Do Covid Vaccines Kill More Than They Cure? Dr Tess Lawrie • Ex-Cop Mark Sexton Reports Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock, Patrick Vallance, Chris Whitty, Dominic Raab, Michael Gove And Nadhim Zadhawi For Misconduct In Public Office At Leamington Spa Police Station • BBC: Did Prince Charles And His Private Secretary Richard Aylard Have Diana Under MI5/GCHQ Surveillance To Give Him Legal And Media Advantage During The Royal Separation? • Altiyan Childs: How Freemasons Use Atheism To Make Entire Populations Pliable To Their Will • NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Friday 25th June 2021 Full 4 hr show mp3 [right click to download]
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BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. ‘Rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Pat Hart who is a longtime personal friend of the right-wing ‘Labour’ Bristol mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 20:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart has replaced us with a dumbed-down student show repeating msm stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on such editorial behaviour you can contact the BCfm board chair and manager here.
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Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
Dr. Tess Lawrie, from the Evidence Based Medicine Consultancy, discusses the dangers of the Covid 19 vaccines and how serious bad reactions and deaths are at a higher rate than people realise. She also discusses the latest Ivermectin reports that show it has great efficacy against Covid – The MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans. Preparation should be made to scale up humanitarian efforts to assist those harmed by the COVID-19 vaccines and to anticipate and ameliorate medium to longer term effects. As the mechanism for harms from the vaccines appears to be similar to COVID-19 itself, this includes engaging with numerous international doctors and scientists with expertise in successfully treating COVID-19. There are at least 3 urgent questions that need to be answered by the MHRA: 1 How many people have died within 28 days of vaccination? 2 How many people have been hospitalised within 28 days of vaccination? 3 How many people have been disabled by the vaccination? EbMC Squared CiC remains at your service to assist with further analysis. We kindly request full access to the Yellow Card database with immediate effect to enable a comprehensive, independent and accurate evaluation of the Yellow Card data, which will be undertaken in collaboration with clinical experts.
Find her work at British Ivermectin Recommendation Development – BIRD is campaigning for UK approval for ivermectin to help it beat Covid – Partnering with worldwide clinical experts, BIRD recognises the growing body of research that shows that ivermectin is a safe, effective medicine we could use to combat Covid 19. Although ivermectin is licensed in the UK, it cannot be prescribed for Covid 19 until it receives Government approval. Ivermectin is readily accessible and very low cost and can effectively reach worldwide populations very quickly. Our aim is to get ivermectin approved soon in the UK and around the world. Time is critical and we know that the quicker we deploy, the more lives we can save. Please read more about ivermectin and subscribe to our campaign. With your help we can inform others and get approval for this drug that we believe will save lives and help people in the UK and around the world get back to a normal life.
Disaster capitalism agenda. SAKER biological warfare article: The Military Games opening ceremony was attended by Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China. The ceremony highlight was an elaborate performance titled “Torch of Peace,” the main motto of the event. The event mascot, named “Bingbing,” has no known connection to Microsoft. On October 18th, 2019, Microsoft founder Bill Gates participated in “Event 201.” Sponsored by the Gates Foundation and the CIA, among others, Event 201 simulated a novel zoonotic corona virus causing a global pandemic with the lack of an immediately available vaccine resulting in 65 million deaths within 18 months. As of June 12th, 2021, approximately 18 months after the start of the present pandemic, 3.84 million deaths have been attributed to COVID-19 and the global case count is reported as totaling 177 million persons. Wuhan’s role as a central transportation hub, coupled with the presence of a high ridership metro system, makes it a suitable site for a biological attack intended to initiate a Chinese pandemic, throw Chinese society into disarray, undermine the political leadership, threaten the economy, damage China’s global reputation and inhibit the nation’s capacity for further growth. The military games facilitates covert activity. The pathogen is easily disguised as medical supplies, tinctures, and ointments, and the range of events created a need for everything from bicycle pumps to rifle scopes. The containers required to ship the athletic equipment of 170 athletes provides ample means for the covert transport of pathogens. Athletes were free to roam, to visit exotic sights such as the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, to explore the metro and seek out the tastes of home at over 100 American fast-food franchises. These excursions created the opportunity for the covert dispersal of a pathogen by military trained “athlete” operatives. The Chinese complained over the poor performance of the US contingent. They expected to be challenged by the best athletes America had to offer but believed the US sent its second, or third string, athletes.
Mark Sexton, former Police Officer, reports government officials including Matt Hancock and Boris Johnson for criminal offence of misconduct in public office – explaining why he thinks certain Government reactions to Covid 19 are a crime. This retired PC standing up to the government vaccine fanatics is a hero THE police have not had a universally good press during the pandemic so it is great to be able to salute one brave retired officer. Former Police Constable Mark Sexton has reported Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock, Patrick Vallance, Chris Whitty, Dominic Raab, Michael Gove and the Minister for Covid vaccine deployment, Nadhim Zadhawi, for misconduct in public office. He made a video as he handed his evidence to PC Bower at Leamington Spa police station on June 18. This is not a polished or professional production. It has not benefited from the attentions of a spin doctor or a script writer. It is the unvarnished, sincere words of an ordinary citizen who is incensed at what is happening.
Matt Hancock cheated on wife for 15 years. Ignored his own laws on social distancing – Immoral unprincipled government ministers breaking their own rules. Corporatisation and Fascism increasing as democracy is infiltrted and undermined.
Dr. Tony Hinton on why he is against Covid vaccination of children, and increase of waiting times in NHS since Covid. Tories trying to destroy NHS.
Karin, a Muslim neurologist, wins case about GMC racism against him General Medical Council discriminated against doctor because of his race An employment tribunal has ruled that the General Medical Council, which regulates the medical profession, discriminated against a doctor because of his race. The Reading Employment Tribunal upheld the complaints made by Consultant Urologist Omer Karim who is mixed race and Muslim. Dr Karim, who worked at Wexham Park Hospital in Slough, Berkshire, said he was discriminated against during a GMC investigation after the same charges against a white doctor were dismissed. The tribunal heard Dr Karim was an internationally renowned urologist who had been a whistleblower in a case about surgeons performing operations without appropriate training. In 2013 Dr Karim and other doctors at the hospital raised concerns with the Care Quality Commission that ethnic minority doctors were being subjected to workplace bullying and, although the matter was referred to the GMC, no action was taken. Also in 2013 the GMC received allegations of concern against Dr Karim but they were deemed not to meet the required threshold and were closed with no further action. In October 2014 the GMC received a copy of an external review commissioned by the Trust into the operation of the Urology Department.
Innova Lateral Flow Tests banned in US – but are they more accurate than PCR test? Women claim Covid vaccines have changed their periods. Of the 22 million women vaccinated in the UK, 4,000 reported period changes. A leading OBGYN says it’s no cause for alarm.
Google funded Eco Health Alliance, that carried out Gain of Function research in Wuhan Lab. Lab theory story REVEALED: Google & USAID Funded Wuhan Collaborator Peter Daszak’s Virus Experiments For Over A Decade.- JUNE 19, 2021 – NATALIE WINTERS – Google funded research conducted by Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance – a controversial group which has openly collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology on ‘killer’ bat coronavirus research for over a decade, The National Pulse can today reveal. The unearthed financial ties between EcoHealth Alliance and Google follow months of big tech censorship of stories and individuals in support of the COVID-19 ‘lab leak’ theory. The Google-backed EcoHealth Alliance played a critical role in the cover-up of COVID-19’s origins through its president, Peter Daszak. Daszak served on the wildly compromised World Health Organizations (WHO) COVID-19 investigation team. He championed the efforts to ‘debunk’ the lab origin theory of the virus, despite mounting support for the claim first made by experts on Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic podcast in early January 2020. Websites masquerading as fact checkers still call the lab theory false, despite the shift in tone from the Biden regime, leading world scientists, and intelligence officials. EcoHealth Alliance also funneled hundreds of thousands of U.S. taxpayer dollars from Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to its research partner, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, to conduct studies on killer bat coronaviruses. And, the charity arm of the tech behemoth, has also been funding studies carried out by EcoHealth alliance researchers including Peter Daszak since at least 2010. funded by Johnson and Johnson – RT report. Major vaccine ‘fact-checker’ funded by group headed by former CDC director with $1.9B in J&J stock U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie pointed out that a link between’s program and the CDC’s ties to vaccine companies raises further questions. A U.S. congressman has highlighted the fact that a Facebook-partnered website’s COVID-19/Vaccination “fact-checking” project is funded by a group that holds $1.9 billion in Johnson & Johnson stock and is headed by the former director of the Centers for Disease Control. U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky tweeted Saturday, “NOTHING TO SEE HERE … Former director of CDC is now CEO of the foundation that funds’s vaccine fact checking program. Roughly 15% of said foundation’s assets are J&J stock.” JVM Show“Bless your heart if you think is an unbiased source of vaccine information,” he continued. Massie attached a screenshot from in which the site explains that its SciCheck “COVID-19/Vaccination Project is made possible by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation,” which it reveals is worth $53,501. SciCheck is a section of the FactCheck website that it says “focuses exclusively on false and misleading scientific claims that are made by partisans to influence public policy.” SciCheck has now become wholly devoted to “debunking” criticism of vaccines, masks, and other COVID-19 related concerns, attempting, for example, to refute Tucker Carlson’s questioning of the effectiveness of the vaccines.
Wuhan Lab leak report on Fox News – Dr. Fauci’s emails showing he was worried about a lab leak. Peter Daszak, of Eco Health Alliance, removed from UN commission that was looking in to Covid 19 British doctor Peter Daszak who tried to gag Wuhan lab leak theory is FIRED from UN commission investigating COVID after he was exposed for organizing letter denying leak claim in The Lancet medical journal The British scientist’s profile on commission website now shows him as recused Daszak is president of New York-based EcoHealth Alliance, a medical nonprofit Earlier this month, it emerged he’d organized a letter co-signed by scientists and published in prestigious medical journal The Lancet denouncing lab leak theory Daszak did so despite having strong professional ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology – the Chinese lab COVID may have leaked from He has for years been a strong supporter of the work of the Wuhan laboratory Anthony Fauci’s institute gave grants to EcoHealth to support Wuhan work Daszak’s passionate defense of the Wuhan lab’s work has raised eyebrows He said the idea that COVID-19 could have escaped from the lab was conspiracy Daszak insisted live bats were not kept at Wuhan, but now admits they may He is increasingly seen as a compromised figure without scientific objectivity
Good news – Ivermectin trials for Covid 19 Covid patients will be given a cheap head lice drug ivermectin on the NHS in trial to see if it can help them recover at home Oxford scientists to trial ivermectin to see if it can help patients recover at home The antiparasitic drug is already being used to treat Covid in 20 countries But experts have so far expressed doubt over its effectiveness Scientists will begin giving people with Covid symptoms ivermectin to determine whether it can help infected patients to recover at home. Oxford University researchers are leading leading the trial of the antiparasitic drug, which can cost as little as £1.50 for a course of treatment. Ivermectin is already used in around 20 countries to treat Covid but is only licensed in the UK as a treatment for parasitic worms, head lice, scabies and rosacea. The study is part of the Oxford PRINCIPLE trial, which aims to find treatments to slow or stop the progression of the virus. Experts hope to find treatments that will prevent people most at risk falling seriously ill from Covid from needing hospital care.
Moderna Covid vaccine sent to North Carolina before Covid was known to exist Secret Docs Reveal Moderna Sent Coronavirus Vaccine To North Carolina University Weeks Before Pandemic – The confidentially agreement (read below) states that providers ‘Moderna’ alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) agreed to tranfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna to recipients ‘The Universisty of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019. So why was an mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidate developed by Moderna being transferred to the University of North Carolina on December 12th 2019? Perhaps Moderna and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases would like to explain themselves in a court of law? American lawmakers have already introduced the Fire Fauci Act with the intention to fire Dr Anthony Fauci for misinformation with regards to COVID-19 and for covering-up the origin of the virus.
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Part Two – Covid-19 Scamdemic Casedemic latest and investigations
Black Sea fracas between Russia and NATO. Nord Stream 2 pipeline issues. HMS Defender: Russia warns it will bomb foreign warships for incursions as UK plays down Black Sea incident – Russia released footage it said showed the HMS Defender being ‘chased out’ of its waters, as the UK played down the incident – Moscow has warned it will bomb foreign warships that stray into its waters and said Britain’s ambassador will be summoned to the Russian foreign ministry over Wednesday’s startling Black Sea confrontation. Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova accused the UK of lying as it played down the incident in which Russia said it fired warning shots and dropped bombs in the path of a Royal Navy destroyer that entered its territorial waters. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Thursday that the HMS Defender was acting legally and that the UK did not recognise Russia’s claim to the waters off the coast of Crimea. ‘I think it was wholly appropriate to use international waters,’ he told reporters. ‘The important point is that we don’t recognise the Russian annexation of Crimea.’
Press TV taken down from internet in US. ‘Fraudcast News’ book and interview US seizes three dozen websites used for ‘Iranian disinformation’ Seized sites include Press TV and Houthi and Palestinian outlets. Move comes amid tense efforts to revive nuclear deal. US Justice Department seized 33 Iranian government-affiliated media websites, as well as three of the Iraqi group Kataeb Hezbollah, which it said were hosted on US-owned domains in violation of sanctions. The websites were held by the Iranian Islamic Radio and Television Union (IRTVU), which is reportedly run by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp’s Quds Force (IRGC). “Components of the government of Iran … disguised as news organisations or media outlets targeted the United States with disinformation campaigns and malign influence operations,” the Justice Department said in a statement. Iran’s foreign ministry on Wednesday called the seizure an example of a “systematic effort to distort freedom of speech on a global level and silence independent voices in media”. Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh in a statement said the “shameful” move by Washington shows that the Biden administration is continuing former President Donald Trump’s path, and vowed Iran will pursue the issue through legal channels. Both IRTVU and IRGC have been placed on the US sanctions blacklist, making it illegal for Americans, US companies, and foreign or non-American companies with US subsidiaries to have business with them or their subsidiaries. Visitors to leading Iranian media sites such as Press TV and Al-Alam, the country’s main English language and Arabic language broadcasters, as well as the Al-Masirah TV channel of Yemen’s Houthis, were met with single-page statements on Wednesday, declaring the website “has been seized by the United States Government” accompanied by the seals of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the US Commerce Department. Kataeb Hezbollah, the Iraqi group which owned three sites that were seized, is a military faction with close ties to Tehran that Washington has formally designated a terror group. The US government also took over the domain name of the news website Palestine Today, which reflects the viewpoints of Gaza-based groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad, redirecting the site to the same notice. Bahrain’s LuaLua TV, a channel run by opposition groups with offices in London and Beirut, was also seized by the US.
Several previously obscured aspects to the 1995 Princess Diana Panorama interview came to light in last week’s questioning of two former Director Generals of the BBC Tony Hall and John Birt – Lord Hall apologised to the Royal family for the hurt cause by Martin Bashir’s Panorama interview with Diana, Princess of Wales. Former BBC director-general Lord John Birt was second to be questioned by MPs about events leading up to the interview. They also faced questions on the broadcaster’s handling of investigations into how Bashir obtained the world exclusive. 1. That the Panorama interview was originally going to be about surveillance of the royal family, Princess Diana specifically, by GCHQ and MI5 allegedly working under direct orders from Prince Charles and his private secretary Richard Aylard, to give Charles a legal and media advantage during the couple’s separation. 2. That the BBC were sent a letter, signed by Princess Diana, which explained that she had definitely not been coerced into doing the interview with Martin Bashir, something that had been alleged by BBC Chairman Marmaduke Hussey, Earl Spencer and Prince Charles. This allegation is at the centre of the recent resurgence of this’scandal’ 3. That the 2020 Earl Spencer Interview which has precipitated this latest fuss came ‘out of the blue’ after 25 years supposedly ‘turning history on its head’ now Diana is not around to refute it. 4. That the BBC, Tony Hall specifically, was already in trouble with Prince Charles because he was investigating the Jimmy Savile (paedophile) affair, Savile being a close friend of Prince Charles. 5. That the BBC had settled with right wing Tory MPs Harvey Proctor and Neil Hamilton out of court who accused the previous Director General, Alasdair Milne of smearing them on a previous Panorama ‘Maggie’s Militant Tendency’, a case which led to his being forced to resign despite never actually being decided on by the courts.
Prince Charles discussing how there is no alternative to The Great Reset as climate change worsens.
Alison Weir, from ‘If Americans Knew’ talk, discussing studied media bias on reporting of deaths from conflict in Israel/Palestine – Palestinian deaths and suffering woefully under reported.
Radio4All download pages
BCfm audio file – [right click to download]
Complete 240 minute show – [right click to download]
Full Dr Tony Hinton Talk Radio interview
Full Ex-Cop Mark Sexton reports Hancock etc for Misconduct In Public Office
Full Alison Weir If Americans Knew Israel Palestine Essential facts
Full Tony Hall and John Birt on Martin Bashir Diana Interview
Full CONSPIRACY CLASSICS 10 Altiyan Childs on Freemasonry and Satamism in Politics and the Music Industry 4hr 20m
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
Martin said “Crimea” was the Russians only warm water port. That’s complete nonsense.
Novorossiysk is the largest port on the Black Sea. It’s in Russia They don’t need Crimea for exports. Sevastopol is the home of the Black Sea flotilla, that’s all it is in importance.
Russia also has access to the med via their new port in Syria as well as the new airstrip which easily cover the whole of the Black Sea.
Could a question be asked of Martin which is in his field, economics. How much has been saved financially (pensions, healthcare, insurance) by the deaths of the many thousands culled in the UK?