voted out in November, sources sayIran has suffered a series of bombings and fires at military facilities in recent weeks, including at major missile-production and nuclear facilities. This is part of a wider campaign to damage Iran or even pressure it into military confrontation before the November election, when President Donald Trump could be voted out, sources told Insider. A former Israeli defense official told Insider it was common knowledge that at least some of the latest attacks in Iran were done by Israeli intelligence. An EU official also told Insider that they feared Israel was planning to provoke Iran into military confrontation “while Trump remains in office.” Israel would not be able to engage in such high-pressure operations if Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, were in office, the EU official added….

Two Turkish police officers escort Shamima Begum’s groomer Muhammad al-Rasheed following his arrest in Şanlıurfa in March 2016

Shamima Begum groomed by western intelligence. Did Canadian taxpayers foot Islamic State’s recruitment bill? The horrifying case of Kadiza Sultana: are Western intelligence services spying on or aiding jihadist terrorists? Two days of national press coverage were given in August 2016 to the death of London schoolgirl Kadiza Sultana (pictured above), 16, who had travelled to Syria with two friends, reportedly to fight for the Islamic State (IS) group. Labour MP for Bethnal Green and Bow, Rushanara Ali, told BBC Radio 4’s flagship “Today” programme on 12 August that Sultana’s case must prompt a full review of the British government’s anti-radicalisation strategy, called “Prevent”. The allegation in all of the London media coverage of Kadiza and her two friends, Shamima Begum, 15, and Amira Abase, 15, was that the schoolgirls chose to travel to Syria of their own free will after becoming radicalised online. Not a single London journalist, though, asked the burning question: Who got her to Syria? There is no excuse in the internet age for not putting two and two together here because there are several reports from March 2015 quoting a Turkish police report on Syrian national Muhammad al-Rasheed, who says he met the girls after their flight from London Gatwick airport to Istanbul and took them to the Syrian border. He was subsequently arrested by Turkish police and gave them a full statement about who he had been smuggling and, more importantly, who he had been working for. He approached the Canadian government, he says, in 2013 who recruited him and provided him with a laptop, mobile phone and money. He promised to email details of all those he smuggled, to his Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) contact, “Matt”. Al-Rasheed told his Turkish interrogators that the CSIS promised to give him citizenship if he would gather information about IS and share it with them. Al-Rasheed explained he met Kadiza, Shamima and Amira, in Istanbul’s Esenler coach station, bought their tickets, after and arranging meetings on WhatsApp, delivered them to one “Abu-Kaka” in Gaziantep, 40 miles from the Syrian border. According to Al-Rasheed, British national Abu-Kaka’s real name was Ilhami Bali and he took the girls the final 40 miles or so into Syria to join IS….

PMQs aid to Syria – sanctions on Syria. PMQs Group Captain John Hemmingway, last WW2 pilot. Yemeni children dying – Saudis – Revealed: Hundreds of Saudi and Gulf military personnel trained in Britain as Yemen war continues – New data shows Britain’s Royal Air Force trained Saudi personnel in 2019 on fighter jets used to bomb civilians in Yemen – a country on the brink of famine – while UK soldiers coached other forces in the Saudi-led coalition at nearly a dozen army bases in Britain. Hundreds of Saudi military personnel received training at Royal Air Force (RAF) bases in the UK in 2019 – the same year a court banned new exports of British-made weapons to Saudi Arabia over human rights concerns in the Yemen war. Data obtained by Declassified UK from the Ministry of Defence (MOD) shows that 310 Saudis trained at six RAF sites in England and Wales last year. Some training for Saudi pilots is still under way, with courses lasting up to four years…

King Edward VIII tells German diplomats to blitz London – Edward VIII was a Nazi sympathiser who WANTED Britain to be bombed into submission by Hitler, claims historian – UK-based Nazi expert Karina Urbach said Edward blamed Jews for WW2He allegedly wanted Germany to emerge victorious from the conflict Suggested ‘effective’ bombing of England could bring peace to Europe – Less than a month later the Nazis started their deadly air raids on Britain – Edward VIII was a secret Nazi who blamed Jews for the Second World War and wanted Britain to be bombed into submission by Adolf Hitler’s Luftwaffe, a German historian has claimed. UK-based Nazi expert Karina Urbach said the former King – who famously abdicated the throne in December 1936 – was extremely anti-Semitic and hoped the conflict would be won by Germany. Edward, known as the Duke of Windsor after giving up the crown, was known to be sympathetic to the Nazis having been photographed meeting Hitler and giving full Nazi salutes during the 1930s. But Urbach claimed that ‘the extent of his betrayal could never be fully verified’ thanks to the secrecy of the Royal archives, adding she had only be able to reveal it thanks to a decade of painstaking research on the Nazi party’s links to a number of European aristocrats….

Forget Five Eyes – With Israel Its Really Six Eyes: Interview with Alex Thompson, former GCHQ officer – he discusses the history of GCHQ and their current concerns: data mining; Israel as the 6th Eye; Amdocs scandal; Government U-Turn on Huawei; out with the old Mark Sedwell civil service guard; Meng Wanzhou, former head of Huawei, and her arrest in Canada fuelling China’s clampdown on Hong Kong; power of corporations; Kissinger and Zionism;Huawei kit to be stripped out of UK 5G network by 2027 – Chinese tech giant Huawei’s equipment will be stripped from the UK’s 5G network by 2027, adding billions to the cost and delaying the delivery of the high-speed mobile network. The National Security Council took the decision – which will increase tensions with Beijing – after the impact of US sanctions raised concerns about Huawei’s continued involvement in the UK’s 5G infrastructure. From next year, telecoms firms will be banned from purchasing new 5G equipment from Huawei. They will also be ordered to shift away from the purchase of Huawei’s equipment for full-fibre broadband networks over a period lasting up to two years. Alex’s suggested websites: UK Column; Corbett Report; Consortium News; Global Research. 

Hagia Sofia Cathedral becomes a Mosque – Vladimir Golstein on the history of the Cathedral, a Byzantium masterpiece, – Prof. Vladimir Golstein: Without Hagia Sophia, there wouldn’t be Russian OrthodoxyWithout Hagia Sophia, there wouldn’t be Russian Orthodoxy. At least, if you believe Russian Primary Chronicle (the XII century text known to us only in its XIV century variant), which told us how Kievan prince Vladimir had been choosing the “true” religion for the pagan Russians. He dismisses Islam, since “drinking is the joy of Russia, and we can’t exist without this pleasure.” He mocks the Jews for not substantiating their faith with territorial possession. But then he can’t choose between the western and eastern brands of Christianity. So he sends envoys to different countries to witness and report. And that’s what they brought back: “Then we went to Germans and saw them performing many ceremonies in their temples, but we beheld no glory there. Then we went to Greece and the Greeks led us to the edifices where they worship their God, and we knew not whether we were in heaven or on earth. For on earth there is no such splendor or such beauty, and we are at a loss how to describe it. We only know that God dwells there among men, and their service is fairer than the ceremonies of other nations. For we cannot forget that beauty. Every man, after tasting something sweet, is afterward unwilling to accept that which is bitter, and therefore, we cannot dwell longer here.”
And yes, it was Hagia Sophia that Vladimir’s envoy visited and where they were stung by the beauty. More than stung. Transformed, transfigured, converted….

Lindsay McAuley, author of ‘Decoding the Lost World of the Maya’, on cubit measurements from Ancient Egypt to the Mayan pyramids in Mexico.

Steve Devereux from the SAS, on the murder of Yvonne Fletcher (C4 Dispatches). Murder in St James’s – by Joe LayburnInvestigation into the murder of WPC Yvonne Fletcher, who was shot whilst on duty during a protest outside the Libyan Embassy in 1984. The two-part documentary suggests that she was killed, not by someone inside the Embassy as originally claimed, but by a gunman in an adjacent building used by the British security services. [2 x 40mins]

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