Bristol Re-Elects Labour Mayor – Greens Now Stalking Close Behind – Scottish Green Party Supports Nuclear Power – Nazi Roots Of The Environmental Movement – New Film: Bright Green Lies – Persecution of David Miller, Home Front Of Israel’s Gaza Slaughter – Covid Vaccines Propelled To Market By Combination Of Flu Vaccine Failure and Media Hysteria – The Seal of Approval. Bilderberg and the Origins of the Trilateral Commission By Will Banyan – CONSPIRACY CLASSICS 6 – John Morgan on the assassination of Princess Diana. – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

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BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. ‘Rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Pat Hart who is a personal friend of the right-wing ‘Labour’ Bristol mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-20:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart has replaced us with a dumbed-down student show repeating BBC stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to request our reinstatement you can contact the BCfm board and manager here

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Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports

Labour Party vote collapse – Kier Starmer reshuffle. Greens take 13 Bristol Labour Councillor seats! SNP and Scottish referendum. Marvin back in as Bristol Mayor. Greens sharing Marvin’s cabinet? Break down of votes for Bristol Mayor. Labour has lost control of Bristol City Council, a day after the party’s mayor Marvin Rees was re-elected. The party has 24 councillors, down from 33, and was hit by Green Party gains in its heartlands, with cabinet member Afzal Shah losing his Easton seat. The Greens also have 24 councillors, up from 11, and its ranks include an 18-year-old who helped organise Greta Thunberg’s Bristol rally. The Conservatives still have 14 seats and the Lib Dems dropped to eight.

Police and Crime Commissioner Tory candidate in Wiltshire has to stand down due to past drink driving offence. Dan Norris, Labour, is new Metro Mayor. Marvin’s acceptance speech.

UK Green Party policies – now turned pro nuclear?England and Wales Green party want to abolish nuclear power but Scottish Greens say they will not build any new nuclear power stations so they intend to keep two existing nuclear power stations, Hunterston B and Torness, generating into the indefinite future – so green party policy across the UK is indeed drifting toward pro-nuclear.  Greens For Nuclear Energy – Greens For Nuclear Energy seek to influence the Green movement’s key organisations and institutions to favour nuclear energy. We need every available low carbon power source to combat catastrophic climate change. Our first campaign is to change the Green Party’s policy (England & Wales), which is currently:

Emergency Reactor group think nuclear energy is the only way through the climate change disaster. Different opinions in the green movement but LOTS of money pouring into the pro-nuclear Green lobby. DON’T BE CLIMATE CONFUSED Green groups: either back nuclear or back down. Either you’re against climate change or you’re against nuclear power. You can’t have it both ways. Stop hanging onto hippie-era conspiracy theories and join us in the fight of our lives to end this climate emergency. It’s not too late to be on the right side of history. REACT NOW World governments: Stop dithering and build more, not less! Aim for 50% nuclear at least, as per the science. Extreme over-regulation and lack of financial commitment have let costs of nuclear soar. It doesn’t have to be this way. Many countries are building reactors quickly and at very low cost. What are you waiting for? Don’t stall on climate action.

Bright Green Lies’ documentary by Julia Barnes, on the quest for renewable energy really sustaining high energy consumption at the expense of the natural world – ‘Bright Green Lies’ – A brief review of the film and its ‘deep green’ message – ‘Ramblinactivist’s Blogs’ Paul Mobbs: Rambler; Activist/Hacktivist; Author; Researcher; Deep Ecologist; “What do all the so called, ‘solutions’, to global warming have in common? They all take industrial capitalism as a given, and so conform to industrial capitalism. They’ve switched the dependent and the independent variables. The world has to be primary, and the health of the world has to be primary36, because without a world you don’t have any economy whatsoever. And the bright greens are very explicit about this. What they’re trying to save is industrial capitalism, industrial civilisation. And that’s my fundamental beef, because what I’m trying to save is the real world.” Climate inequality meets decolonialism Jensen makes an interesting observation towards the end of the film: “The thing that blows me away is the lengths that people will go to avoid looking at the problem. That they will create all these extraordinary fantasies in order to do something that’s not going to help the planet so they can avoid looking at the real issue. Which is that industrial civilisation itself is what’s killing the planet.”[59:40] Likewise Barnes astutely characterises the basic block to progress towards the near end: “Bright green environmentalism has gained popularity because it tells a lot of people what they want to hear. That you can have industrial civilisation and a planet too. It allows people to feel good about maintaining this destructive way of living and to avoid asking hard questions about the depth of what must be changed.”[1:05:04] For me, though, it was Keith’s discussion about what it is ‘civilisation’ is based upon[1:00:02] which brought a long overdue argument into circulation: Criticism of the ‘resource island’ model for the modern city, and its inherent link to the global expropriation and exploitation of land. Driven by the wealthiest ‘city’ state’s need to maintain consumption, the inherent ‘neocolonial’ aspects of international climate negotiations are something the climate lobby too often overlook. Especially in relation to issues such as carbon offsets, and the global allocation of carbon budgets, and their inherent global inequality. At some point environmental groups must call ‘bullshit’ on these whole neocolonial proceedings37, and start giving equal value to all humans, irrespective of their present-day privilege. More importantly, we have to give ecological capacity, currently occupied by human societies, back to natural organisms to allow them sufficient space to live too. Before ‘Bright Green Lies’ turned up, I had just seen Raoul Peck’s excellent, ‘Exterminate All The Brutes’38. Coming to the end of ‘Bright Green Lies’, what startled me was how the two films arrived at a very similar place. Both showed similar blocks towards acceptance of the radical change required, around both ecological change and decolonialism.

Nazi roots of the environmental movement – Closures of collieries in the 1980s. Arthur Scargill on carbon capture. German Greens against Nord Stream 2 pipeline. UK coal now from abroad. Ash die back – trees cut down. Green vehicles – cars. Scargill on nuclear dangers of radiation. THE NAZI ROOTS OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL MOVEMENT BY STEVE BUSCH Simply put, radical environmentalism, a.k.a. the GREEN MOVEMENT, DEEP ECOLOGY, or REWILDING, is a philosophy that elevates nature over man. Hitler incorporated this naturalistic philosophy in his infamous treatise, Mein Kampf, where he blamed the entire Jewish race for what he called “the pacification of Nature”. According to Hitler, the Jews, and to a lesser extent, the Judeo-Christian ethic that stemmed from a belief in a “transcendent God”, were responsible for wrecking the environmental health of the planet. Hitler believed that Jews and Christians accomplished this evil deed through the promotion of capitalism, international commerce, and/or the communitarian values of communism. Hitler’s anti-materialistic, anti-human, indeed anti-Christ philosophy is very much evident in the modern environmental movement. Deep ecologists, a.k.a “radical environmentalists”, seek many of the same goals Hitler sought. Primarily they intend to keep and/or return as much of the planet as possible to a pre-historic or primitive state completely untouched and untrammeled by human beings. For the sake of simplicity, I refer to this agenda as “REWILDING”.

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Part Two – Covid-19 Scamdemic Casedemic latest and investigations

Israel/Palestine conflict kicking off – 20x more Palestinians killed.  Miko Peled – Israel’s Pogroms in Jerusalem Could Spark the Destruction of al-Aqsa There is every reason to believe the tragic (and seemingly unbelievable) scenario that one of Jerusalem’s holiest sites, and one of the world’s most revered monuments, could soon lay ruined in ashes as Zionist forces smile in satisfaction. by Miko Peled May 10th, 2021 JERUSALEM ­ As the holy month of Ramadan comes to a close, it is becoming clear that the violence against Palestinians in Jerusalem has been ramped up in a coordinated effort by the Israeli government, the Jerusalem municipality, the Israeli police, and violent Zionist gangs. These latest events must be seen in the larger context of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in general, and of Jerusalem in particular. They should also be seen in the context of internal Israeli politics. Jerusalem is burning and Israeli politicians go on about their business of mud-slinging as if this was not their problem and not a single one thinks anything is wrong with the way the Israeli authorities are handling the situation. That the assault on the residents of the Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jerrah ­ which holds a particularly important historic, cultural and political significance to the city ­ is happening at this particular time is not a coincidence. The neighborhood is home to the Orient House, which, aside from being a symbol of Palestinian independence in the city, is perhaps the most impressive home built in the neighborhood and one of the finest in Jerusalem. The Palestinian Legacy of East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah Neighborhood Cannot Be Erased The rich history and historical significance of Sheikh Jarrah, an East Jerusalem neighborhood with dating back to the times of Salahaddin, cannot be erased, despite Israel’s best efforts. Sheikh Jerrah is also home to Dar Al-Tifl Al-Arabi ­ established by the remarkable Hind Al-Husseini, originally as a school and boarding house for orphans who survived the Zionist massacre in the village of Deir Yassin. Today it still functions as a school and it stands as a constant reminder of the Zionist atrocities and Palestinian resilience. Pushing out Palestinians and allowing settlers to take their homes is always good for politics, particularly if it sparks “violence.” Now the authorities can show the Israeli people that they know how to deal with the “Arabs.”

Main stream news mostly from Israeli perspective.  NSA and GCHQ spying on Swiss government through tech company, Crypto AG CIA spying scandal in Switzerland shows the best way for intelligence services to read your messages is to OWN the platform By Kit Klarenberg, an investigative journalist exploring the role of intelligence services in shaping politics and perceptions. The CIA’s role in the Crypto AG case makes clear that spies don’t need a way into messaging apps, but a secret bird’s-eye view from the word go. This is far more effective than any ‘backdoor’ foreign powers may have access to. On May 12, the head of Switzerland’s federal intelligence service (Nachrichtendienst des Bundes, NDB), Jean-Philippe Gaudin, announced his resignation. Local media reports say Gaudin’s departure stems from a falling-out with Defense Minister Viola Amherd over his handling of the Crypto AG scandal – namely, he failed to inform her about the affair until it was already public knowledge. In February 2020, it was revealed that the company, which produced encryption machines for use by foreign governments, was secretly bought in 1970 and controlled thereafter by the US Central Intelligence Agency and West Germany’s Bundesnachrichtendienst. This connivance meant the pair – and by extension the US National Security Agency (NSA) and its UK counterpart and close collaborator, Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) – could easily decode any messages sent on Crypto AG’s devices.

Iraq pleased Palestinians fighting back with missiles   Big protests in Jordan about conflict.  Blinken diplomacy .  New Intafada? Mike Farah on illegal apartheid war in Israel.  Gaza can’t win.  Of course no ceasefire. Why should Netanyahu want a ceasefire? Every day in which the shooting continues is one more day of keeping that dreaded movers’ truck away from the prime minister’s residence, one more day of keeping power in his own hands. If there was concrete proof that Netanyahu did it all consciously and deliberately, it would make up criminal charges far more serious than those he is facing at the District Court of Jerusalem. But any such evidence is probably classified Top Secret and would only be published 50 years from now. So, we can’t prove that he did it deliberately, though there can be little doubt about it. We can only end the war and immediately afterwards get rid of him.  Mike Farah on his pro Palestinian charity, WWR-Help, being shut down in Germany. Meanwhile on the home front: Freedom of speech – David Miller, from Bristol University, nearly getting sack. Union of Jewish Students – look in to David MillerAttack on Bristol University Professor David Miller spearheads national anti-Semitism witch-hunt For months, there have been vicious attacks on Professor David Miller by MPs and pro-Zionist lobby groups for criticising Israeli policy towards the Palestinians, with calls for him to be dismissed from his post at the University of Bristol. It is the centre-piece of a bogus anti-Semitism witch-hunt on university campuses throughout Britain that threatens to clampdown on freedom of expression and academic research.

Vladimir Golstein, a Russian living in New York, and lecturer at Browns University, on the problem of Israel.  Palestinians having back up from powerful nations – WW3?  Vladimir Golstein – the West will collapse like the Soviet Union. Apropos May 1. by Vladimir Golstein – Soviet Union of my time. Red banners. Demonstrations of fake workers solidarity on Red Square and other public spaces, mass media is unified in its persistent presentation of fiction as fact, westerners as adversaries; uniformity of mediocre books and films; brainwashing in education with constant reprimand of the giants of the past failing to rise to the level of scientific communism; fake speeches, tired feelings and tired cliches on radio; self-censorship and fear of denunciations for anti-communist views or actions. Public dissent persecuted, silenced, ignored, mocked. All this was punctured by free debates among friends, by discussion of tamizdat and samizdat in the kitchens, by real life of love, pain, dreams, drinking, great books, and lots of free time to enjoy them….

United States of my time. Rainbow banners. Demonstrations of fake solidarity of pussy hatters and other virtue signalers, mass media is unified in its persistent presentation of fiction as fact, murderers in Ukraine as democracy builders, Russia as an adversary, PC bullshit as Gospel’s truth. Uniformity of mediocre TV and Hollywood, fake speeches, tired cliches and tired emotions on NPR, constant correction of the giants of the past for failing the current PC criteria, self-censorship, fear of exposure and denunciation for racism or sexual abuse. Public dissent is silenced, de-platformed, ignored, mocked and de-legitimized. All this is punctured by books, opinions, or conversations published by tiny presses, expressed in obscure websites and platforms, exchanged among very close friends during solitary walks, and by real life of anxiety, insecurity, worries, ambitions, drinking and great classics of human thought and creativity. In Russia, they would say, , . In United States — it is Deja Vu all over again.

US regulator Dr Fauci and Rep. Rand Paul spat – Fauci says he didn’t approve Gain of Function research. The COVID-19 pandemic may be nearing an end, but the war of words between Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci doesn’t appear to be stopping anytime soon. “He probably has the highest IQ for someone who actually acts like an ignoramus every day of the week,” Paul said of the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Friday in an appearance on Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle.” What set Paul off this time was Fauci’s statement in a recent MSNBC interview that while vaccinated parents and children don’t have to wear masks in their home, “when a child is outside and is not vaccinated and [is] interacting with other people, either in an outdoor or in an indoor setting, you want to make sure the child is masked.” “I mean, really?” Paul responded. “Kids don’t get this disease. When they do get it, it’s a mild form. They don’t transmit it well. We’ve got two years worth of evidence on this. We don’t have a rash of deaths [in kids aged] 1-10, 1-18.

Biological warfare – UNZ review – American Pravda: “The Truth” and “The Whole Truth” About the Origins of Covid-19 Careful reexaminations of events from fifty or sixty years ago may be interesting, but those of the present day have far greater importance, and this is particularly true with regard to the Covid-19 epidemic that has engulfed the world since early 2020. Millions have already died, including many hundreds of thousands of Americans, with a newly released research study by the University of Washington’s authoritative Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) now suggesting that our domestic death-toll has already exceeded 900,000. This global outbreak first began in Wuhan, and the nature of its origin has become a major flashpoint in the new Cold War between China and America, with the trajectory of that conflict having only slightly changed as Trump Neocons have been replaced by Biden Neocons at the helm of our foreign policy. Two months ago I published a lengthy article summarizing much of the information from the first year of the outbreak and focusing upon the heated debate regarding the origins of the virus. Aside from the reports of the teams of investigative journalists at the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Associated Press, several very long articles by independent journalists and researchers have constituted my main sources of information, including: This compendium of crucial research has now received a major addition, a 11,000 word analysis of the likely origins of Covid-19 by Nicholas Wade, a distinguished former science reporter and editor, who had spent more than four decades at the New York Times, Science, and Nature, and the author of several excellent books dealing with anthropology and evolutionary biology. Origin of Covid ­ Following the Clues Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan? Nicholas Wade • Medium • May 4, 2021 • 11,000 Words

62 million doses of vaccines contaminated – Another 62 million Covid vaccines ‘contaminated’ at scandal-hit factory – Jessica Kwong – An additional 62 million Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine doses could be contaminated at the factory that was forced to toss 15million doses last week because of a production blunder. Quality-control managers at a plant in Baltimore, Maryland, operated by Emergent BioSolutions, are now required to test every batch of Johnson & Johnson vaccines produced alongside 15million doses of AstraZeneca vaccines destroyed after their ingredients were mixed up. That amounts to screening 62million doses for possible contamination, The New York Times reported on Tuesday based on documents and interviews with former workers at the factory and federal officials. Workers at the factory in February unknowingly cross-contaminated about 15million doses of the Johnson & Johnson jab with AstraZeneca doses, rendering them unusable. The error was caught before the doses were distributed. US Food and Drug Administration inspectors plan to closely examine the factory before approving the other 62million doses for release. It is not known if the scrutiny would be completed in time to allow Johnson & Johnson to provide its promised 24million doses to the US government this month. Emergent BioSolutions received $163million through a government contract but had a history of failing quality-control audits, The Times reported.

Dr Stanley Laham, retired immunologist, on Emergent Bio Solutions contamination of vaccines, indemnification of vaccines by governments, how Haiti has had very few Covid deaths, and failure of the flu vaccine over the years. Emergent BioSolutions Stock: Berger Montague Investigates Potential Securities Fraud Claims Against Emergent BioSolutions Inc. (EBS); Lead Plaintiff Deadline is June 18, 2021 Whistleblowers: Persons with non-public information regarding Emergent are encouraged to confidentially assist Berger Montague’s investigation or take advantage of the SEC Whistleblower program. Under this program, whistleblowers who provide original information may receive rewards totaling up to thirty percent (30%) of recoveries obtained by the SEC. For more information, contact us. Emergent is a biopharmaceutical company that develops vaccines for infectious diseases. According to a recently filed lawsuit, the Company and senior management failed to disclose a history of manufacturing issues and quality control deficiencies at Emergent’s Baltimore facility, and that longstanding contamination risks had resulted in a string of citations by the Food and Drug Administration. On March 31, 2021, media reports revealed that Emergent “mixed up” ingredients for J&J’s and AstraZeneca’s Covid vaccines, which resulted in up to 15 million doses of J&J’s vaccine being contaminated and rendered unusable. On this news, shares declined $14.29 – approximately 15% – over the next two trading days, from a closing price of $92.91 on March 31 to $78.62 on April 5.

Bilderberg 2021? – all has gone quiet.  Jake Morphonius, Black Stone Intelligence, the Sinister Origins of the Bilderberg Group, Sixtus affair. Tri-Lateral Commission – Historical Note: The Seal of Approval. Bilderberg and the Origins of the Trilateral Commission By Will Banyan Depending on whose esteemed works one chooses to read, the Trilateral Commission was either created by the New World Order conspirators as a natural extension of their network of control, or it emerged through the sheer will of David Rockefeller, after his proposals to admit Japan to the Bilderberg Group were rebuffed by his transatlantic colleagues. As an example of the former claims, one need look no further than the final book of the late Jim Marrs, The Illuminati: The Secret Society that Hijacked the World (2017). Marrs claimed the decision to create the Trilateral Commission was largely because of the need to create an alternative organization to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) because it was seen as an “instrument of control by the ‘liberal eastern establishment’” (The Illuminati, p.81). To remedy this, in 1973, plutocrat David Rockefeller and national security academic Zbigniew Brzezinski founded the Trilateral Commission. According to Marrs:

Piers Morgan’s replacement on ITVs morning show is Alistair Campbell, former Labour spin doctor.  

CONSPIRACY CLASSICS 6 – John Morgan on the assassination of Princess Diana.  How They Murdered Princess Diana, by John Morgan, blows the lid on one of the most shocking crimes of our modern era. But it does more than that. How They Murdered Princess Diana is the most complete evidence-based account of the assassination of Princess Diana yet written. It delivers on providing answers to many of the key questions surrounding the 1997 Paris crash that took the lives of Diana and her lover Dodi Fayed – Who did it? Why was Diana assassinated? How was it carried out? It also exposes the massive inter-governmental cover-up that has taken place throughout the 17 years since the deaths. This book takes the reader through the entire story – right from the breakdown of the Diana-Charles marriage through to the 2013 sham police “scoping” of allegations of SAS involvement made by Soldier N. It covers the critical events that took place in Paris on the last day of Diana and Dodi’s lives. It reveals that the crash in the tunnel was orchestrated by MI6 on the orders of senior British royals. Princess Diana survived the crash but was effectively murdered by deliberate mistreatment in the ambulance by people who were supposed to be saving her. The individuals involved in the murders are exposed – it is revealed that Sherard Cowper-Coles, former UK ambassador to Saudi Arabia, headed the MI6 operation on the ground in Paris. The roles of other operatives in this highly coordinated assassination are addressed in detail. This is the first book to cover the complete story in such chilling detail – a true account using the witnesses own words that at times will leave the reader shocked, aghast and breathless. How They Murdered Princess Diana shows that the 2007-8 London inquest into the deaths – headed by Lord Justice Scott Baker – was one of the most inept and corrupt inquests in the history of the British judicial system. It also exposes the 2004-6 Scotland Yard Paget investigation as a huge farce that was more dedicated to covering up the facts of what occurred than to uncovering truth. The perpetrators never thought anyone would or could ever do a full investigation piecing it all together – but this is exactly what John Morgan has done. As a result of nine years of investigative research he has produced the definitive work on the Paris assassination – the uncensored record of what occurred, how it was done and who did it. Eminent QC Michael Mansfield – who served throughout the six months of the London inquest – has said: “I have no doubt that the volumes written by John Morgan will come to be regarded as the ‘Magnum Opus’ on the crash”. How They Murdered Princess Diana is the long-awaited abridgement of the six volumes of the highly-acclaimed Diana Inquest series. It documents the shocking truth – the shameful account of the state-sponsored assassination of Britain and the world’s most loved princess, Diana Princess of Wales.
John Morgan’s investigation website

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Full interview with Vladimir Golstein West Will Collapse Like Soviet Union
Full interview with Dr Stanley Laham Haiti & Flu Vax Failure
Full interview with Mike Farah Palestinian WWR-HELP Charity Shut Down
CONSPIRACY CLASSICS 6 John Morgan – Princess Diana Assassination

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

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